Discover Life in America

Communications and Public Relations Report

Communications and Public Relations
Bob Miller, Paul Johnson and Jody Flemming
To convey to the public and target audiences the acheivements and value of DLIA/ATBI in protecting park resources and contributing to education.

The Communications/PR group made the following recommendations:

Consolidate all media contacts, publishers and freelance writers within 2 months. Contact information should be sent to .

Contact Steve Kemp at NHA regarding the possibility of including DLIA/ATBI articles and updates in the "Smokies Guide".

Contact David Brill at the University of Tennessee about an article in "Sightline".

Prepare news release recognizing the support of the NHA ($150,000 matching grant) and the Friends ($20,000, office support etc...).

Develop a regular schedule for Website updates to keep it fresh and interesting.

Release all new discoveries as soon as possible.

Learn to recognize newsworthy events and present them.

Work to establish name recognition and develop a long range marketing plan.

Prepare for eventual assumption of press release duties from Bob Miller's office.

Discover Life in America | Events | Group and Project Reports | Communications Report