Discover Life -- working together to teach science, monitor species, answer ecological questions, and enjoy nature. Dr. Pickering will speak about Discover Life ( and its efforts to integrate research and education. He is recruiting naturalists, teachers, scientists, and others to inventory and monitor sites using digital photography and new web technology to identify species and study nature. In October Discover Life celebrated a billion hits and launched a community-based natural history survey. The survey's goals are to (1) teach science and quantitative methods through inquiry-based learning, (2) collect data to address the impacts of weather, invasive species, pollution and other large-scale factors on species and their interactions; and (3) provide timely information to gardeners, farmers, and land managers. His talk will focus on moths, wildflowers, bees, and lichens. To learn more, see or contact Outreach Coordinator Nancy Lowe at or 404-272-4526. Pickering's CV and contact info are at,_John.html