Perdita graenicheri Timberlake, 1947
  Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Hexaperdita

Perdita graenicheri, female, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Perdita graenicheri, female, face

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Perdita graenicheri, male, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Perdita graenicheri, male, face

IDnature guides Overview Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 4.5 mm.; head and thorax greenish, abdomen piceous, maculae pale yellow; face slightly longer than distance between eyes above; eyes very slightly convergent below; cheeks narrower than eyes; vertex rounded, hind margin indefinite, lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and each other; foveae elongate, rather shallow and indistinct; clypeus protuberant, somewhat broader than long, upper third dark, remainder pale yellow; mandibles and labrum yellow; lateral face marks not quite filling area between clypeus and lower orbits; scape brownish, not maculated, flagellum yellowish beneath, somewhat darker above; lower portion of face and cheeks somewhat shining, with sparse and exceedingly minute and obscure punctures, upper part of face less shining, with somewhat closer and more distinct but very minute punctures; pubescence of head and thorax short and rather thin, entirely pale; anterior margin of pronotum yellow, and posterior margin with a pair of rather widely separated, yellow maculae; tubercles yellow in part, thorax otherwise entirely green; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings whitish, stigma pale yellow, veins nearly colorless and obscure; legs pale brownish, apical tarsal segments becoming yellowish and front tibiae yellow anteriorly over basal half; scutum and scutellum dull, very minutely and rather sparsely punctate; pleura somewhat more shining, punctures minute and well separated; abdominal terga 2-4 with transverse yellow maculae which are separated medially, discs of the terga smooth but rather dull, minutely and obscurely punctate, sparsely so on the more basal segments, becoming somewhat closer apically; basal tergum with a small yellow spot on each extreme side.

MALE: Length 4 mm.; head and thorax greenish with pale yellow maculae, abdomen piceous and immaculate; face slightly longer than distance between eyes above; eyes slightly convergent below; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes, ventral tubercle evident, but poorly developed; vertex rounded, hind margin indefinite, lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and each other; foveae short, shallow and indistinct; clypeus protuberant, somewhat broader than long, upper half dark, lower half yellow; mandibles and labrum yellow; lateral face marks lacking; scape yellow anteriorly, flagellum testaceous; lower half of face somewhat shining, punctures hardly visible, upper part and cheeks rather dull, with exceedingly minute and obscure punctures; pubescence of head and thorax short, thin, rather sparse, entirely pale; thorax without distinct maculae; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings whitish, and stigma pale yellow, margined with testaceous, veins nearly colorless; legs brownish, femora at tips and tibiae at base narrowly yellow, tarsi entirely yellow and front tibiae yellow anteriorly; scutum and scutellum dull, very finely tessellate, punctures hardly evident, pleura somewhat more shining and without evident punctures; abdominal terga somewhat shining, discs of the more basal terga nearly impunctate; apical margin of sternum 6 with a broad, shallow, median emargination; sternum 7 with a broad and deep, rounded emargination; gonostyli quite short, strongly compressed, acute apically, much exceeded by the narrow, elongate penis valves, the volsellae compressed, digitus not evident.

DISTRIBUTION: Florida, in October.

FLOWER RECORD: Chrysopsis tracyi.

Identification Extracted from: Timberlake P.H., (1947). New Species of Perdita from the Southern States (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Entomological Society of Washington, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 81-84.

Allied to P. ignota Cockerell and P. crawfordi Cockerell, from each of which it differs, in both sexes, in having the upper margin of disk of clypeus more or less darkened.

Female. Head and thorax dark olive green, the abdomen blackish. Disk of clypeus, except a blackish mark on each side of upper border, and small lateral face marks, white, the white of clypeus extending upward in middle, more or less in an angle, often to the dorsal margin. Lateral marks rather roundish, extending only slightly above level of clypeus, usually separated from clypeus by a black sutural line, or by a broader interval, and sometimes separated also from the eye. Lateral extensions of clypeus and labrum brown. Mandibles testaceous, becoming red at apex and white on outer side of base. Scape and pedicel blackish, the former sometimes with a yellowish line beneath at base. Flagellum brownish above and dull orange brown beneath. Anterior border of pronotum, two 'cuneate marks on the hind border, and usually the tubercles, white. Legs brownish, darker toward base; the tarsi paler, with small joints sometimes yellowish. Front and middle knees narrowly, and front tibiae on anterior side of basal half, pale yellowish. Tergites 2 and 3 with a creamy-white basal band, moderately wide and even, rather narrowly interrupted medially, that on 3 ending rather far from lateral margins. Tergite 4 sometimes with two basal marks similar to those of tergite 3 but smaller. Rarely a whitish dot on tergite 1, on each side subapically, close to lateral margins, Pygidium testaceous brown, truncate at apex. Tegulae pale testaceous, becoming fuscous on inner margin. Wings whitish hyaline, the subcosta and margins of stigma pale brown. Frons, vertex, cheeks, and thorax distinctly tessellate; the vertex and mesonotum rather dull; the face below antennae, pleura, and propodeum shining. Pubescence rather sparse and whitish. Length, 4 - 4.5 mm.; anterior wing, 3.3 mm.

Male.-More bluish green than female, the propodeum bluer than other parts. Abdomen brownish black; immaculate; the apical margins of tergites 2 to 6 whitish hyaline. Base of mandibles, labrum, disk of clypeus except upper border, very small lateral face marks, and scape beneath, yellowish white. Lateral marks adjacent to clypeus, widely separated from eyes and occasionally entirely absent. Thorax entirely dark, or more rarely with a whitish dot on each side of hind border of pronotum. Legs blackish, with the knees rather broadly, tarsi, and front tibiae, pale yellow. Head ordinary, not enlarged in any specimen at hand, the cheeks unarmed or with a very small tooth anteriorly. Other wise, about as in the female, except for usual sexual differences. Length, 3.5-4 mm.; anterior wing, 3 mm.

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