Hylaeus verticalis (Cresson, 1869) Prosopis verticalis Cresson, 1869; Prosapis tridentulus Cockerell, 1896; Prosapis tridens Cockerell, 1896; Prosopis tridentulus Cockerell, 1896; Prosopis tridens Cockerell, 1896; Prosopis subtristis Swenk and Cockerell, 1910; Prosopis melitina Lovell, 1911
| IDnature guides | Index |
Identification Summary: Male - Moderate size; black pronotal collar; facial markings distinct with fingers of ivory or yellow curving around the base of the antennae sockets; scape black and moderately expanded
| Overview |
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141. | FEMALE: Length 6-7 mm.; black; antennae black, more piceous beneath; face marks orange-yellow, narrow and elongate, terminated on eye margin at level of antennae; collar and tegulae not maculated; tubercles yellow; wings quite deeply infuscated, veins piceous; basal fourth of hind tibiae yellow, legs otherwise black; face somewhat narrowed below; facial foveae deep and distinct, linear, separated from margin of eye by a slightly wider space, quite strongly divergent from eye above, but tip somewhat nearer to eye than to lateral ocellus; cheeks and eyes subequal in width in lateral view; basal segment of flagellum fully as long as broad, 2nd segment considerably shorter, following segments about as broad as long; front coxae very slightly angulate laterally; face below with sparse and very obscure punctures, those above antennae fine, deep, close and distinct, coarse and rather sparse between eyes and ocelli, very fine and close on vertex back of ocelli; punctures of scutum deep and distinct, close but not crowded, more sparse on shining scutellum and pleura; basal segment of abdomen shining, sparsely and very minutely punctate, following segments less shining, more obscurely punctate. MALE: Length 5.5-6.0 mm.; black; antennae brownish; scape and collar entirely black; tegulae reddish, with an anterior yellow spot; wings subhyaline, veins and stigma brownish-ferruginous; outer face of mandibles yellow; labrum black; maculations yellow, as follows: entire face below antennae, supraclypeal mark extending up between antennae, lateral face marks continuing as slender projections partially encircling antennal fossa, tubercles, front tibiae except ferruginous posterior face, basal third of mid tibiae, basal half of hind tibiae, spurs and basitarsi; the more apical tarsal segments ferruginous; face narrow; eyes converging below; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes in lateral view; scape robust, twice the diameter of flagellum; 1st and 2nd segments of flagellum subequal, short, broader than long, following segments much longer than broad; outer side of front coxae very slightly protuberant; dorsal surface of propodeum very short, coarsely rugose; thoracic punctures deep and distinct, close on scutum, rather sparse on scutellum, well separated on shining pleura; basal segment of abdomen shining, quite sparely and minutely but distinctly punctate, punctures on 2nd segment somewhat closer, more deep and distinct, rather obscure on the following segments. DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern Canada and the New England states, west to Minnesota, southward to North Carolina; May to August. FLOWER RECORDS: Apocynum and Geranium.
The characters used to separate verticalus females from those of ellipticus are unsatisfactory. It seems probable that there is an overlapping in these characters between populations of the two species, and wherever possible, determinations should be based upon the males.
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