Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Scorpion Checklist

Vaejovis carolinianus

Discover Life | All Living Things | Identification Guides | GSMNP Checklists | Arachnid Checklists | Scorpion Checklist

This list represents all of the scorpions thus far recorded from the states of Tennessee and North Carolina (Shelley & Sissom, 1995). The study of the scorpions of the GSMNP is just beginning. Thus far, only a single species of scorpion is recorded from within the borders of the GSMNP.

Scorpion Checklist

Scorpiones from Tennessee and North Carolina

Family Vaejovidae
Vaejovis carolinianus (Beauvois) recorded from GSMNP, TN, NC
Family Buthidae
Centruroides vittatus (Say) recorded from TN, NC
Centruroides hentzi (Banks) recorded from NC

Species Observations James Cokendolpher is interested in your observations of scorpions in the park. Notes on feeding, being fed upon, mating, and any other behavior would be interesting. If you can obtain a close-up photograph or legally collected specimen the observation will be more useful. Dead and dried specimens or molted skins found in cabins or other buildings would be especially interesting. Additionally, data to record should include:

Caution, collection of flora or fauna within a National Park requires a permit which is usually granted only for research or educational purposes.


More information about Scorpions can be located on the WWW at the Arachnology Homepage.


Discover Life | All Living Things | Identification Guides | GSMNP Checklists | GSMNP Arachnid Checklists | GSMNP Scorpion Checklists

Updated: 28 August, 2004