Perdita dolichocephala Swenk and Cockerell, 1907
  Andrenidae   Perdita   Perdita
Subgenus: Perdita

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IDnature guides Index Extracted from Swenk and Cockerell, 1907 Ent. News 18:54-55

Female-Length, 6 mm.-Head and mesonotum dark metallic green, strongly and densely punctured, the proth.orax; metathorax and pleura dark metallic blue and much more finely punctured. Face unusually long and narrow, with the inner margins of the orbits subparallel. Clypeus very sparsely and shallowly punctured, typically with a large median subpyriforrn area and lateral margins expanding into a spot in the lower corners, pale creamy yellow, but sometimes entirely black. Typically, also, with yellow lateral face marks running up along the orbits to terminate truncately at level of antenn.:e and below swollen into a large spot, but these also sometimes lacking. Mandibles.usually yellow, sometimes black, labrum always black. Antenme dark, sometimes yellow for a short distance at extreme base. Tegul.:e pale, the wings clear and with pale nervures and stigma. Legs blackish except the anterior knees and inner surface of anterior tibi~, which are yellow. Abdomen varying from black to brownish-black, the bases of the first three segments typically ·with two short yellow marks, one on each side, marking the rudiments of a semi-obsolete, widely intei:- rupted band the e marks sometimes entirely absent. Venter black. Cheek , occiput, pleura, legs and la t three abdominal segments with long, erect, pure white hair, the clypeus, face and mesonotum with shorter and thinner pubescence.

Male.-Unknown. Type : Warbonnet Canon Sioux County, Nebraska, July 23,

1901 on Helianthus ( M.M. Carriker, Jr.),

Paratype : ~ Tiobrara ebraska, ugu t 13, 1902 on II eliallflzus (\ . D. Pierce) 2 " . The three specimens placed here differ widely in their face and abdominal markings, but on close study prove to be but variations of a ingle very distinct species, characterized by the loner head , hich i suo-gestive of C onanthalt'.ctus. The type has well-developed face marks and abdominal marks, but one of the paratyp . c mpletely lack all trace· of face markings and has ven better developed abdominal marks than the type, while the oth r paratype ha the face marked like the type, but lacks any abdominal marking.

Timberlake in Part II or his revision of Perdita notes that Swenk's P. Nebraskensis in same publication as above is valid only for the female, the males are actually P. dolichocephala...that portion is reprinted below

Length 5.5-6 mm.-A streak contiguous to lower half of posterior orbits, mandibles, labrum, whole of face up to one-third the distance between insertion of antenn~ and anterior ocellus, and farther laterally, whole of antenn.:e except a dorsal spot on pedicel, a line on rothorax connecting with the spot on tubercles, four anterior legs except broad lines on tibi.:e and feruora behind, posterior cox.:e, trochanters, femora in front and all the knees, bright yellow. Abdomen with yellow bands in middle of I and bases of 2-5, broader than in ~. usually all medially interrupted or notched, the last ones broadly so, segment 6 dark, venter pale yellowish. Otherwise like the ~- Head round, face and whole of thorax hairy.

Names Scientific source:

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Helianthus petiolaris @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Helianthus @ UCRC_ENT (3)
Euphorbiaceae  Euphorbia @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Fabaceae  Amorpha canescens @ UCRC_ENT (1)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (13)

Updated: 2025-02-08 19:57:56 gmt
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