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Coelioxys edita Cresson, 1872
Coelioxys deplanata Cresson, 1878

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Coelioxys
Subgenus: Xerocoelioxys

Coelioxys edita fem lat comp ps
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Coelioxys edita fem lat comp ps

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Coelioxys edita male lat comp ps
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Coelioxys edita male lat comp ps

Coelioxys edita, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Coelioxys edita, Barcode of Life Data Systems

IDnature guides

Extracted from: Baker J.R., (1975). Taxonomy of Five Nearctic Subgenera of Coelioxys (Hymenoptera; Megachilidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin Vol. 50, No. 12, pp.649-730.

FEMALE. (1) Length 9.5-14 mm; (2) integument granular on vertex, very finely rugulose on thorax and metasoma, black; antenna black to piceous; coxae, trochanters, venter of metasoma piceous to ferruginous; legs piceous to ferruginous; basal metasornal terga black to ferruginous; (3) pubescence white, yellowish on clypeus. golden on tarsi; (4) ocular hairs short (about 0.03 mm); (5) clypeus with surface rounded horizontally, rugose, contiguously punctured, covered with very short setae; margin with two strong denticles (Fig. 36A) obscured by dense setal fringe; (6) clypeoantennal distance less than lateral margin of clypeus; (7) paraocular area hidden by appressed setae about 0.1 mm long; (8) rest of face coarsely, closely punctured, upper median area bare; (9) clypeoantennal distance greater than antennocular distance and less than interantennal distance; (10) ocellar area with impunctate areas slightly less conspicuous than shown in Figures 10, 11A; (11) interocellar distance greater than ocelloccipital distance and less than ocellocular distance; (12) vertex less closely punctured anteriorly arid more closely punctured posteriorly than shown in Figure 10; (13) gena narrower than eye, strongly constricted ventrally, surface visible; ventral angle greater than 90 degrees; (14) hypostomal area of gena with setae shorter than those on disc; (15) mandible with outer surface closely punctured (Fig. 36A); (16) scutum moderately punctured medially, closely punctured laterally distinct anterior fascia interrupted medially; slender, suberect setae in every puncture on disc; (17) lateral surface of mesepisternum contiguously punctured with large punctures, scattered squamose setae on disc; conspicuous fasciae anteriorly and posteriorly; (18) scutellum with posterior margin slightly emarginate in some specimens (Fig. 37A): (19) axilla with small carina defining dorsal surface (Fig. 37A); (20) metanotal setae prostrate medially; (21) fore coxal spine about 0.16 mm long, rounded apically, directed ventrallv: (22) terga 2, 3 with conspicuous gradular grooves, terga 1-5 with conspicuous apical fasciae, tergum 1 with sparse basal fascia; punctures moderately (tergum 1) to closely punctured (tergum 6), tergum 2 with foveal area closely punctured; tergum 6 with subapical carina (Fig. 38A); (23) sterna 1-5 fasciate apically, fascia of sternum 1 interrupted submedially. fascia of sternum 5 incomplete medially; punctures on sterna 1-4, basally on 5, 6 moderately spaced; sterna 5, 6 apically very closely punctured; sternum 6 with margin constricted subapically (Fig. 38A).

MALE. (24) Length 85-105 mm; (25) integument as in female (2 above); (26) pubescence white, golden on tarsi; (27) ocular hairs short (about 0.05 mm); (28) clypeus hidden by copious setae about 03 mm long; surface rugulose and shiny; margin as in Figure 36A; (29) clypeo-antennal distance as in female (6 above); (30) paraocular area hidden by setae about 0.3 mm long: (31) rest of face coarsely punctured, hidden by setae about 03 mm long; (32) inter-antennal distance subequal to clypeo-antennal distance, greater than antennocular distance: (33) ocellar area as in female (10 above); (34) interocellar and ocelloccipital distances subequal, less than ocellocular distance; (35) vertex more closely punctured than shown in Figure 10; (36) gena narrowed ventrally; surface visible; ventral angle greater than 90 degrees; (37) hypostomal area of gena modified into distinct excavation (Fig. 6); an tenor, posterior portions with setae shorter than on disc of gena; (38-43) mandible, scutum, mesepisternum, scutellum, axilla, metanotal setae as in female (15-20 above); (44) front coxal spine conspicuous (03 mm long, 0.15 mm wide) with setae on dorsal and ventral surfaces, rounded apically, directed anteriorly; (45) terga 1-5 with distinct apical fasciae diminishing posteriorly, gradular grooves of terga 5, 6 with conspicuous fasciae: fovea! area of tergum 2 closely punctured but not sunken; tergum 6 with dorsal spines stout (Fig. 380); tergum 7 unmodified (as in Fig. 26A); (46) sterna 1-4 with punctures and fasciae as in female (23 above); (47) sternum 4 submarginally carinate (as in Fig. 26C), fascia incomplete, apex entire sternum 5 as in Figure 19C except margin with small, median emargination; sternum 6 with conspicuous shoulders (Fig. 39A); sternum 7 represented by two sclerites (Fig. 39B); sternum 8 with base broad (Fig. 39C); genital armature with gonobase incomplete, setae on gonocoxite sparse (Fig. 39D).

DISTRIBUTION AND SEASON OF FLIGHT. Coelioxys edita ranges from southern Canada into northern Mexico (Fig. 40). Few specimens have been collected east of the Mississippi River. This bee is in flight at least from April 10 (Texas) to October 11 (Baja California).

HABITAT. Coelioxys edita has been collected from areas classified as a wide variety of vegetation types. Its distribution does not seem to be related to vegetation type.


Coelioxys edita most closely resembles C. bisoncornua from which it can be distinguished by the slightly carinate axilla and slightly emarginate scutellum (non-carinate axilla and slightly produced scutellum in C. bisoncornua, compare Figs. 37A and 37E).

Theodore B Mitchell. A Subgeneric Revision of the Bees of the Genus Coelioxys of the Western Hemisphere. Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University. 1973


HEAD: 7. Antennal sockets usually equidistant from eyes and clypeus (A-1); nearer eyes than to each other (B-2), and nearer eyes than to median ocellus (C-2); nearer clypeus than to each other (D-2) and to median ocellus (E-2); usually equidistant from median ocellus and each other (F-l). 9. Occipital margin of vertex strongly in-curved (B-2), usually not carinate (C-l). 10. Lateral ocelli usually nearer occipital margin than to eyes (A-2), and usually nearer each other than to eyes (C-2). 11. Genae narrower than eyes in lateral view (A-2); narrowed (B-l) and usually concave below (C-l). 14. Segment 1 of labial palpi much shorter than segment 2 (A-2). MESOSOMA: 15. Scutum evenly convex (A-1), usually densely or coarsely sculptured (B-l).
16. Carina of pronotal tubercle elevated and prominent (A-2). 17. Vertical carina of mesepisterna distinct (A-2); sharply dividing the anterior and lateral surfaces. 18. Scutellum usually densely or coarsely sculptured (A-1); dorso-median ridge not evident (B-2); edge of hind margin usually rounded (D-l), the dorsal and posterior surfaces merging. 19. Upper surface of axillae densely or coarsely sculptured (A-1), the free apical processes variable. 22. Median length of propodeal triangle usually about twice the length of median groove below (A-2) ; lateral margins of posterior surface of propodeum rounded and indefinite (B-l); dorsal striations indefinite medially, becoming more distinct later-ally, tending to form quadrangular pits toward each side (C-l); anterior margin of spiracle usually only slightly elevated below, and not carinate (D-l).


33. Midline of dorsal surface of basal tergum convex (A-1); margin of concavity neither carinate (B-2), nor fasciate (C-2), and ventro-lateral areas not carinate laterally (D-2). 34 & 35. Gradular grooves of terga 2 & 3 complete (A-1); median length of postgradular area shorter than that of pregradular area (B-3), but much broadened laterally (C-l), the grooves not fasciate (D-l).

36 & 37. Graduli of terga 4 & 5 usually very faint or inevident, even laterally (A-1). 38. Basal and apical areas of tergum 6 not markedly contrasting in form and surface sculpture (A-2); apical area relatively bare (B-2); lateral margins not angulate (C-2), but are sulcate (D-l) and usually fasciate (E-l), with a pair of evident subapical de-pressions separated by a median ridge (G-l). 39. Basal sternum only slightly swollen medially and only slightly declivous to the narrow base (A-1); apical margin usually broadly but slightly depressed medially (B-l). 44. Sternum 6 only slightly longer than broad toward base (A-2); apex constricted, forming a median apical lip (B-l); lateral margins usually slightly out-curved, but convergent apically (C-l), with a marginal fringe of short hairs partially developed toward base (D-2).

Males: HEAD: 56. Subocellar area usually densely sculptured (B-l).

57. Antennal sockets nearer eyes than to clypeus (A-2), nearer eyes than to each other (B-2) and to median ocellus (C-2); equidistant from each other and median ocellus (F-l).

59. Vertex usually broadly, transversely convex (A-1). 60. Lateral ocelli nearer each other than to eyes (C-2), otherwise variable. 61. Genae usually strongly constricted below by a diagonal ridge delimiting the more ventral hypostomal area (B-l), the latter flattened or shallowly concave (C-l); occipital carina not protuberant below (E-2). 64. Segment 1 of labial palpi much shorter than segment 2 (A-2).

MESOSOMA: 65. Scutum evenly convex (A-1). 66. Carina of pronotal tubercle usually elevated and conspicuous (A-2). 67. Vertical carina of mesepisterna usually distinct, sharply dividing the anterior and lateral surfaces (A-2). 68. Dorso-median ridge of scutellum lacking (B-2); posterior margin usually broadly rounded in dorsal view (C-2); edge of margin rounded, the dorsal and posterior surfaces merging, thus lacking a definite line of division (D-l). 69. Axillae coarsely and closely sculptured (A-1). 72. Median length of posterior propodeal triangle usually longer than median groove below (A-1); lateral margins of posterior surface rounded and indefinite (B-l); dorsal striations usually indistinct or lacking medially, becoming more definite laterally, forming quadrangular pits (C-l); anterior* margin of spiracle only slightly elevated, not carinate (D-l), the dorso-lateral triangles weakly developed (E-1). 75. Anterior face of front coxae only slightly convex (A-2); spines robust and erect (B-l) .

METASOMA: 83. Midline of basal tergum convex above (A-1); margin of concavity neither carinate (B-2) nor fasciate (C-2), and ventro-lateral areas not carinate laterally (D-2). 84. Gradular groove of tergum 2 complete (A-1), only vaguely fasciate, if at all (C-2); postgradular area not foveate (G-2); apical margin deeply depressed (H-l), rim with a distinct and entire pale fascia (J-l); postgradular area usually convex medially (E-2), its surface usually well punctured throughout (F-l). 85. Gradular groove of tergum 3 complete (A-1), its anterior margin distinct (B-l), but not fasciate (C-2); postgradular area usually convex medially (E-2) and usually well punctured throughout (F-l); not foveate (G-2); apical margin deeply depressed (H-l), the rim broad and distinct (J-l), with a distinct and entire pale fascia (K-l). 86. Gradular groove of tergum 4 nearly or quite complete (A-1), its anterior margin usually carinate or distinct (B-l); apical margin deeply depressed laterally (E-1), its rim broad and distinct laterally (F-l);post-gradular area usually well punctured

throughout (D-l). 87. Gradular line of tergum 5 complete (A-1), its anterior margin distinct (B-l) and usually fasciate (C-l); apical margin deeply depressed (D-l), rim usually narrow (E-2); latero-apical angles usually protuberant (F-l). 88. Median length of postgradular area of tergum 6 usually about half the maximum width (A-1); dorsal excavation usually deep and apical, separating the dorsal processes (B-l), the latter usually short, divergent, flattened, apices rounded or truncate (C-2); ventral surface usually very limited, bases of the ventral processes being contiguous or nearly with apical margin of the tergum (D-l),the processes very short, either truncate, triangular or rounded (E-2); lateral processes usually triangular, acute or narrowly rounded (F-3). 90. Basal sternum slightly swollen medially gently declivous to the narrow base (A-1). 93. Gradulus of sternum 4 distinct, possibly carinate (A-1); apical margin entire and simple (B-l), but rim usually strongly depressed, possibly emarginate medially(C-3). 94. Sternum 5 normally retracted, only lightly sclerotized (A-2); gradulus usually rather strongly incurved toward base (B-2); basal margin strongly incurved toward gradulus, thus constricting the pregradular area medially (C-2). 95. Sternum 6 retracted and variable, but postgradular area broad medially and at base, completely and widely separating the lateral elements of the pregradular area (C-l). 97. Lateral margins of sternum 8 convergent apically (A-1). Figure 29. Dorsal surface of mesosoma of C. edita Cresson. 98. Gonocoxites of genitalia compressed, possibly slightly expanded apically (B-2).

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Aster chilensis @ BBSL (1)

Baccharis glutinosa @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Baccharis @ AMNH_BEE (6)

Gaillardia @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Grindelia sp @ BBSL (7)

Grindelia squarrosa @ BBSL (3)

Gutierrezia sarothrae @ BBSL (1)

Helianthus sp @ BBSL (4)

Heterotheca @ AMNH_BEE (4)

Verbesina encelioides @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Verbesina @ AMNH_BEE (2)
Fabaceae  Melilotus alba @ BBSL (4)

Melilotus officinalis @ AMNH_BEE (23)
Lamiaceae  Marrubium vulgare @ BBSL (1)

Mentha spicata @ BBSL (1)
Tamaricaceae  Tamarix gallica @ BBSL (1)
_  Withheld @ BBSL__YOSE (1); BBSL (2)

Updated: 2025-02-08 13:40:41 gmt
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