New Mothing Site at Sandy Creek

permanent site, volunteers needed

Greetings Bug-Lovers,

Discover Life is partnering with the ACC Department of Leisure Services to sample moths every night at Sandy Creek Nature Center. Yes--- every night!

We need your help to collect data.
The new site is a part of a permanent, global network to observe biodiversity. Participants will photograph moths and other insects. We'll identify all your moths to species and share your data on the web.

Anyone is welcome!
Faculty, students, and anyone who wants to learn more about these handsome, night-flying creatures should participate. We'll begin nightly sampling in April.

Please join us in the collection of verifiable, high-quality data on species in Athens.

Tori Staples

(678) 343-1201

The site is perfect! It's on a hill, flanked by water and woods, far from any light pollution.
Our temporary set-up includes bedsheets, black lights, and 1,600 lumen CFL bulbs.
Permanent fixtures and a mercury vapor bulb will arrive in April.
Vision for a Biodiveristy Observation Network
Discover Life

The Athens Moth Report

(top) Symmerista albifrons by Cameron Prybol 
(all others) by Christopher Parsons
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