Perdita nubila Timberlake, 1958
  Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Hexaperdita

Perdita nubila, figure74e
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Perdita nubila, figure74e

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Perdita nubila, female, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Perdita nubila, female, face
Perdita nubila, male, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Perdita nubila, male, face

IDnature guides Overview The authors have examined no females of this species, all scorings come from Mitchell
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 4 mm.; head and thorax bluish-green, abdomen piceous; face considerably longer than distance between eyes above; eyes slightly convergent below; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes; vertex rounded, lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and each other; foveae narrow and elongate, quite deep and distinct; mandibles yellow, tip slightly curved, becoming ferruginous; labrum testaceous, slightly convex, with a rather deep, median, basal impression; entire clypeus ivory, with a pair of very small, dark spots on each side; face with a pair of very small, yellow maculae adjacent to clypeus; scape brownish, not maculated; vertex rather dull, face below ocelli somewhat more shining, punctures very fine, rather sparse and obscure, becoming polished and practically impunctate on supraclypeal area; pubescence of head and thorax erect, rather copious, entirely whitish; pronotum narrowly ivory along posterior margin at each extreme side, tubercles somewhat brownish, thorax otherwise entirely bluish-green; scutum, scutellum and pleura finely pebbled, punctures exceedingly minute and obscure, hardly visible; propodeum somewhat more shining, without evident punctures; tegulae whitish-hyaline; wings whitish, veins and stigma almost colorless, but the latter narrowly margined with testaceous; legs brownish, front tibiae anteriorly and all tarsi yellow; abdominal terga smooth but rather dull, with exceedingly minute and rather sparse punctures, these becoming somewhat closer on the more apical segments, apical margins of terga narrowly depressed, whitish-hyaline.

MALE: Length 4 mm.; head and thorax bluish-green, abdomen piceous, without maculations; face broad, not much longer than distance between eyes above; eyes slightly convergent below; cheeks slightly broader than eyes, posterior margin somewhat carinate, with an obscure, rounded angle at upper end of this carination, lower angle produced, more or less spine-like; vertex rounded, lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and each other; foveae exceedingly small, narrow and obscure, barely evident; mandibles slender and elongate, slightly curved, yellow except for the more testaceous tip, tip of one reaching base of other when closed; labrum very slightly produced, entirely pale yellow; clypeus transverse and very short, entirely pale yellow except for a pair of lateral dark spots and a very slight intrusion of dark color along upper margin; lateral facial maculae very small, adjacent to clypeus; scape bright yellow anteriorly; vertex smooth and rather dull, without evident punctures, face below ocelli becoming shining, with shallow and rather sparse but distinct punctures, area below antennae practically impunctate; pubescence of head and thorax erect, rather thin, entirely whitish; thorax entirely bluish-green, without maculae; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings whitish, veins and stigma nearly colorless; all femora brownish, more or less tinged with green, tibiae brownish, with basal yellow spots, front tibiae yellow anteriorly, all tarsi yellow; scutum and scutellum smooth and shining, with exceedingly minute, sparse and indistinct punctures, those on shining pleura even more obscure; propodeum smooth, somewhat shining, entirely impunctate; abdominal terga whitish-hyaline apically, these depressed rims becoming broader on the more apical terga, discs of the more basal terga nearly impunctate, with only exceedingly minute and very sparse punctures, these becoming closer and more distinct on the more apical segments; apical emargination of sternum 7 exceedingly deep, dividing it almost into two separated parts; apical process of sternum 8 somewhat compressed and boat-shaped, with a tuft of short, whitish pubescence; gonostyli broadly compressed, acute apically, subequal to penis valves in length, these somewhat constricted basally, gonocoxites produced apically to form a pair of rather conspicuous lobes; volsellae compressed, digitus not evident.

DISTRIBUTION: Florida; April to July.

FLOWER RECORD: Erigeron ramosus.

Identification Extracted from: Timberlake P.H., (1958). A Revisional Study of The Bees of the Genus Perdita F. Smith, with Special Reference to the Fauna of the Pacific Coast (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part III. University of Caifornia Press Berkeley and Los Angeles 1958, Volume 14, No. 5, pp. 303-410, plates 4-15.

Some specimens of this little species from Florida run out at chrysopsina in my table (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bnt., 11:247-252), and others go to either graenicheri or isopappi depending upon whether the tarsi are considered to be white or dark (actually variable or halfway between light and dark). It is closer to ignota than to any other species, and it may prove to be only a subspecies of ignota, but the mandibles are more acute, the proboscis shorter, with the four apical joints of the maxillary palpi not much longer than thick, and the pygidial plate narrower and narrowly truncate at apex. The male runs rather better to graenicheri than to isopappi, as the head is broader than long, but the head and thorax are considerably more shiny than in graenicheri, the mandibles shorter, and the face markings different.

Female: Head and thorax dark blue-green, the thorax entirely dark. Disk of clypeus yellowish white, the usual pair of dark dots close to margin, or confluent therewith, and sometimes the summit of disk marked with a black spot on each side. Rarely a white dot on each side of face, adjacent to the clypeus. Labrum dark. Mandibles testaceous, becoming reddish at apex. Abdomen blackish, including the pygidium, the apical depression of tergites whitish hyaline; no light marking, except occasionally a narrow and well-interrupted, pale yellowish band at base of tergites 2 and 3. Legs blackish, the anterior side of front tibiae narrowly tinged with yellow, the tarsi whitish, usually with the basal joint more or less infuscated. Antennae brown, the flagellum paler beneath, the scape black. Tegulae testaceous hyaline, with a dark basal spot. Wings whitish hyaline, the nervures pallid, the subcosta and inner margin of stigma brown.

Head a little broader than long. Mandibles rather slender, acute at apex with an inner tooth, and reaching the far margin of proboscidial fossa. Proboscis of medium length, included within the proboscidial fossa in repose, the galeae not quite reaching the base of stipites. Facial foveae narrow, generally about as wide as the interval between them and the eye, and not more than one half as long as space between antennal sockets and anterior ocellus. Pygidial plate nearly twice as long as wide and narrowly truncate at apex. Head and thorax mostly tessellate and dullish, the frons with minute, rather sparse punctures, the mesonotum with numerous but well-separated punctures. Pubescence whitish, finely moss-like, rather thin, the hairs of mesonotum moderately short and erect. Length, about 4.5 mm.; anterior wing, 2.8-2.9 mm.

Male: Similar to female. Mandibles and labrum pale testaceous or whitish, the mandibles becoming reddish at apex. White markings of face restricted to the disk of clypeus, with the upper margin more or less black. Abdomen dark, without markings, the apical segment testaceous yellow. Antennae brown, the flagellum paler beneath, the scape white beneath except at apex. Legs blackish, the anterior side of front tibiae yellowish, the tarsi whitish. Tegulae and wings as in the female.

Head distinctly broader than long, the cheeks not much widened, but usually armed with a small but distinct blunt tubercle anteriorly. Mandibles with a slight inner dilation, tapering to the acute apex and reaching slightly beyond far margin of the proboscidial fossa. Facial foveae faint, oval, about twice as long as wide. Planks of pronotum moderately deeply grooved. Head and thorax shining, the tessellation of frons and mesonotum much weaker than in female, and the punctation sparser. Pubescence longer and finer than in female, rather sparse on frons and mesonotum, but hair of face below antennae rather denser than in female. Subgenital plate and aedeagus not differing much if any from ignota. Length, about 3.5 mm.; anterior wing, 2.8-2.9 mm.

Names Scientific source:

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Erigeron quercifolius @ BBSL (4)

Erigeron ramosus @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Updated: 2025-02-08 18:47:32 gmt
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