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Ashmeadiella californica (Ashmead, 1897)
Chalicodoma californica Ashmead, 1897; Ashmeadiella coquilletti Titus, 1904; Ashmeadiella florissantensis Michener, 1936; Ashmeadiella (Ashmeadiella) californica florissantensis Michener, 1936, valid subspecies; Ashmeadiella (Ashmeadiella) californica sierraensis Michener, 1939, valid subspecies

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Ashmeadiella
Subgenus: Ashmeadiella

Ashmeadiella californica, female, face
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Ashmeadiella californica, female, face

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Ashmeadiella californica, female, top
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Ashmeadiella californica, female, top
Ashmeadiella californica, female, wing
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Ashmeadiella californica, female, wing

Ashmeadiella californica FEM mm
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Ashmeadiella californica FEM mm
Ashmeadiella californica MALE mm .x ZS PMax
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Ashmeadiella californica MALE mm .x ZS PMax

IDnature guides
Species account taken from: "A Revision of the Genus Ashmeadiella (Hymen., Megachilidae) Author(s): Charles D. Michener Source: American Midland Naturalist,Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jul., 1939), pp. 1-84"

Chalcodoma californica Ashmead, 1897, Proc. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1(no.3):1, 9 ; Davidson, 1897, Proc. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1 (no. 3):1 (habits). Ashmeadiella californica Cockerell, 1903, Psyche, 10:76 (list); Cockerell, 1922, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9)10:546. Ashmeadiella californica californica Michener, 1936, Am. Mus. Nov., 875:10, 8 Y- Ashmeadiella coquilletti Titus, 1904, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 6:99, Y &; Michener, 1936, Am. Mus. Nov., 875:5, 9. Ashmeadiella crassa Cockerell (misidentification), 1925, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (4)14:207, 9.

This is a conspicuously variable, large headed, robust, black species. The pubescence is commonly somewhat ochraceous. The tegulae are more strongly punctate than in most other species except curriei and cactorum astragali.

Female: Eyes slightly convergent toward clypeus; flagellum dusky beneath; truncation of clypeus weakly concave, as long as distance from end of trun- cation to lateral angle of clypeus; clypeus rather coarsely and closely punc- tate, more finely so anteriorly, apical margin narrowly shiny and impunctate; cheeks as wide as or a little wider than eyes, seen from side; mandibles with distance from first to third tooth nearly as great as greatest width of eye, about as great as length of last three antennal segments together; punctures of vertex about same size as those of clypeus, often separated by a little shiny ground; punctures of frons fine and close, sometimes markedly different from those of vertex, as are those of ocellar triangle; anterior ocellus about on mid- point between antennal bases and posterior edge of vertex, though varying slightly in either direction; distance between posterior ocelli equal to distance to nearest eye margin, slightly less than distance to edge of vertex. Scutum without pair of pubescent spots anteriorly, punctures, except anteriorly, a little coarser and more distinctly separated than those of vertex; wings slightly grayish; hind tibial spurs finely serrate on both margins, inner margin of inner spurs more finely so and with shorter teeth than other margin. Abdominal punctures strong, those of dorsum of second tergite separated by less than their diameters; tergites one to five with apical bands of pale pubescence; scopa whitish. Length 5 1/2 to 7 1/2mm.

Male: Similar to female. Inner margins of eyes converging toward clypeus; apex of clypeus with evident concavity, shorter than base of clypeus, demarked by distinct angles at its ends; cheeks a little riarrower than or as wide as eyes, seen from side; anterior ocellus only a little posterior to midpoint between antennal bases and posterior edge of vertex; distance between posterior ocelli as great as or greater than distance to nearest eye margin, and less than dis- tance to posterior edge of vertex; lateral teeth of sixth tergite large and acutely pointed; median teeth long, broadened basally, concavity between them much longer than a semicircle. Punctation similar to that of female but some- what finer, especially on clypeus; punctures between ocelli not finer than else- where on vertex; punctures of mesepisterna almiost as large as those of vertex; punctures of abdomen coarser and closer than in female. Length 51/2 to 7 mm.

This form is widely distributed and abundant in the Pacific coast region, though apparently absent from the deserts and replaced in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California by another subspecies.

BRITISH COLUMBIA: Summerland, August 10, 1916 (F. W. L. Sladen, Canadiarn Nat. Coll.). UTAH; Kaibab Plateau, 9000 feet, June 29, 1928 (W. H. Thorpe). WASHINGTON: Stratford, July 4, 1920 (R. S. Shannon); Wawawai, July 12, 1925 (C. L. Fox, Calif. Acad. Sci.) OREGON: Mt. Hood, 3000 to 6000 feet, August 6 to 19, 1925 (C. L. Fox); Eagle Ridge, Klamath Lake, June 14, 1924 (C. L. Fox) (both Calif. Acad. Sci.); Whitewater Ridge, Mt. Jefferson, August 4, 1907 (J. C. Bride- well); Corvallis, July 17, 1910 (J. C. Bridwell) both U. S. N. M.); Pole Bridge Meadows, Crater Lake Park, 5900 feet elevation, August 11, 1935 (G. Ferguson); Sparks Lake, Deschutas County, 5428 feet elevation, August 8, 1935 (H. A. Scullen); Antilope Mountain, Harney County, 6500 feet elevation, August 12, 1931 (O. K. Frewing); Lakeview, 4800 feet elevation, July 27, 1930 (H. A. Scullen); Chemult, 4700. feet elevation, August 10, 1935 (G. Ferguson). CALIFORNIA: Clipper, Amador County, June 5, 1930 (E. C. Van Dyke); Blue Lakes, Lake Caunty, May 16, 1922 (E. P. Van Duzee); Davis Creek, Modoc County, July 13, 1922 (C. L. Fox);Mokelumne Hill, September 6, 1896 (F. E. Blaisdell) (all Calif. Acad. Sci.); LaJolla, August 14, 1911 (J. C. Bridwell); Palo Alto; Santa Monica, August 15, 1935 (E. G. Linsley); Mt. Diablo, June 14, 1933 (R. M. Bohart); Mariposa County, July 2, 1933 (G. E. Bohart); Friant, May 24, 1936 (M. Cazier); Cisco, June 18, 1936 (A. R. Mead); Stanislaus County, August to September (J. G. Grundel); Hastings Natural History Reservation, Jamesburg, Santa Lucia Mountains, Monterey County, May 21 to June 1, 1938 (C. D. Michener); Bass Lake, Madera County, June 6, 1938 (R. M. Bohart); Sunset Valley, Santa Barbara County, July 14, 1938 (M. Cazier); Summit Lake, Mount Lassen, 6700 feet elevation, July 21 to 22, 1937 (F. X. Williams); above Vernal Falls, Yosemite, June 27, 1926, on Aster Vosemit- ensis; Santa Maria, August 15, 1936, on Hemizonia; Coffee Camp, June 25, 1923, on Senecio douglasii; Big Pines Camp, June 17, 1927, on Erigeron stenophl-llus; Swartout Valley, June 3, 1928, onPhacelia da-vidsoni; Tetley Park, San Bernardino Mountains, May 23, 1936, on Potentilla glandulosa; Riverside, April 11 to November 1, on Eriogonum fasciculatum, Lotus americanus, Cryptantha intermedia, Gilia multi- caulis, Hugelia virgata, Gutierrezia californica, Hemizonia, Encelia farinosa, Erigeron stenophgllus, Heterotheca grandiflora, Stephanomeria exigua; the Gavilan, June 21, 1938, on Hugelia virgata; Whittier, August 13, 1920; Puente Hills, May 11; Idyll- wild, July 22, 1935; five miles north of Warner Springs, September 22, 1938 (all P. H. Timberlake). LOWER CALIFORNIA: Twelve miles north of Ensenada, August 1, 1934, on Isocoma (P. H. Timberlake

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Arnica sp @ BBSL (1)

Aster adscendens @ BBSL__PUB (1)

Aster rubrotinctus @ BBSL (1)

Aster sp @ BBSL__KWC (1); BBSL (1)

Chaenactis glabriuscula @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Chrysothamnus sp @ BBSL (4)

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus @ BBSL (1)

Corethrogyne @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Deinandra paniculata @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Encelia actonii @ BBSL__KWC (2)

Encelia californica @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Encelia farinosa @ UCRC_ENT (5)

Ericameria linearifolia @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Ericameria parishii @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Erigeron canus @ BBSL (1)

Erigeron divergens @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Erigeron f @ UCRC_ENT (10)

Erigeron flagellaris @ DART_ENT (2)

Erigeron sp @ BBSL (1)

Eriophyllum confertiflorum @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Grindelia ciliata @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Grindelia hirsutula @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Grindelia sp @ BBSL__PUB (1); BBSL (6)

Gutierrezia californica @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Gutierrezia sarothrae @ UCRC_ENT (24)

Haplopappus @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Helianthus gracilentus @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Helianthus sp @ BBSL (2)

Hemizonia wrightii @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Heterotheca grandiflora @ UCRC_ENT (7)

Heterotheca villosa @ BBSL (2); UCRC_ENT (1)

Heterotheca @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Hulsea vestita @ BBSL__KWC (1)

Isocoma menziesii @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Lessingia glandulifera @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Lessingia leptoclada @ UCRC_ENT (7)

Lessingia tenuis @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Madia elegans @ BBSL (1)

Pentachaeta aurea @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Senecio canus @ BBSL (2)

Senecio flaccidus @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Senecio sp @ BBSL (2)

Solidago sp @ BBSL__PUB (1); BBSL (4)

Solidago @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Stephanomeria exigua @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Symphyotrichum spathulatum @ UCRC_ENT (3)
Boraginaceae  Cryptantha intermedia @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Cryptantha micrantha @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Cryptantha sp @ BBSL__KWC (2); BBSL (3)

Heliotropium sp @ BBSL__KWC (1)

Phacelia ciliata @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Phacelia davidsonii @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Fabaceae  Acmispon americanus @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Acmispon glaber @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Lotus purshianus @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Lotus sp @ BBSL__KWC (2)

Medicago sativa @ BBSL (1)

Melilotus sp @ BBSL (3)
Frankeniaceae  Frankenia salina @ UCRC_ENT (8)
Hydrophyllaceae  Phacelia sp @ BBSL (3)
Lamiaceae  Marrubium vulgare @ BBSL__BERK (1)

Monardella linoides @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Salvia sp @ BBSL (2)
Polemoniaceae  Eriastrum virgatum @ UCRC_ENT (13)

Gilia achilleifolia @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Navarretia viscidula @ BBSL__PUB (1); BBSL (2)
Polygonaceae  Chorizanthe staticoides @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Eriogonum fasciculatum @ UCRC_ENT (5)

Eriogonum sp @ BBSL__KWC (2)

Eriogonum wrightii @ UCRC_ENT (2)
Rosaceae  Potentilla glandulosa @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Zygophyllaceae  Larrea tridentata @ UCRC_ENT (1)
_  Withheld @ BBSL__YOSE (64); BBSL (415); BBSL__ZION (11); BBSL__PINN (4)

Updated: 2024-11-03 23:51:56 gmt
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