Kinds of Fish

Species listed are from

Scientific name -- Other names
   Paraulopus atripes Sato and Nakabo, 2003
   Paraulopus brevirostris (Fourmanoir, 1981)
   Paraulopus filamentosus (Okamura, 1982)
   Paraulopus japonicus (Kamohara, 1956)
   Paraulopus legandi (Fourmanoir and Rivaton, 1979)
   Paraulopus maculatus (Kotthaus, 1967)
   Paraulopus nigripinnis (Gunther, 1878) -- Cucumber Fish
   Paraulopus novaeseelandiae Sato and Nakabo, 2002
   Paraulopus oblongus (Kamohara, 1953)
   Paraulopus okamurai Sato and Nakabo, 2002

Updated: 2015-05-06 21:40:39

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