Assemble: 6:00PM, Friday, 1 December, 2017, WKU Green River Preserve
Main day: Sunday
Leave by noon, Monday

Tom Givnish
Patty Gowaty
Steve Hubbell
Kathryn Laslie
Hank Loescher
Albert Meier
Joe Miller
John Pickering
Leslie Ries
Steve Yanoviak


Background -- Discover Life -> Moths -> Save all species -> Texas Biological Survey -> beyond
Multi-taxon inventory -- standardized effort, quality of identificatio, replication, ...
Terrestrial -- plants, moths (herbivores), bees (pollinators), ants (seed dispersers), ... mammals, singing critters, ...
Aquatic -- fish, mussels, adult aquatic insects, ...
Marine -- fish, corals, ...
Goal -- Inventory in search of mission(s) -> focus -> adjust
Baseline data for site management -- monitoring changes, invasives, diseases, canaries
Natural experiments -- add pesticides, drought, ... response
Half-earth -- inventories to target land acquistion
What species are already protected -- get checklists from existing protected areas
Use our inventories to fill in gaps and test our methods
What would protecting a specific area also save?
Theoretical issues -- ecology & biodiversity -- how are communities assembled, climate, soils, biogeography, ...?
Product(s) -- published white paper -- Not all species but selected taxa; not alpha taxonomy per se;...
-- data sharing, structured sampling, evidence based decision making and planning
Presentation -- Pick -- others?
Moth project -- methods and results
Identification tools -- more alpha taxonomy of key groups; facilitate use of known species
Mapping and other tools -- 700,000 species maps
Other tools -- data integration and sharing, albums, crowd sourcing, ...
Focal taxa -- Bees, moths, plants, ants, birds, lichens -- 1.4 million species

  1. Save All Species

  2. Transform Education and Mastermind Solutions (TEAMS)