Perdita gerhardi Viereck, 1904
Perdita monardae Viereck, 1904; Perdita dallasiana Cockerell, 1906; Perdita gerhardi arenicola Timberlake, 1929; Perdita (Perdita) gerhardi dallasiana Cockerell, 1906, valid subspecies; Perdita (Perdita) gerhardi monardae Viereck, 1904, valid subspecies
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Perdita --->
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Perdita gerhardi, male, face
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Perdita gerhardi, male, face

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Perdita gerhardi, male, side
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Perdita gerhardi, male, side
Perdita gerhardi, male, top
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Perdita gerhardi, male, top
Perdita gerhardi, figure79k
© Copyright source/photographer · 1
Perdita gerhardi, figure79k

Perdita gerhardi, female, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Perdita gerhardi, female, face
Perdita gerhardi, male, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Perdita gerhardi, male, face

IDnature guides
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 5 mm.; head and thorax ferruginous, base of abdomen dark ferruginous basally, becoming piceous apically; length of face slightly greater than distance between eyes; eyes parallel; cheeks very slightly broader than eyes; vertex rounded, hind margin indefinite, ocelli located at top of head, lateral ocelli slightly nearer eyes than to each other; foveae elongate, quite deep and distinct, infused with greenish, as also an adjacent spot between ocelli and antennae; mandibles, labrum and clypeus yellowish-ferruginous; scape entirely yellowish-ferruginous, flagellum yellowish beneath, piceous above; cheeks and lower portion of face somewhat shining, with very minute and indistinct but visible punctures, surface above antennae rather dull, without evident punctures; pubescence of head and thorax short, thin and entirely pale; surface of entire thorax rather dull but smooth, without evident punctures; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings subhyaline, veins and stigma very pale yellowish; legs entirely ferruginous, spurs yellow; abdomen without distinct maculae, discs of the more basal terga smooth but rather dull, impunctate, the more apical terga somewhat shining, with very minute and indistinct punctures.

MALE: Length 4.5 mm.; entire body rather pale yellow; length of face subequal to distance between eyes; eyes slightly convergent below; cheeks slightly broader than eyes, lacking tubercles; vertex rounded, hind margin indefinite, lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and each other; foveae small, rounded but quite distinct, fuscous in contrast to the otherwise yellow integument; mandibles, labrum, and entire face below antennae whitish; scape yellow and flagellum beneath yellowish-testaceous, very slightly darker above; lower portion of face with some barely visible, shallow punctures, but head otherwise impunctate; pubescence of head and thorax short, thin and entirely white; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings whitish, with pale yellowish veins and stigma, the stigma margined with pale brown; legs entirely yellow; thoracic integument smooth but rather dull, without visible punctures; abdominal terga smooth but rather dull toward base, discs of the more apical terga somewhat shining, punctures inevident; sternum 7 with a very narrow and deep, median, apical emargination, apex on each side acute; apical portion of sternum 8 triangular in form, apex attenuated to form an elongate, slender tip, basal and apical parts connected by a rather narrow pedicel; gonocoxites somewhat bulbous, rather narrowly truncate apically, basal part of gonostyli compressed and dilated, apical part slender, elongate and slightly curved, tip acute, penis valves very slender and elongate, about equal in length to gonostyli, volsellae partially divided to form a distinct, compressed cuspis and a short, inconspicuous digitus.

DISTRIBUTION: Wisconsin and Indiana; July and August.

FLOWER RECORD: Monarda punctata.

The species Perdita gerhardi has two very different forms - one typical of other dark Perdita and the other completely and dramatically pale yellow to nearly white.

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Helianthus annuus @ BBSL (1)

Machaeranthera tanacetifolia @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Fabaceae  Dalea aurea @ UCRC_ENT (3)
Lamiaceae  Monarda citriodora @ UCRC_ENT (8); BBSL (6)

Monarda punctata @ UCRC_ENT (32); AMNH_BEE (7)

Monarda @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Updated: 2025-02-08 18:29:15 gmt
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