Related species
in the genus Monarda

*Note:As mentioned before, several of these may be described by other authorities as being subspecies of each other.
References: Southwest School of Botanical Medicine of Bisbee, Arizona Homepage
photographs and distribution maps of several species of Monarda (most links go to this site)

Discoverlife Monarda species list

For a further description of species, see the Monarda genus page

M. acuta
M. artista
M. Bradburiana
M. citrodora -- Lemon Mint
M. clinopodia
M. comata
M. didyma
Bee balm, Oswego Tea, Bergamot M. dispersa
M. fistulosa Horsemint, Oswego Tea, Wild Bergamot, oregano
M. fruticulosa
M. hirsutissima
M. media
M. mexicana
M. menthaefolia
M. mollis
M. pectinata
M. punctata Horsemint, Dotted Monarda, Spotted Horsemint
M. russeliana
M. scabra
M. stricta

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