Kinds of SFTEP

Shorefishes of the tropical eastern Pacific

Ross Robertson and Gerald Allen
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Scientific name -- Other names
Myliobatidae -- Eagle rays
   Aetobatus narinari Euphrasen, 1790 -- Bonnet ray
   Manta birostris J. J. Walbaum, 1792 -- Giant manta
   Mobula japanica J. Müller and F. G. J. Henle, 1841 -- Spinetail devil ray
   Mobula munkiana Notarbartolo di Sciara, 1987 -- Pigmy mobula
   Mobula tarapacana R. A. Philippi, 1892 -- Sicklefin devil ray
   Mobula thurstoni Lloyd, 1908 -- Smoothtail mobula
   Myliobatis californica T. N. Gill, 1865 -- California bat ray
   Myliobatis longirostris S. P. Applegate and J. E. Fitch, 1964 -- Snouted bat-eagle ray
   Myliobatis peruvianus S. Garman, 1913 -- Peruvian bat-eagle ray
   Pteromylaeus asperrimus C. H. Gilbert in Jordan and Evermann, 1898 -- Roughskin bull ray
   Rhinoptera steindachneri B. W. Evermann and O. P. Jenkins, 1892 -- Hawk ray

Updated: 2012-04-10 19:57:35

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