Discover Life in America

Education Group Brainstorm

ATBI Education Group Brainstorm
Mission Statement: To develop educational programs and projects related to the ATBI that will: educate people about the ATBI, educate and train researchers, volunteers and rangers involved, develop future scientists and naturalists, educate about the results of the ATBI.
Educating people about the ATBI
-Integrate ATBI into existing programs
~education (Tremont, Parks as Classrooms, Smoky Mountain Field School)
~interpretive programs for tourists
~explain to the public and students why ATBI is important
~connect with media
~link to national projects such as JASON and Globe
~summer programs
-Signs at visitor centers (be aware of quality control)
-Progressive curriculum development that targets children when young, hands on
~ATBI as science fair idea/ regional student symposium
~Discovery Station/ mobile lab
~Public outreach to students who canŐt get to GSMNP, target regional areas
~Working test plot model for school yard ATBI
~Famous science guy
-Define a set of proven methodologies for the inventory (to transfer elsewhere)
-Define users and develop web pages with curriculum
-Connect with periodicals/newsletters for regular updates
-Develop kid-friendly logo
-Traveling exhibit for professional meetings
Education/ training for researchers, volunteers and rangers
-Training protocols from taxonomists
~ranger training on equipment and protocols to use in programs to represent work in progress
~be aware of impact on resource
~project sensitivity
-Create a volunteer program
~what can volunteers do?
~what type of volunteers are needed?
~data entry
~coordinate with park rangers to do 1 day nature quest
-involve adult hobbyists
~special focus for adults (Tremont)
~Elderhostel, Earthwatch (seniors) AARP
~link volunteers to schools
-Interactive keys
-Database and correlation of data
-Craft community/ bio-illustration
-On-going visitor monitoring projects
Develop future scientists and naturalists
-Integrate ATBI into existing programs
~link to national programs like Globe and JASON
~summer programs
-Core of high school and undergraduate internships
~targeting local high schools
~TWIG mentoring
-Strong progressive teacher curriculum
~schoolyard ATBI
~public outreach to students who can't get to GSMNP
~multiple intelligences
~science fair
~mobil lab/ Discovery Station
~Promote pride and ownership
-ATBI directs learners towards careers
-Development of web pages
~database curriculum
~link students working via internet
~interractive keys
-Create volunteer programs with volunteer mentors
~external youth groups
-Explore media possibilities
~famous science guy
~connect with periodical/newsletter
-On-going visitor friendly monitoring projects
-Awareness of impact and project sensitivity
Educating about ATBI results
-Integrate ATBI into existing programs
~interpretive programs
~summer programs
~link to national projects like JASON and Globe
~explain why it is important
-Educate visitors on ATBI
~signs (quality control)
~promote pride and ownership
~interpretive programs
-Interactive keys and databases
~development of web pages
~curriculum access and input to correlate data with others
-Explore media opportunities
~connect with periodical/newsletter
-Public outreach to students
-Involve other parks
-Involve crafts community
-Traveling exhibit for professional meetings
Top 10 Priorities as Listed by Education Group
1. Integrate ATBI into existing programs
2. Training protocols: Who? How? Why? of volunteer collecting. Heirarchy of training
3. Ranger/educator training for collection and procuring equipment
4. Core of high school and undergrad parataxonomists
5. Strong progressive teacher curriculum
start young and work up
include real science skills each year
6. Create volunteer program like AT club - "adopt a project" 7. Development of web pages
8. Signs- pull outs, trail heads, waysides. Geared to common visitor passing through
9. Explore media opportunities
10. Interactive keys on the web- Accessible

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