Papua New Guinea

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Training Materials

  • Entomological Methods and Insect Diagnostics Training Manual
    An important output of the project is an "Entomology Methods and Diagnostics" training manual that has been developed for the workshops and is being edited and updated with improvements based on feedback from the workshops. The manual includes information on insect collecting, curating, identification through a key to insect orders for adults and larvae in PNG, insect order diagnostics, and other tools and internet resources for entomological work.

    Version 5 of the training manual has now been completed with an illustrated adult and larval insect order identification key and is available for download here as a PDF (click on the thumbnail above). This final version expands on the four versions of the training manual that were developed over the life of the project for each workshop. All the information from the manual has been converted into web format and can be viewed from the links below and the links on the side menu to the left.

  • Collecting methods
    The common methods for both active and passive insect collecting are provided, including more detailed methods for beating collecting insects from host plants and the importance of labelling of samples in the field and creating a coding system for collections that works for your project, with examples from Professor Cassis' Heteroptera collections work.
  • Pinning and preservation techniques
    Details of pinning and pointing techniques are provided, including illustrations and photos of different methods to undertake these techniques, for example the method Chris Reid uses to point mount insects on card to dry before pinning the card, which is more effective for heavier insect specimens, particularly beetles.

  • Insect labelling and the correct positioning of labels on pinned specimens.
  • Insect morphology
    Basic insect morphology and terminology is explained.
  • Key to insect orders of Papua New Guinea
    A new key has been written for PNG insect orders, including nymphs and larvae. Images have been developed to aid in use of the key. The 5th version of the key is available now. Click on the thumbnail below to download a PDF version of this key.

  • Diagnostics of the insect orders
    Overviews of all the insect orders found in PNG are included, with both simple diagnoses and more detailed diagnoses for the orders and how to differentiate from other orders.

  • PestNet Pacific Pests and Pathogens App
    PestNet has also developed a mobile phone/tablet app which contains information on 270 pests and pathogens affecting plants (largely agricultural crops) in the Pacific region. All 270 fact sheets from the PestNet app can be downloaded here. To learn more about PestNet, click here. The "Pacific Pests and Pathogens" app can be downloaded from the Google Play or iPhone App Store on your mobile device.
  • Glossary
    Insect morphology and terminology used in this manual and training materials for the identification of insect orders and also more general entomological terms.
  • Insect Pests in Papua New Guinea
    Some supplementary materials from workshop presentations by Pacific agricultural advisor Dr Grahame Jackson. These include lists of important insect pests in Papua New Guinea, how to access insect pest information through PestNet and the Pacific Pests and Pathogens App and fact sheets, example fact sheets and information on the role of Plant Health Clinics in the Pacific.