Kinds of Fish

Species listed are from

Scientific name -- Other names
Scopelarchidae -- Pearleyes
   Benthalbella dentata (Chapman, 1939) -- Northern Pearleye
   Benthalbella elongata (Norman, 1937)
   Benthalbella infans Zugmayer, 1911 -- Zugmayers Pearleye
   Benthalbella linguidens (Mead and Böhlke, 1953) -- Longfin Pearleye
   Benthalbella macropinna Bussing and Bussing, 1966
   Rosenblattichthys alatus (Fourmanoir, 1970)
   Rosenblattichthys hubbsi Johnson, 1974 -- Hubbs Pearleye
   Rosenblattichthys nemotoi Okiyama and Johnson, 1986
   Rosenblattichthys volucris (Rofen, 1966) -- Chubby Pearleye
   Scopelarchoides climax Johnson, 1974
   Scopelarchoides danae Johnson, 1974
   Scopelarchoides kreffti Johnson, 1972
   Scopelarchoides nicholsi Parr, 1929
   Scopelarchoides signifer Johnson, 1974
   Scopelarchus analis (Brauer, 1902) -- Short Fin Pearleye
   Scopelarchus guentheri Alcock, 1896 -- Staring Pearleye
   Scopelarchus michaelsarsi Koefoed, 1955 -- Bigfin Pearleye
   Scopelarchus stephensi Johnson, 1974

Updated: 2015-05-06 21:40:39

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