Kinds of Mammalia

North American Mammals

Chase Phillips
Ashley MacDonald
Sara Serji
Justin Long
John Pickering
University of Georgia, Athens

Scientific name -- Other names
Phocidae -- Hair Seals
   Cystophora cristata -- Hooded Seal; Hooded or Crested Seal
   Erignathus barbatus -- Bearded Seal
   Halichoerus grypus -- Gray Seal
   Histriophoca fasciata -- Ribbon Seal; Phoca fasciata
   Mirounga angustirostris -- Northern Elephant Seal
   Monachus tropicalis -- West Indian Monk Seal
   Pagophilus groenlandicus (Erxleben, 1777) -- Harp seal; Phoca groenlandica
   Phoca largha -- Spotted Seal
   Phoca vitulina -- Harbor Seal
   Pusa hispida -- Ringed Seal

Updated: 2017-02-07 17:20:40

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