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Top-1+1OriginalDatabase of Hymenoptera in America north of MexicoHighertaxa


By Paul M. Marsh

The family Aphidiidae is the only group in the parasitoid Hymenoptera (other than the chalcid
Aphelininae genera Aphelinus, Mesidia and Mesidiopsis) which has aphids as its primary hosts.
The family is closely related to the subfamily Euphorinae of the Braconidae and, until recently,
has been classified as a subfamily of the Braconidae. However, most workers in this group clas-
sify the Aphidiidae as a distinct family, and I have chosen to follow this arrangement.

Two catalogs to the species of the World have recently been published: M. Mackauer and P.
Stary (1967. Index of Entomophagous Insects; Hym. Ichneumonoidea, World Aphidiidae. Le
Francois, Paris. 195 pp.), and M. Mackauer (1968. hi Ferriere and van der Vecht (ed.), Hymenop-
terorum Catalogus (nova editio), part 3, Aphidiidae. Junk, The Hague. 103 pp.). Except for a few
cases, I have followed the systematic arrangement of Mackauer (1968) in preparing the North
American catalog which follows. Both catalogs mentioned above contain a complete list of
references to taxonomy and biology and a complete list of aphid hosts for each species. In the
North American catalog below, I have listed only selected references, and the reader is referred
to the above pubUcations for further references. Also, only those aphid hosts which occur in
North America have been listed for each parasite species.

Revision: Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 147-200 (No. Amer. forms). —Smith,
1944. The Aphidiinae of North America. Ohio State Univ. Contr. Zool. Ent. No. 6, xii + 154
pp. (No. Amer. forms).

Taxonomy: Stary, 1960. Acta Soc. Ent. Cech. 57: 238-252 (genera). —Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z.
Ent. 11: 96-154 (review British Museum types). —Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z. Ent. 11:
792-803 (subfamilies, tribes, genera). —Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 921-935 (review
Baker types). —Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 1-195 (cat. World
spp. and hosts). —Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 1-103 (cat. World spp. and hosts).
—Marsh, 1971. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 64: 848-849 (key to No. Amer. genera).

Biology: Stary, 1966. Aphid Parasites of Czechoslovakia. Junk, The Hague. 242 pp.
(particularly chapters VI-XIV, pp. 96-222 for a general summary of aphid parasite


All species of this subfamily are solitary endoparasites of adult and larval aphids. Pupation is
inside the mummified host aphid. The subfamily is cosmopolitan in distribution.

Genus EPHEDRUS Haliday

Aphidiiis subg. Ephedrus Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 261, 485.
Type-species: Bracon plagiator Nees. Monotypic.

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Elassus Wesmaei, 1835. Nouv. Mem. Acad. Sci. Bru.xelles 9: 85.
Type-species: Apliidius parcicornis Nees. Monotypic.

Revision: Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 157-159 (No. Amer. spp.). — Stelfox,
1941. Roy. Irish Acad., Proc. 46: 125-142 (Irish spp.). —Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North
America, pp. 15-21 (No. Amer. spp.). — Stary, 1958. Acta Faun. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 3:
61-85 (Eur. spp., fossil spp.). —Stary, 1962. Opusc. Ent. 27: 87-98 (Eur. spp.). -Liu, 1968.
Jour. Taiwan Agr. Res. 17: 35-48 (Taiwan spp.). — Takada, 1968. Insecta Matsumurana 30:
70-77 (Jap. spp.).

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 794, 798-799 (phylogeny, systematic position).
— Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 9-13 (cat. World spp.).

Biology: Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 15-21 (host list).

Morphology: Ivanova-Kasas, 1956. Ent. Obozr. 35: 245-261 (embryology). — Sedlag, 1956.
Deut. Zool. Gesell., Verh. 1956: 356-361 (female genitalia). — Eastop, 1966. Roy. Ent. Soc.
London, Proc. (A) 41: 42-44 (mouthparts).
brevis Stelfox. Canada, Colo., Alaska; Europe. Parasitic on aphids associated with Betiila and

Ephedrus breris Stelfox, 1941. Roy. Irish Acad., Proc. 46: 140. ♀, ♂.
Epiiedru.s picticoniis Stelfox, 1941. Roy. Irish Acad., Proc. 46: 138. ♀, ♂.

Ephedrus californicus Baker
N. B., Que., Ont., Md., Mich., Alta., Idaho, Utah, Ariz., B. C, Oreg., Calif.

Host: Acyrtlio.'iipho)i pisH»i (Harr.), Dacfynotii.'^ anibro.siae (Thorn.), Macrosiphum

agrinionk'Uuni (Ckll.), M. eiiphorbiae (Thomas), M. ro.sae (L.), Rhopalomijzu.'i grabhaiui

Epliedrus califoDiiciix Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 23. ♀.
EphedruH nigricornk Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 159. ♀.
EphedruH aetifimlia Viereck, 1915. Calif. State Comm. Hort., Monthly Bui. 4: 286. 9. N.


Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 923-924. —Mackauer and Finlayson, 1967. Canad.

Ent. 99: 1072-1074.

Ephedrus incompletus (Provancher)
Ont., N. B. s. to Fla., w. to Kans.; Oreg. Host: Acyrthosiphon

dirhoditui (Wlkr.), Aphis naxturtii Kalt., Aiilacorthuni sp., Dactynotus erigeronensis
(Thom.), D. mini (H. and F.), D. rudbeckiae (Fitch), Lipaphis erysinii (Kalt.),
Macrosiphum agrinionielluni (Ckll.), M. euphorbiae (Thom.), M. liriodendri (Monell), M.

Ephedrus rosae
***authority mismatch
(L.), Microparsus variabilis Patch, Myzus cerasi (F.), M. certiis (Wlkr.), M.

Ephedrus persicae
***authority mismatch
(Sulzer), Nercorylobiion carpinicolens (Patch). This species is occasionally
confused with Ephedrus californicus Baker.

PerilHus incompletus Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 126. ♂.

Ephedrus incompletus Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 156. ♀.

Scotioneurus dives Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 157. ♂.

Ephedrus rosac Withington, 1909. Kans. Acad. Sci., Trans. 22: 318. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Withington, 1909. Kans. Acad. Sci., Trans. 22: 318-321. —Wheeler, 1923. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 16: 1-29.

Ephedrus lacertosus (Haliday)
Canada, Md., Mich., Colo., Alaska, Wash., Oreg.; Mex.; Europe. Host:
Amphorophora agathonica Hottes, Macrosiphoniella absinthii (L.), Macrosiphum
agrimoniellum (Ckll), M. rosae (L.), Masonaphis maxima (Mason).
Aphidius {Ephedrus) lacertosus Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 486. ♀, ♂.
Ephedrus lacerto.sns var. homostigma Fahringer, 1934. Arkiv f. Zool. 27(A): 13. ♂.
Ephedrus muesebecki Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 20. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 99. — Sharma and Subba Rao, 1965 (1964).
Indian Jour. Ent. 26: 458-459.

Biology: Dill, 1937. Naturf. Gesell. Aargau, Mitt. 20: 157-240.

Ephedrus palaestinensis Mackauer
Calif.?; Eastern Mediterranean. Liberated in Calif, but not known to
be established. Host: Aphis craccivora Koch, A. gossypii Glover, Rhopalosiphum maidis
(Fitch), R. padi (L.).
Ephedrus (Ephedru.'^) palae.'itiuensis Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 867. ♀, ♂.

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Ephedrus persicae Froggatt
Nearly world-wide distribution. Host: Aphis craccivora Koch, A.fabae
Scop., A. gossypii Glover, A. pomi DeGeer, Brachycaudus cardui (L.), B. Iielichrysi
(Kalt.), Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), Capitophorus sp., Dysaphis crataegi (Kalt.), D.
plantaginea (Pass.), H yadaphis foeniculi (Pass.), Macrosiphnm euphorbiae (Thomas),
Myzus cerasi (F.), M. ligustri (Mosley), M. persicae (Sulzer), M. varians Dav., Phorodon
humuli (Schrank), Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), R. padi (L.), Toxoptera aiirantii
(Fonsc), Vesiculaphis caricis (Full).

Ephedriis persicae Froggatt, 1904. Agr. Gaz. N. S. W. 15: 611. ♀.

Ephedrus nevadensis Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 23. ♀, ♂.

Ephednis nitidus Gahan, 1917. U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 53: 195. ♀.

Ephedrus vidali Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 72. ♀.

Ephednis pulchellus Stelfox, 1941. Roy. Irish Acad. Sci., Proc. 46: 139. ♀.

Ephedrus interstitialis Watanabe, 1941. Insecta Matsumurana 15: 139. ♀.

Ephednis impressus Granger, 1949. Inst. Sci. Madagascar, Mem. (A) 2: 412. ♀, ♂.

Ephednis {Ephednis) holmani Stary, 1958. Acta Faun. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 3: 68. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1962. Beitr. z. Ent. 12: 632-633. — Mackauer, 1963. Ztschr. f. Angew.
Ent. 52: 343-354. -Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 924.

Biology: Stary, 1962. Entomophaga 7: 91-100. —Mackauer, 1965. Canad. Ent. 97: 1019-1021.

Ephedrus plagiator (Nees)
Calif. ?, 111. ?; Palearctic. Liberated in Calif, and III. but not known to be
established. Introduced from Taiwan and Japan. Host: Macrosiphum rosae (L.),
Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch).
Bracon plagiator Nees, 1811. Gesell. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, Verh. 5: 17. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius parcicomis Nees, 1834. Hym. Ichn. Aff. Monog., v. 1, p. 16. ♀, ♂.
Ephednis japonicus Ashmead, 1906. U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 30: 187. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Jackson, et al., 1974. Environ. Ent. 3: 618-620.

Genus TOXARES Haliday

Aphidius subg. Trionyx Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 261, 487. Preocc. by Geoffroy (1809)

and Oken (1816).

Type-species: Aphidius (Trionyx) deltiger Haliday. Monotypic.
Toxares Haliday, 1840. In Westwood, Intro. Mod. Class. Ins., vol. 2, Generic synopsis, p. 65.

New name for Trionyx Haliday.
Teronyx Haldeman, 1842. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Proc. 1: 191. New name for Trionyx


A Holarctic genus composed of two species, only one of which is found in North America. The
host range is not clearly defined but it is possibly restricted to the subfamily Aphidinae.

Toxares deltiger (Haliday)
Canada. Host: Acyrthosiphon caraganae (Cholod.), Dysaphis plantaginea
(Pass.), Myzus certus (Wlkr.), M. persicae (Sulzer).
Aphidius (Trionyx) deltiger Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 487. ♀, ♂.
Ephednis flaveolus Gyorfi, 1958. Acta Zool. Hung. 4: 131. ♂.

Subfamily PRAINAE

Genus PRAON Haliday

Aphidius subg. Praon Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 261, 483.

Type-species: Bracon exoletus Nees. Monotypic.
Bracon subg. Achoristus Ratzeburg, 1852. Ichn. d. Forstins., v. 3, p. 31.

Type-species: Bracon (Achoristus) aphidiiformis Ratzeburg. Monotypic.
Aphidaria Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 152.

Type-species: Aphidaria simulans Provancher. Monotypic.

Species in this genus are solitary endoparasites of larval and adult aphids. Pupation is in a
separate cocoon underneath the dead host aphid. The genus occurs in the Holarctic and Oriental

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Revision: Gaiian, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 161-166 (No. Amer. spp.). —Smith,
1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 22-32 (No. Amer. spp.). — Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z.
Ent. 9: 810-865. (Eur. spp.).

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1964. Beitr. z. Ent. 14: 685-687. —Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat, part 3,
pp. 14-21 (cat. World spp.).

Biology: Ainslie, 1917. Ent. News 28: 364-367. -Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 812-815.
—Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 23-34 (host list).

Morphology: Sedlag, 1956. Deut. Zool. Gesell., Verh. 1956: 356-361 (genitalia). —Mackauer,
1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 812-815 (cocoon). — Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann.
53: 144-160 (genitalia, egg, larvae). — Eastop, 1966. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Proc. (A) 41:
42-44 (mouthparts).

Praon abjectum (Haliday)
Greenland. Host: Aphia craccivora Koch, A.fabae Scop., A.farhiosa
Gmelin, A. sayiibuci L., Rbopalonipliiini padi (L.).
Aphidhis (PmoH) abjectus Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 485. ♀.

Bracon iAcboristun) aphidiiforniiii Ratzeburg, 1852. Ichn. d. Forstins., v. 3, p. 11. ♀.

Praon aguti Smith
N. B. and Ont. s. to Va.; Mich., Idaho, Calif. Host: Acyrthosiphon pisinn (Harr.),
A. solani (Kalt.), Macrosipboniella abrotani (Wlkr.), M.frigidicola G. and P.,
Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), M. rosae (L.), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Neomyzus
circumflexuK (Buckton).
Praon aguti Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 23. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Sekhar, 1957. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 50: 370-375. — Sekhar, 1958. Ent. Soc. Amer.,

Ann. 51: 1-7. —Sekhar, 1959. Current Sci. 28: 333-335. —Sekhar, 1960. Canad. Jour. Zool.

38: 593-603.

Praon alaskense Ashmead
Alaska, Canada.

Praov alaskensis Ashmead, 1902. Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc. 4: 243. ♂.

Praon americanum (Ashmead)
Maine, Ind. Host: Macrosiphuvi avenae (F.), Myzus persicae (Sulzer),
Rliopalosiphnni padi (L.).

Diaeretus americanus Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 669. ♂.

Diaeretus websteri Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 669. ♂.

Diaeretus brunneiventris Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 670. ♂.

Praon artemisaphis Smith
Utah, Wash. Host: Macrosipboniella coweni (Hunter).

Praon artemisaphis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 26. ♀.

Praon cerasaphis (Fitch)
N. Y. Single male in U. S. Natl. Mus. in poor condition; exact placement

Trioxys cerasaphis Fitch, 1855 (1854). Agr. Soc. State N. Y., Trans. 14: 842.

Praon coloradense Ashmead
Colo., Wash.

Praon coloradensis Ashmead, 1890. Colo. Biol. Assoc, Bui. 1: 20. ♂.
exoletum palitans Muesebeck. N. J., Del, Md., Ky., Nebr., Kans., Colo., N. Mex., Utah, Ariz.,
Nev., B. C, Calif.; Mediterranean. Introduced from Southern Europe and Near East.
Host: Therioaphis riehmi (Borner), T. trifolii (Monell). P. exoletum exoletum (Nees) is
Praon palitans Muesebeck, 1956. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, Bui. 51: 27. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 832 (subspecies of exoletum Nees). —Stary,
1966. Aphid Parasites of Czechoslovakia, p. 42 (synonym of exoletum Nees).

Biology: Schlinger and Hall, 1959. Jour. Econ. Ent. 52: 154-157. —Schlinger and Hall, 1960.
Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 53: 144-160. —Finney, et al., 1960. Jour. Econ. Ent. 53: 655-659.
— Force and Messenger, 1964. Ecology 45: 706-715. —Force and Messenger, 1965. Ecology
46: 853-859.

Morphology: Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 53: 144-160.

Praon humulaphidis Ashmead
N. Y., Md., Va., Mich., Ohio, Ark., Tex. Host: Dactynotus illini (H.
and F.).
Praon humulaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 657. ♀.
Praon virginiensis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 657. ♀.

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Praon myzophagum Mackauer
Calif. ?; Europe. Liberated in Calif, but not known to be established.
Introduced from Israel. Host: Myzus certus (Wlkr.), M. persicae (Sulzer).

Praon vohicre myzophagum Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 847. 9,6-

Praon nanus Baker
Nev. Host: Rhopalosiphum fitchii (Sanderson).

Praon nanus Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 23. ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 925-926 (possibly synonym of Praon

Praon americanum
***authority mismatch

Praon negundinis Smith
Canada, Ohio, Iowa. Host: Periphylhis lyropidus (Kess.), P. negundinis
Praon negundinis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 27. ♀, ♂.

Praon occidentale Baker
Canada, northern U. S. Host: Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harr.), A. solani

(Kalt.), Aphis nasttirtii Kalt., Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), M. rosae (L.), Myzus
persicae (Sulzer).
Praon occidentalis Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 23. ♀.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 926-927. —Mackauer and Finlayson, 1967. Canad.
Ent. 99: 1059-1061.

Biology: Schlinger, 1960. Jour. Econ. Ent. 53: 151-154. — Schlinger and HaU, 1960. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 53: 410.

Praon pequodorum Viereck
U. S. and southern Canada. Host: Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harr.), A.
solani (Kalt.).
Praon pequodorum Viereck, 1917 (1916). Conn. State Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Bui. 22:
259. ♀.

Taxonomy: Mackauer and Finlayson, 1967. Canad. Ent. 99: 1053-1057.

Biology: Shands, et al., 1965. Maine Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. T19: 1-77. — HalfhUl and Dickie,
1972. Environ. Ent. 1: 402-405 (history of releases).

Praon simulans (Provancher)
Md., Ont. Host: Dactynotus ambrosiae (Thomas), D. rudbeckiae
Aphidaria simulans Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 153. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Spencer, 1926. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 19: 119-157.

Praon unicum Smith
Colo., Utah, Wash., Calif. Host: Aphis spiraecola Patch, A.fabae Scop., A.
rumicis L., Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Ovahis crataegarius (Wlkr.).
Praon unicus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 30. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Schlinger, 1960. Jour. Econ. Ent. 53: 151-154. —Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 53: 411.

Praon volucre (Haliday)
111.; Europe. Reportedly adventive from England.
Aphidius (Praon) volucris Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 484. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 33-34 (host list).


All species are solitary endoparasites of larval and adult aphids, and pupation is inside the
mummified host. The subfamily is cosmopolitan in distribution.



Genus LYSIPHLEBUS Foerster


Lysiphlebus Foerster, 1862. Naturh. Ver. Rheinlande, Verb. 19: 248.
Type-species: Bracon dissolutus Nees. Monotypic.

Members of the typical subgenus are not known in North America.

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Adialytus Foerster, 1863. Naturh. Ver. Rheinlande, Verb. 19: 249.
Type-species: Adialytus tenuis Foerster. Orig. desig.

The host range is apparently restricted to aphids in the subfamilies Chaitophorinae and
Thela.xinae (Aphididae).

Taxonomy: Stary, 1960. Acta Soc. Ent. Cech. 57: 244 (redescription). — Stary, 1966. Aphid
Parasites of Czechoslovakia, pp. 80-92 (Eur. spp., in Ly.tiphlebus). — Mackauer, 1968. Hym.
Cat., part 3, pp. 23-24 (cat. World spp., host list). —Stary, 1975. Annot. Zool. Bot., n. 105, p.

Lysiphlebus arvicola Stary
Canada.; Europe.

Lysiphlebus aroicola Stary, 1961. Polskie Pismo Ent. 31: 98. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus ntackaueri Stary, 1961. Acta Faun. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 7: 141. New name

for LysiphlebuN innovatus Quilis sensu Mackauer (1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 608) nee Quilis

(1931. Eos 7: 39).
Lysiphlebus crocinus Mackauer, 1962. Deut. Ent. Gesell., Mitt. 21: 12. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus fuscicornis (Ashmead)
Conn., Ont., Tenn., S. Dak., Mont., Idaho, Calif. Host: Aphis annoraciae

Cowen, A. forbesi Weed.
Lipolexis fuscicornis Ashmead, 1891. Canad. Ent. 23: 7. ♀.

Lysiphlebus salicaphis (Fitch)
N. Y., Ohio, Sask., Colo., Utah, Wash., Calif.; Palearctic. Host: Chaitophorus

populicola (Thomas), C. viniinalis (Monell).
Trioxys salicaphis Fitch, 1855 (1854). Agr. Soc. State N. Y., Trans. 14: 841. ♀.
Trioxys populaphis Fitch, 1855 (1854). Agr. Soc. State N. Y., Trans. 14: 841. ♂.
Lipolexis salicaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 671. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius (Diaeretus) laticephalus Telenga, 1953. Trudy Inst. Zool. Parazit. Tashkent 1:

172. ♀.

Taxonomy: Gahan, 1911. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 12: 182 (as Diaeretus salicaphis (Fitch)).

— Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 102 (as Diaeretus salicaphis (Fitch)).

Biology: Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 53: 409.


Lysiphlebus subg. Phlebus Stary, 1975. Annot. Zool. Bot., n. 105, p. 6.
Type-species: Aphidius fabarum Marshall. Orig. desig.

Revision: Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 184-189 (No. Amer. spp.). —Smith,
1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 76-84 (No. Amer. spp. as subgenus of Aphidius).

— Mackauer, 1960. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 18: 230-256 (No. Amer. spp.). —Mackauer,
1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 582-623 (Palearctic spp.).

Taxonomy: Stary, 1961. Acta Faun. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 7:131-142. —Mackauer, 1961.
Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 792-803. —Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 24-30 (cat. World spp.).

— Stary, 1975. Annot. Zool. Bot., n. 105, p. 1-9.

Biology: Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 39-47 (host list).

Morphology: Trembly, 1964. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 22: 1-122 (mouthparts, genitalia, egg,
larvae, cocoon). — Eastop, 1966. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Proc. (A) 41: 42-44 (mouthparts).

Lysiphlebus distinctus Mackauer
Idaho, Nev. Host: Microsiphum acophoruni S. and K., M. oregonensis
Lysiphlebus (Lysiphlebus) distinctus Mackauer, 1960. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 18: 236. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius (Lysiphlebus) knoivltoni Smith, in part, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p.

Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall)
Calif. ?; Palearctic. Liberated in Calif, but not known to be established.
Introduced from Lebanon. Host: Aphidinae. Parasitic on most species of Aphidinae, on
Myzus- Brachycaudus series and, occasionally on Macrosiphuni, Dactynoius, and
related genera.
Aphidius fabaruni Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 599. ♀, ♂.

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Apliidius cardui Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 593. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius mirantii Pierantoni, 1907. Atti 1st. Sci. Nat. Napoli 59: 2. 9, 6-
Aphidius gomezi Quilis, 1930 (1929). Patol. Veg. Ent. Agr., Bol. 4: 55. ♀, ♂.
Apliidius janinii Quilis, 1930 (1929). Patol. Veg. Ent. Agr., Bol. 4: 61. ♀, ♂.
Lysiphlehus innovatus Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 39. ♀, ♂.
Lysiphlebus moroderi Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 43. ♀, ♂.
Lysiphlehus fabarum var. inermis Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 46. ♀.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 598-604, 612-617. — Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z.
Ent. 11: 136-138. Literature records prior to 1960 are of doubtful identity and may pertain
to other Lysiphlebus species (Mackauer and Stary, 1967, Index World Aphidiidae, p. 42).

Biology: Quilis, 1930. Patol. Veg. Ent. Agr., Bol. 4: 49-64. —Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 30-46.
— Ivanova-Kass, 1956. Ent. Obozr. 35: 245-261 (embroyology). — Tremblay, 1964. Portici
Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 22: 1-122. —Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp.
42-42 (host list).

Lysiphlebus flavidus Gahan
Ohio, Nebr., Colo. Host: Aphis albipes Oestl., A. debilicomis G. and P.,
Aphthargelia symphoricarpi (Thomas).
Lysiphlebus flavidus Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 186. ♀.

Lysiphlebus knowltoni (Smith)
Idaho, Utah, Wash. Host: Artemisaphis artemisicola (Wms.), Microsiphum
acophorum S. and K.
Aphidius {Lysiphlebtis) knowltoni Smith, in part, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p.
80. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson)
Very common throughout temperate North America and South

America. Host: Aphidinae. Widely polyphagous; host range includes most species of
Aphidinae, Myzus-Brachycaudus series and occasionally Macrosiphum and related
genera (Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, p. 45).

Trioxys testaceipes Cresson, 1880. U. S. Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt. for 1879, p. 208. ♀.

Aphidius citraphis Ashmead, 1880. Orange Insects, p. 70. ♀, ♂.

Adialytus maidaphidis Garman, 1885. In Forbes, 111. State Ent., Rpt. 14: 31. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius flavicoxa Ashmead, 1888. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 2: 23. ♀, ♂.

Aphidaria basilaris Provancher, 1888. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 396. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus minutus Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 663, 664. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus piceiventris Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 664. d, not 9.

Lysiphlebus curcurbitaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 665. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus eragrostaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 665. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus coquilletti Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 665. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus myzi Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 666. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus gossypii Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 667. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus abutilaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 667. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus tritici Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 668. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus persicaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 668. ♀.

Lysiphlebus baccharaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 668. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius persiapkis Cook, 1891. Mich. Agr. Col., Bui. 73: 12. ♂.

Aphidius (Lysiphlebus) chrysoaphidis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 78. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1960. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 18: 244-249. —Mackauer, 1960. Beitr.
z. Ent. 10: 612-617.

Biology: Sekhar, 1957. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 50: 370-375. — Sekhar, 1959. Curr. Sci. 28:
333-335. —Sekhar, 1960. Canad. Jour. Zool. 38: 593-603. -Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent.
Soc. Amer., Ann. 53: 407-409. —Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp.
45-46 (host list).

Lysiphlebus utahensis (Smith)
Idaho, Utah, Calif. Host: M acrosiphoniella coweni (Hunter).

Aphidius (Lysiphlebus) utahensis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 83. ♀, ♂.

Lysiphlebus viburnaphis (Fitch)
N. Y. Considered as probably conspecific with testaceipes (Cresson) by

Mackauer (1960. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 18: 253). Two syntypes in poor condition are
in the U. S. National Museum.
Praon viburnaphis Fitch, 1855 (1854). Agr. Soc. State N. Y., Trans. 14: 841.

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Ckaetopauesia Mackauer, 1967. Entomophaga 12: 141.

Type-species: Ckaetopauesia talis Mackauer. Orig. desig.

Chaetopauesia crassicornis (Ashmead)

Aphidins crassicornis Ashmead, 1891. Canad. Ent. 23: 5. ♂.

Chaetopauesia talis Mackauer

Aphidius breviconiis Ashmead, 1891. Canad. Ent. 23: 6. 9. Nomen nudum.
Chaetopauesia talis Mackauer, 1967. Entomophaga 12: 142. ♀.

Genus PAUESIA Quilis

Panesia Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 67.

Type-species: Panesia albiiferensis Quilis. Orig. desig.
Aphidins subg. Paraphidius Stary, 1958. Acta Faun. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 3: 91. New
name for Protaphidins Ashmead of authors, not Ashmead, 1900.

Type-species: Aphidins califoniicus Ashmead. Orig. desig.

The genus Pauesia corresponds to Section II, Pinicolae, of the genus Aphidius Nees as
defined by Haliday (1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 95). Prior to 1958, the species in Pa^iesia were included in
various genera besides Aphidins: Szepligeti (1904. In Wytsman, Gen. Ins., fasc. 22, p. 185)
placed these species in the genus Coelonotns Foerster; Smith (1944. Aphidiinae of North Amer-
ica, pp. 37-49) placed them in Aphidins (Protaphidins) Ashmead; Coelonotns Foerster as used
by Thompson (1895. Opusc. Ent. 20: 2334) is a mispelling of Coelonotns Foerster. Hosts are
restricted to aphids of the subfamily Lachninae. P. albuferensis Quilis, 1931, type-species of the
genus, is now considered to be a synonym of Aphidius nnilachni (jahan, 1926.

Revision: Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 37-49 (No. Amer. spp.). —Stary,
1960. Acta Faun. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 6: 5-44 (Eur. spp.). — Watanabe and Takada, 1965.
Insecta Matsumurana 28: 1-17 (Jap. spp.).

Taxonomy: Fahringer, 1937. Festschr. E. Strand 3: 240-245 (key Eur. spp.). —Mackauer 1961.
Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 106-108. —Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 31-39 (cat. World spp.).

Biology: Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiinae, pp. 48-58 (host list).

Pauesia bicolor (Ashmead)
N. J. s. to Fla.; Ohio, Wis. Host: Cinara cronartii T. and P., C. pergandei
(Wilson), C. pini (L.), C. strobi (Fitch).
Aphidius bicolor Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 658. ♀.
Aphidius (Protaphidins) scorpinicns Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 45. ♀, ♂.

Pauesia californica (Ashmead)
Va., Ont., Ohio, S. Dak., Alta., B. C, Calif. Host: Schizolachnus
piniradiatae (Davidson), S. parvus (Wilson).
Aphidius californicns Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 660. ♀.

Pauesia gillettei (Gahan)
S. C, Ky., La., Ark., Colo. Host: Cinara sp.

Aphidius gillettei Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 171. ♀.

Pauesia juniperaphidis (Gahan)
Ohio, Colo., Idaho, B. C. Host: Cinara juniperi (DeG.), C. occidentalis
(David.), C. pulverulens (G. and P.).
Aphidius juniperaphidis Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 174. ♀, ♂.

Pauesia macrogaster (Ashmead)
Ont. Host: Cinara abieticola (Cholod.).
Aphidius macrogaster Ashmead, 1891. Canad. Ent. 23: 5. ♂.

Pauesia nigrovaria (Provancher)
Calif. Host: Cinara sp.

Aphidins nigroi'arins Provancher, 1888. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 396. ♀.

Pauesia pinaphidis (Ashmead)
Fla., La. Host: Cinara australis (Ashmead), C. longispinosa Tissot.

Aphidius pinaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 659. Nomen nudum.

Aphidius pinaphidis Ashmead, 1891. Canad. Ent. 23: 6. ♀, ♂.

Pauesia ponderosae (Muesebeck)
B. C, Calif. Host: Cinara sp.

Aphidius (Protaphidins) ponderosae Muesebeck, 1958. Ent. News 69: 141. ♀, ♂.

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Pauesia procephali (Ashmead)
Pa., D. C, Va., N. C, Ohio, Minn., Nebr., Wash. Host: Cinara pergandei
(Wilson), C. abieticola (Cholod.).
Aphidius procephali Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 659. ♂.
Aphidi7(s {Protahpidius) prociphali Ashmead: Muesebeck and Walkley, 1951. U. S. Dept.
Agr., Agr. Monog. 2, p. 93. Unjustified emendation.

Pauesia salignae (Watanabe)
Western U. S. (teste Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, p. 37). Host:
Tiiberolachnus salignus (Gmelin).
Aphidius salignae Watanabe, 1939. Insecta Matsumurana 13: 81. ♀, ♂.

Pauesia takomaensis (Smith)
Md., Va., N. C, Sask., Colo. Host: Cinara hottesi (G. and P.), C.

Pauesia ponderosae
***authority mismatch
Aphidius (Prdtaphidius) takomaensis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 46. ♀.

Pauesia varigata (Smith)
Colo., B. C, Calif. Host: Cinara canatra H. and B., C.fomacula Hottes, C.
hottesi (G. and P.).
Aphidius (Protaphidius) varigatus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 47. ♀.

Pauesia xanthothera (Smith)
East. Canada, N. C, S. C, Ala., Ark., Okla. Host: Cinara Carolina Tissot,
C. pergandei (Wilson), C. pinea (Mord.), C. strobi (Fitch), C. watsoni Tissot.
Aphidius (Protaphidius) xanthotherus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 48. ♀.


Aphidius subg. Xenostigmus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 36.
Type-species: Aphidius bifasciatus Ashmead. Orig. desig.

Xenostigmus bifasciatus (Ashmead)
Canada, Md., Va., N. C, S. C, Fla., Nebr., Okla., Tex., Utah, Wash.,
Calif. Host: Cinara australis (Ashm.), C. Carolina Tissot, C. hottsei (G. and P.), C.
pseudotaxifoliae Pahner, C. taedae Tissot.
Aphidius bifasciatus Ashmead, 1891. Canad. Ent. 23: 6. ♀.


Genus EUAPHIDIUS Mackauer

Aphidius subg. Euaphidius Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 110.
Type-species: Aphidius pterocommae Ashmead. Orig. desig.

A small Holarctic genus whose host range is apparently restricted to Chaitophorinae and
primitive Aphidinae, mainly Pterocomma species.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 801 (raised to generic status).

Euaphidius cingulatus (Ruthe)
Greenland, N. B., Mass., D. C, Mich., Ohio, Iowa, Utah, N. Mex., Calif.;
Europe, Iran. Host: Pterocomma bicolor (Oest.), P. populeum (Kalt.), P. populifoliae
(Fitch), P. salicis (L.), P. smithiae (Monell).
Aphidius cingulatus Ruthe, 1859. Stettin. Ent. Ztg. 20: 315. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius gregarius Marshall, 1872. Ent. Monthly Mag. 9: 123. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius pterocommae Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 659. ♂.
Aphidius lachni Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 660. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius pterocommae Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 578. ♀.

Euaphidius setiger Mackauer
Canada; Europe. Host: Periphyllus lyropictus (Kessler), P. testudinaceus
Euaphidius setiger Mackauer, 1961. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 19: 273. ♀, ♂.


Incubus Schrank, 1802. Fauna Boica 2: 315. Suppressed by IntematL Comn. Zool.
Nomencl., Opinion 284, 1954.

Type-species: Ichneumon aphidum L. Monotypic.
Aphidius Nees, 1818. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Car. 9: 302.

Type-species: Aphidius avenae Haliday. Desig. by Internatl. Comn. Zool. Nomencl.,
Opinion 284, 1954.

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Theracmion Holmgren, 1872. Ofvers. K. Vet. Akad., Forh. 29: 99.
Type-species: Theracmion arcticus Holmgren. Monotypic.

A cosmopolitan genus of which many species are of doubtful identity. Host range is wide but
mainly in the Aphididae.

Revision: Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, pp. 557-610 (Eur. spp.).
—Marshall, 1899. Ent. Soc. Lond., Trans. 1899: 37-71 (British spp.). -Gahan, 1911. Md.
Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 166-183 (No. Amer. spp.). —Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North
America, pp. 34-84 (No. Amer. spp.). — Stary, 1966. Aphid Parasites of Czechoslovakia, pp.
83-86 (some Eur. spp.). —Stary and Schlinger, 1967. Rev. Far East Asian Aphidiidae, pp.
11-30 (East Asian spp.).

Taxonomy: Hincks, 1951. Zool. NomencL, Bui. 4: 18-19 (nomenclature). — Mackauer, 1961.
Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 109-112. —Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 42-58 (cat. World spp.).
—Stary, 1974. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 77: 141-171.

Biology: Hartley, 1922. Ohio Jour. Sci. 22: 209-237. -Boese, 1936. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk. 8:
243-284. -UUyett, 1938. Dept. Agr. For. Un. S. Afr., Sci. Bui. 178: 1-28. -Stary, 1966.
Aphid Parasites of Czechoslovakia, pp. 51-61.

Morphology: Short, 1952. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Trans. 103: 80-82 (larvae). — Ivanova-Kasas,
1956. Prob. Sovr. Embryol. 1956: 199-204 (embryology). —Ivanova-Kasas, 1956. Ent. Obozr.
35: 245-261 (embryology). -Sedlag, 1956. Deutch. Zool. GeseU., Verh. 1956: 356-361 (female
genitalia). — Wiackowski, 1962. Polski Pismo Ent. 32: 253-310 (egg, larvae, cocoon, adult).
— Eastop, 1966. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Proc. (A) 41: 42-44 (mouthparts). — Eady, 1969.
Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Proc, Ser. B., 38: 165-173 (petiole).

Aphidius alius Muesebeck
Calif. Host: Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), M. rosae (L.).
Aphidius (Aphidius) alius Muesebeck, 1958. Ent. News 69: 142. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Schlinger, 1960. Jour. Econ. Ent. 53: 151-154. —Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 53: 405.

Aphidius atropetiolatus Ashmead

Aphidius atropetiolatus Ashmead, 1890. Colo. Biol. Assn., Bui. 1: 20. ♂.

Aphidius avenaphis (Fitch)
D. C, S. C, Ont., Mich., Ohio, Ind., Tenn., Mo., Calif. Host: Acyrthosiphon

solani (Kalt.), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), M. avenae (F.), Myzus persicae

(Sulzer), Rhopalosiphum padi (L.).
Praon avenaphis Fitch, 1861. N. Y. State Agr. Soc, Trans. 20: 840.
Aphidius xanthus Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 661. ♂.
Aphidius granariaphis Cook, 1890. Canad. Ent. 22: 125. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius colemani Viereck
Calif. ?; Mediterranean Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South America.

Liberated in California (as platensis) but not known to be established. Introduced from

Aphidius colemani Viereck, 1912. U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 42: 141. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius platensis Brethes, 1913. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. B. Aires, An. 24: 41. ♀.
Aphidius hubrichi Brethes, 1913. Mus. Nac Hist. Nat. B. Aires, An. 24: 41. "♀"=♂.
Aphidiiis porteri Brethes, 1915. Ann. Zool. Apl. 2: 13. ♂.

Aphidius aphidiphilus Benoit, 1955. Mus. Roy. Congo Beige, Ann. 36: 349. 9, cj.
Aphidius Leroyi Benoit, 1955. Mus. Roy. Congo Beige, Ann. 36: 350. ♀.
Aphidius tra7iscaspicus Telenga, 1958. Biol. Zh. Akad. Nauk Uzbekskoi 2: 55. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Stary, 1975. Acta Ent. Bohemoslov. 72: 156-163.

Biology: Millan, 1956. Revta Invest. Agr. Buenos Aires 10: 243-280. —Mackauer and Stary,
1967. Index World Aphidiidae, p. 83-84 (intro. into Calif, as platensis). —Stary, 1972.
Orient. Ins. 6: 359-370 (distr. and host range as platensis).

Aphidius coloratus Baker

Aphidius coloratus Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 24. ♀.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 928-930.

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Aphidius coloratus
***authority mismatch
var. ferruginosus Baker. Wis. Considered to be a species dubium by Mackauer,
Aphidius coloratus vax. ferruginosus Baker, 1909. Pomona Col. Jour. Ent. 1: 24. "♀"=♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 931.

Aphidius confusus Ashmead
Utah, Ariz., Wash., Calif. Host: Dactynotus ambrosiae (Thomas), D.

nidbeckiae (Fitch), Macrosiphoniella ludovicianae (Oestl.), Macrosiphum rosae (L.).
Aphidius confusus Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 662. ♀.

Biology: Schlinger, 1960. Jour. Econ. Ent. 53: 151-154. — Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 53: 405.

Aphidius delicatus Baker

Aphidius delicatus Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 24. ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1963. Canad. Ent. 95: 928.

Aphidius ervi Haliday
N. S. s. to Va. and Tenn., w. to Ont., Nebr., and Kans.; B. C, Wash., Oreg.;

Europe, China, Taiwan, N. Afr., Mid. East. Introduced from France, Germany, Poland
and Lebanon. However, according to Stary (1974), ervi may have occurred in North
America prior to these releases. Host: Acyrthosiphon caragarMe (Cholod.), A. pisum
(Harr.), Aphis sp., Aulacorthum solani (Kalt.), Macrosiphum spp., M. euphorbiae
(Thomas), Microlophium evansi (Theo.), Myzus certus (Walk.), M. persicae (Sulzer),
Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). The exact identity and host range of ervi can not be stated
for certain until an extensive study of the group is made. The present classification and
host list is based on Stary (1974).

Aphidius (Aphidius) ervi Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 100. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius ulmi Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 576. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius medicaginis Marshall, 1898. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5bis, p. 249. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius fumipennis Gyorfi, 1958. Acta Zool. Hung. 4: 133. ♂.

Aphidius ervi nigrescens Mackauer, 1962. Beitr. z. Ent. 12: 642. 9 , d (in part).

Aphidiiis caraganae Stary, 1963. Acta Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 55: 603. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius mirotarsi Stary, 1963. Acta Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 35: 605. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer and Finlayson, 1967. Canad. Ent. 99: 1061-1066. —Stary, 1974. Ztschr.
f. Angew. Ent. 77: 141-171.

Biology: Dunn, 1949. Bui. Ent. Res. 40: 97-122. —Mackauer, 1962. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 50:
125-131. —Stary, 1962. Zool. Listy 11: 265-278. —Mackauer and Finlayson, 1967. Canad.
Ent. 99: 1061-1066. —Mackauer and Campbell, 1972. Ent. Soc. Br. Col., Jour. 69: 54-58.
— Halfhill and Dickie, 1972. Environ. Ent. 1: 402-405 (history of releases). —Campbell and
Mackauer, 1973. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 74: 47-55. —Stary, 1974. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 77:

Aphidius floridaensis Smith
Fla., Tex. Host: Aphis gossypii Glover, Dactynotus sp., D. ambrosiae
Aphidius (Aphidius) floridaensis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 56. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius glacialis Ashmead

Aphidius glacialis Ashmead, 1902. Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc. 4: 245. ♀.

Aphidius hortensis Marshall
Ohio, Idaho, Utah, Wash.; Europe. Host: Liosomaphis berberidis (Kalt.).
Aphidius hortensis Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 590. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius (Aphidius) berberidis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 54. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius kakimiaphidis Smith
Colo., Utah. Host: Kakimia cerei G. and P.

Aphidius (Aphidius) kakimiaphidis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 58. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius matricariae Haliday
Holarctic. Host: Aphis fabae Scopoli, A. gossypii Glover, A. helianthi
Monell, A. nasturtii Kalt., A. nimicis L., Acrythosiphon solani (Kalt.), Brachycaudus

Aphidius cardui
***authority mismatch
(L.), B. helichrysi (Kalt.), Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), Dysaphis pla7itagi7iea
(Pass.), Hayhurstia atriplicis (L.), Myzus cerasi (F.), M. certus (Wlkr.), M. ligustri
(Mosley), M. persicae (Sulzer), Neomyzus circumflexus (Buckton), Ovatus sp., Phorodon

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humuli (Schrank), Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), Roepkea crataegifoliae (Fitch), Toxoptera

Aphidius aurantii
***authority mismatch
Aphidius (Aphidms) cirsii Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 101. ♀. Preocc. by Curtis, 1831.
Aphidius (Aphidius) matricariae Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 103. ♀.
Aphidius {Aphidius) arundinis Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 104. ♀.
Aphidius phorodontis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 662. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius polygoni Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 602. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius lychnidis Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 607. ♂.
Aphidius valentinus Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 47. ♀.
Aphidius affinis Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 48. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius arundinis var. obscuriforme Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 50. ♀.
Aphidius renominahis Hincks, 1943. Ent. Monthly Mag. 79: 44. New name for Aphidius

Aphidius cirsii Haliday

Aphidius {Aphidius) nigriteleus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 61. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Schlinger and Mackauer, 1963. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 56: 648-653 (also covers

biology, distribution, and host range).

Aphidius montanus Ashmead

Aphidius montanus Ashmead, 1890. Colo. Biol. Assn., Bui. 1: 20. ♂.

Aphidius nigripes Ashmead
N. B. s. to N. C, w. to Minn, and Kans.; B. C, Wash., Calif. Host:

Acyrthosiphon solani (Kalt.), Amphorophora sp.. Aphis nasturtii Kalt., Dactynotus
ambrosiae (Thomas), D. erigeronensis (Thomas), Macrosiphiim albifrons Essig, M.
avenae (F.), M. creelii Davis, M. euphorbiae (Thomas), M. liriodendri (Monell), M. rosae
(L.), Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Exact host range not established, but apparently a
preference for Macrosiphum spp. Earlier associations of this species under the name

Aphidius pulcher Baker
or ervi pulcher as a parasite of the pea aphid apparently all refer to

Aphidius pisivorus Smith
Specimens used by Smith (1941) to describe rosae Haliday in No.
Amer. are actually nigripes.

Aphidius nigripes Ashmead, 1901. N. Y. State Mus., Bui. 47: 588. ♂.

Aphidius pulcher Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 24. ♀. N. syn.

Taxonomy: Smith, 1941. Aphidiinae of No. Amer. p. 71 (as rosae Hal.). —Mackauer, 1963.
Canad. Ent. 95: 931-932 (as pulcher). — Stary, 1974. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 77: 141-171 (as

Biology: Schlinger, 1960. Jour. Econ. Ent. 53: 151-154. — Shands, et ai, 1965. Maine Agr.
Expt. Sta., Bui. T19: 1-77. —Sullivan and van den Bosch, 1971. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 64:

Aphidius obscuripes Ashmead
Ont. s. to S. C, w. to N. Dak. and Colo.; Wash., Oreg. Host: Aphis

nasturtii Kalt., Acyrthosiphon solani (Kalt), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), M.
avenae (F.), Rhopalosiphum fitchii (Sand.), R. padi (L.).
Aphidius obscuripes Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 660. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius ohioensis Smith
N. B., Ohio, Tenn., Ark., Kans., Idaho, Ariz., B. C, Wash., Calif. Host:

Dactynotus ambrosiae (Thomas), D. nidbeckiae (Fitch), D. anomalae (H. and F.), D.
erigeronensis (Thomas), D. illini (H. and F.), Macrosiphum eiiphorbiae (Thomas).
Aphidius (Aphidius) ohioensis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 63. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius picipes (Nees)
N. J. ?; Europe. Liberated in N. J. but not known to be established. Introduced
from Europe. Host: Myzus persicae (Sulzer).
Bracon picipes Nees, 1811. Gesell. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, Mag. 5: 28. ♀.

Aphidius pisivorus Smith
No. Amer. Host: Acyrthosiphon pisim (Harris). Exact host range is not

established for this species; earlier records of hosts other than the pea aphid apparently
refer to nigripes Ashm. This species has erroneously been considered a synonym of
pulcher; also, most of the specimens used by Smith (1941) to describe nigripes are
actually pisivorus.
Aphidius pisivorus Smith, 1941. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 34: 537. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Smith, 1941. Aphidiinae of No. Amer., p. 60 (as nigripes in part). —Mackauer and
Finlayson, 1967. Canad. Ent. 99: 1066-1070 (as ervi pulcher). —Stary, 1974, Ztschr. f.
Angew. Ent. 77: 141-171.

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Biology: Cooke, 1963. U. S. Dept. Agr., Tech. Bui. 1287: 1-48 (as pulcher). — Mackauer and

Finlayson, 1967. Canad. Ent. 99: 1066-1070 (as ervi pidcher). —Berry, 1969. Ent. Soc.

Amer., Ann. 62: 1185-1189.

Aphidius polygonaphis (Fitch)
Que., N. B. s. to Fla. and La., w. to Wis. and Kans.; Utah. Host:

Dactynotus ambrosiae (Thomas), D. rudbeckiae (Fitch), D. luteola (Wms.), D. taraxaci
(Kalt.), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), M. liriodendri (Monell).

Praon polygonaphis Fitch, 1855 (1854). N. Y. State Agr. Soc, Trans. 14: 840. ♀.

Aphidius canadensis Provancher, 1881. Nat. Canad. 12: 204. ♀.

Aphidius obscunis Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 152. ♂.

Aphidius pallidus Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 661. ♀.

Aphidius nigrriceps Ashmead, 1891. Canad. Ent. 23: 6. ♂.

Lysiphlebus succineus Viereck, 1904. Kans. Acad. Sci., Trans. 19: 282. ♀.

Aphidius propinquus Ashmead
Colo., Idaho, Calif., Alaska.

Aphidius prropinquus Ashmead, 1902. Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc. 4: 245. ♂.

Aphidius frigidus Ashmead, 1902. Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc. 4: 246. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius ribis Haliday
Northern U. S., southern Canada; Europe. Host: Cryptomyzus ribis (L.).

Aphidius (Aphidius) ribis Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 104. ♀.

Lysiphlebus ribaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 664. ♀.

Aphidius scobiosae Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 596. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius ribis Ashmead, 1898. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 4: 167. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Wheeler, 1923. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 16: 1-29. —Mackauer, 1958. Ztschr. f. Angew.

Ent. 43: 282-285. -Schlinger and HaU, 1960. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 53: 407.

Aphidius rosae Haliday
Holarctic. Host: Macrosiphum rosae (L.), M. liriodendri (Monell).

Aphidius (Aphidius) rosae Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 97. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius rosarum Nees, 1834. Hym. Ichn. Aff. Monog., v. 1, p. 19. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius xanthostoma Bouche, 1834. Naturgesch. d. Ins. v. 1, p. 163. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius cancellatus Buckton, 1876. Monog. Brit. Aphides, v. 1, p. 111. ♀.

Aphidius rubifolii Mackauer
B. C. Host: Masonaphis maxima Mason.

Aphidius rubifolii Mackauer, 1968. Ent. Soc. B. C, Jour. 65: 34. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius salicis Haliday
N. B., Ont., Calif.; Palearctic. Host: Cavariella aegopodii (Scopoli), C.
pastinacae (L.), H yadaphis foeniculi (Pass.).

Aphidius (Aphidiiis) salicis Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 102. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius restrictus Nees, 1834. Hym. Ichn. Aff. Monog., v. 1, p. 22. ♀.

Aphidius duodecimarticulatus Ratzeburg, 1852. Ichn. d. Forstins., v. 3, p. 62. ♀.

Aphidius dauci Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 601. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius schimitscheki (Stary)
B. C, Oreg.; Europe. Host: Elatobium abietinum Wlkr.

Lysaphidus schimitscheki Stary, 1960. Polskie Pismo Ent. 30: 363. ♀, ♂.

Biology: von Scheller, 1963. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 51: 258-284 (bionomics, as Aphidius
(Lysiphlebus) sp.). — Kloft, et al., 1964. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 55: 180-181 (geographical

Aphidius sicarius Mackauer
N. B.; Palearctic. Host: Behdaphis quadritubercidata (Kalt.), Calaphis sp.
Aphidius sicarius Mackauer, 1961. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 19: 281. ♀, ♂.
Lysaphidus callipterinellae Takada, 1966. Insecta Matsumurana 28: 129. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius smithi Sharma and Subba Rao
Apparently widely distributed in U. S. and Canada; India,

Pakistan. Introduced from India. Host: Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), Myzus persicae
(Sulzer) (in laboratory). Exact host range not established.
Aphidius (Aphidius) smithi Sharma and Subba Rao, 1959 (1958). Indian Jour. Ent. 20: 183. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer and Finlayson, 1967. Canad. Ent. 99: 1070-1072. —Stary, 1974. Ztschr.
f. Angew. Ent. 77: 141-171.

Biology: Hagen and Schlinger, 1960. Calif. Agr. 14: 5-6. — Wiakowski, 1960. Acad. Polon. Sci.,
Bui. 8: 503-508. —Wiakowski, 1962. Polskie Pismo Ent. 32: 253-310. —Mackauer and
Bisdee, 1965. Ent. Soc. Ont., Proc. 95: 121-124. — Angalet and Coles, 1966. Jour. Econ. Ent.
59: 769-770. —Schlinger, et al, 1966. Ecology 47: 1049-1055. —van den Bosch, et al, 1967.

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Ecology 48: 993-1000. -Clancy, 1967. Jour. Econ. Ent. 60: 1743. -Fox, et al, 1967. Ent.
Soc. Amer., Ann. 60: 1083-1087. —Thurston and Pass, 1967. Ent. Sec. Amer., Ann. 60:
708-709. — Mackauer, 1968. Entomophaga 13: 281-287. — Mackauer, 1970. Ent. Soc. Amer.,
Ann. 63: 342-343. -Stary, 1970. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici, BoU. 28: 19-34. — Tamaki, et al,
1970. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 63: 973-980. —Pass and Par, 1971. Jour. Econ. Ent. 64:
1150-1153. -Stary, 1971. Ent. Soc. Fr., Ann. (N. S.) 7: 351-355. — HalfhiU and Dickie, 1972.
Environ. Ent. 1: 402-405 (history of releases). —Mackauer and Campbell, 1972. Environ.
Ent. 69: 55-57. —Campbell and Mackauer, 1973. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 74: 47-55. — Halfhill
and Featherston, 1973. Environ. Ent. 2: 469-472. —Stary, 1974. Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 77:

Nomina Nuda in Aphidius Nees

Apkidius Jletcheri Ashmead, 1900. In Fletcher, Ent. Soc. Ont., Rpt. 30: 107.
Aphidius washingtonensis Ashmead, 1900. In Johnson, Can. Ent. 32: 60.


Aphidius subg. Lysaphidus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 72.
Type-species: Aphidius (Lysaphidus) adelocarinus Smith. Orig. desig.

Revision: Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 72-76 (No. Amer. spp.). —Stary,
1960. Polskie Pismo Ent. 30: 357-366 (Eur. spp.). —Stary, 1966. Aphid Parasites of
Czechoslovakia, pp. 88-89 (Czech, spp.). — Takada, 1966. Insecta Matsumurana 38: 127-130
(Jap. spp.).

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 59-60 (cat. World spp.).
Biology: Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 82-85 (host list).

Lysaphidus adelocarinus (Smith)
Idaho, Utah, Calif. Host: Capitopkorus shepherdiae G. and B.,
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus (Kalt.), Pseudoepameibaphis glauca G. and P., P.
xenotrichus K. and S.
Aphidius (Lysaphidus) adelocarinus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 73. ♀, ♂.

Lysaphidus multiarticulatus (Ashmead)
Ind., Okla.

Lysiphlehus multiarticulatus Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 664. ♂.

Lysaphidus ramithyrus (Smith)
Utah, Calif. Host: Pleotrichophorus gregarius (KnowL), P.
pseudoglandulosus (Palmer).
Apdidius (Aphidus) ramithyrus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 75. ♀, ♂.

Lysaphidus rosaphidis (Smith)
N. B., N. J., N. C, Ohio. Host: Chaetosiphon sp., C.fragaefolii (Ckll.), C.
potentillae (Wlkr.), C. thojnasi H. R. L.
Aphidius (Lysaphidus) rosaphidis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 75. ♀, ♂.


Diaeretiella Stary, 1960. Acta Soc. Ent. Cechosl. 57: 242.
Type-species: Aphidiiis rapae M'Intosh. Orig. desig.

Prior to 1960, species in Diaeretiella were included mainly in Aphidius Nees and Diaeretus
Foerster. At the present, the genus is composed of one cosmopolitan species.

Taxonomy: Stary, 1960. Acta Soc. Ent. Cechosl. 57: 238-239, 242-243. —Stary, 1961. Acta Ent.
Mus. Natl. Pragae 34: 383-397. —Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 801. —Mackauer, 1964.
Beitr. z. Ent. 14: 53-58.

Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh)
Cosmopolitan. Host: Aphis craccivora Koch, A.fabae Scop., A. gossypii
Glover, A. nasturtii Kalt., A. pomi DeG., A. rumicis L., Brachycolus asparagi Mord.,
Brachycaudus helichrysi (Kalt.), B. rumexicolens (Patch), Brevicoryne brassicae (L.),
Capitophonis sp., Dactynotus sp., Diuraphis noxius (Mord.), Hayhurstia atriplicis (L.),
Hyadaphis foeniculi (Pass.), Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.), Macrosiphum euphorbiae
(Thomas), Myzus certus (Wlkr.), M. persicae (Sulzer), Protaphis sp., Rhopalosiphum,
fitchii (Sand.), R. maidis (Fitch), R. padi (L.), Schizaphis graminum (Rond.). This is one
of the more important economic species in the Aphidiidae. Although it has a wide host

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range, including most species of Aphididae but with a preference for the

Myzus-Bracliycaudus series, it is largely responsible for the natural control of its main

host, the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.).
Aphidius rapae M'Intosh, 1855. Book of the Garden, v. 2, p. 194. ♀.
Aphidius (Trionyx) rapae Curtis, 1860. farm Ins., p. 73. ♀. Preocc. by M'Intosh, 1855.
Diaeretus chenopodii Foerster, 1867. In Kirchner, Cat. Hym. Eur., p. 125. Nomen nudum.
Trioxys piceus Cresson, 1880. U. S. Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt. for 1879, p. 260. ♀, ♂.
Lipolexis chenopodiaphidis Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 671. ♀, ♂.
Diaeretus ferrugmipes Ashmead, 1890. In Riley and Howard, U. S. Dept. Agr., Insect Life

3: 61. Nomen nudum.
Aphidius brassicae Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 597. ♀, ♂.
Diaeretus califomicus Baker, 1909. Pomona Jour. Ent. 1: 25. ♀.
Lysiphlebns crawfordi Rohwer, 1909. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 35: 135. ♀, ♂.
Diaeretus nippoiiensis Viereck, 1911. U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 40: 182. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius (Diaeretus) obsoletus Kurdjumov, 1913. ent. Obozr. 13: 25. ♀, ♂.
Diaeretus napus Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 71. ♀.
Diaeretus croaticus Quilis, 1934. Eos 10: 8. ♀, ♂.

Diaeretus plesiorapae Blanchard, 1940. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 44T45. ♀, ♂.
Diaeretus aphidae Mukerji and Chatterjee, 1949. 36th Indian Sci. Cong., Proc. 3: 193.

Nomen nudum.
Diaeretus aphidum Mukerji and Chatterjee, 1950. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Proc. (B) 19: 4. ♀, ♂.

Biology: Wheeler, 1923. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 16: 17-19. — Schlinger and Hall, 1960. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 53: 409. — Pimental, 1961. Jour. Econ. Ent. 54: 885-888. — Shands, et al., 1965.
Maine Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. T19: 61-62.



Genus MONOCTONUS Haliday


Aphidius subg. Monoctonus Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 487.

Type-species: Aphidius (M 07ioctonus) caricis Haliday. Monotypic.
Monoctonus subg. Paramonoctonus Stary, 1959. Acta Soc. Ent. Cechosl. 56: 238.

Type-species: Monoctonus {Paramonoctonus) angustivalvus Stary. Orig. desig.

This genus includes Section I, Falcigeri, of the genus Aphidius Nees as defined by Haliday
(1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 94). These parasites seem to prefer the smaller host instars in the
Aphidoidea, mainly subfamUy Aphidinae.

Revision: Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 33-34 (No. Amer. spp.). —Stary,
1959. Acta Soc. Ent. Cechosl. 56: 237-250 (Eur. spp.). —Stary, 1966. Aphid Parasites of
Czechoslovakia, pp. 70-72 (Czech, spp.). —Stary and Schlinger, 1967. Rev. Far East Asian
Aphidiidae, pp. 77-81 (East Asian spp.).

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1959. Senckenberg. Biol. 40: 179-180 (subgenera). — Mackauer, 1968.
Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 63-66 (cat. World spp.). —Stary and Smith, 1976. Ent. Soc. Wash.,
Proc. 78: 171-175 (distr., hosts, nomenclature).

Biology: Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 89-92 (host list).

Monoctonus caricis (Haliday)
Maine, N. C, Minn., N. Dak., Wash.; Europe. Host: Aulacorthum solani
(Katl.), Psetidacaudella rubida (Borner).
Aphidius (Monoctonus) caricis Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 261. ♀, ♂.

Monoctonus crepidis (Haliday)
N. B., Que.; Europe. Host: Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley).
Aphidius (Aphidius) crepidis Haliday, 1834. Ent. Mag. 2: 94. ♀, ♂.
Aphidius tubercidatus Wesmael, 1835. Nouv. Mem. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles 9: 80. ♀.
Monoctonus pallidum Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 548. ♀.

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Biology: Griffiths, 1960. Bui. Ent. Res. 51: 303-319. —Griffiths, 1961. Bui. Ent. Res. 52:

147-163. -Mackauer, 1962. Canad. Ent. 94: 1089-1093.

Monoctonus nervosus (Haliday)
Mich., Oreg., Calif., Alaska; Europe, Asia. Host: Acyrthosiphon pisum
(Harris), Amphoroplwra rubitoxica Knowl., Aphis nimicis L., Macrosiphum
califomicum (Clarke), M. euphorbiae (Thomas), Masonaphis grindeliae Wms., Myzus
omatus Laing, M. persicae (Sulzer), Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), Sitobion fragariae

Aphidius (Monoctonus) nervosus Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 488. ♀, ♂.

Aphidius paulensis Ashmead, 1902. Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc. 4: 246. ♀, ♂.

Monoctonus secundus Viereck, 1915. Calif. State Comm. Hort. Monthly Bui. 4: 28. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Stary, 1974. Ztschr. Angew. Ent. 75: 212-224.

Biology: Calvert and van den Bosch, 1972. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 65: 422-432, 773-779 (host
range and specifictiy, biology, as paulensis). —Calvert, 1973. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 66:
28-33 (host selection, as paulensis).

Genus MONOCTONUS Subgenus HARKERIA Haliday

Harkeria Cameron, 1900. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 6: 537.

Type-species: Harkeria rufa Cameron. Monotypic.

Monoctonus rufus (Cameron)
Maine, Pa.; Europe.

Harkeria rufa Cameron, 1900. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 6: 538. ♀.

Taxonomy: Stary and Smith, 1976. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 78: 173-174.

Genus BOREOGALBA Mackauer

Boreogalba Mackauer, 1962. Canad. Ent. 94: 1107.

Type-species: Boreogalba gladifer Mackauer. Grig, desig.

Boreogalba gladifer Mackauer
Northeastern Canada, Alaska.

Boreogalba gladifer Mackauer, 1962. Canad. Ent. 94: 1108. ♀.

Genus TRIOXYS Haliday

Genus TRIOXYS Subgenus BETULOXYS Mackauer

Trioxys subg. Betuloxys Mackauer, 1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 139.
Type-species: Trioxys compressicomis Ruthe. Orig. desig.

Trioxys compressicornis Ruthe
Eastern Canada; Europe. Host: Euceraphis sp., E. punctipennis
Trioxys compressicomis Ruthe, 1859. Stett. Ent. Ztg. 20: 314. ♀.
Trioxys testaceus Stelfox, 1948. Ent. Monthly Mag. 84: 102. ♀.

Genus TRIOXYS Subgenus TRIOXYS Haliday

Aphidius subg. Trioxys Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 488.

Type-species: Aphidius cirsii Curtis. Monotypic.
Nevropenes Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 153.

Type-species: Nevropenes ovalis Provancher. Monotypic.
Bioxys Stary and Schlinger, 1967. Rev. Far East Asian Aphidiidae, p. 32.

Type-species: Bioxys japonicus Stary and Schlinger. Orig. desig.

Revision: Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 193-196 (No. Amer. spp.). —Smith,
1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 84-98 (No. Amer. spp.). —Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z.
Ent. 9: 144-179 (Eur. spp.). —Stary, 1966. Aphid parasites of Czechoslovakia, pp. 72-79,
89-91 (Czech, spp.). — Takada, 1966. Insecta Matsumurana 29: 23-36 (Jap. spp.). — Takada,
1968. Insecta Matsumurana 30: 110-116 (Jap. spp.). —Stary and Schlinger, 1967. Rev. Far
East Asian Aphidiidae, pp. 32-33, 107-128 (East Asian spp.).

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Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 137-160. — Mackauer, 1965. Canad. Ent. 97:
225-231. -Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 68-78 (cat. World spp.).

Biology: Schlinger and Hall, 1961. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 54: 34-45. —Mackauer and Stary,
1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 94-101 (host list).

Morphology: Schlinger and Hall, 1961. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 54: 34-45 (egg, larvae, adult).
— Eastop, 1966. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Proc. (A) 41: 42-44 (mouthparts).

Trioxys americeris Smith
Eastern Canada, Md., Fla., Ohio, Tenn., Mo. Host: Drepanaphis acerifoliae
(Thomas), D. mo7ielli (Davis).
Trioxys (Trioxys) americeris Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 87. ♀, ♂.

Trioxys betulae Marshall
N. B., N. H., Que., Ont.; Palearctic. Host: Calaphis sp., C. betulaecoleus
(Fitch), Symydobius oblongus (von Heyden).
Trioxys betulae Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 553. ♀.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1965. Canad. Ent. 97: 226-227.

Trioxys bonnevillensis Smith
Idaho, Utah. Host: Pleotrichophonis bitrichus (K. and S.), P.
glandulosits (Kalt.), P. oestlundi (Knowl.), P. pseudoglandulostis (Palmer),
Pseudoepameibaphis glauca G. and P.
Trioxys (Trioxys) bonnevillensis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 88. ♀, ♂.

Trioxys complanatus Quilis
Canada, Ky., Wis., Minn., Iowa, Ark., Nebr., N. Mex., Utah, Ariz., Nev.,
Calif.; Mex., Europe, Middle East. Introduced from Southern Europe and Middle East.
Host: Therioaphis riehmi (Bomer), T. trifolii (Monell).
Trioxys complanatus Quilis, 1931. Eos 7: 78. ♀, ♂.
Trioxys utilis Muesebeck, 1956. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, Bui. 51: 26. ♀, ♂.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 167-170 (pallidus group). —Mackauer, 1961.
Beitr. z. Ent. 11: 147 (as pallidus Haliday). —Mackauer, 1962. Beitr. z. Ent. 12: 653
(synonymy). —Mackauer, 1967. Entomophaga 12: 144 (key to pallidus group).

Biology: van den Bosch, ei al., 1957. Jour. Econ. Ent. 50: 352-356. —van den Bosch, et ai,
1959. Jour. Econ. Ent. 52: 136-154. —Finney, et ai, 1960. Jour. Econ. Ent. 53: 655-659.
—Schlinger and Hall, 1961. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 54: 34-45. —Hall, et ai, 1962. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 55: 566-568. —van den Bosch, et ai, 1964. Ecology 45: 602-621. —Force and
Messenger, 1964. Ent. Soc. Amer., Ann. 57: 405-413. —Force and Messenger, 1964. Ecology
45: 706-715. —Force and Messenger, 1965. Ecology 46; 853-859. Most references are to

Trioxys utilis Muesebeck

Trioxys exareolatus (Viereck)
Conn. Host: Macrosiphum rosae (L.).

Aphidins {Trioxys) exareolatus Viereck, 1917 (1916). Conn. State Geol. and Nat. Hist.
Survey, Bui. 22: 260. ♀.

Trioxys gahani Smith
N. J. Morphologically simDar Trioxys species known from Europe suggest the
host range of gahani to be restricted to the genus Chaetosiphon (Mackauer and Stary,
1967. Index World Aphidiidae, p. 98).
Trioxys (Trioxys) gahani Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 92. ♀, ♂.

Trioxys ibis Mackauer
N. B.; Europe. Host: Betulaphis quadrituberculata (Kalt.).

Trioxys (Pectoxys) ibis Mackauer, 1961. Portici Lab. Ent. Agr., Bol. 19: 288. ♀.

Trioxys infrequens Smith
Western Canada, Colo. Morphologically similar species of Trioxys are
parasitic on the genus Titanosiphon Nevsky or related aphids (Mackauer and Stary,
1967. Index World Aphidiidae, p. 99).
Trioxys (Trioxys) iyifrequens Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 93. ♀.

Trioxys ovalis (Provancher)

Nevropenes ovalis Provancher, 1886. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada Hym., p. 153.

Holotype lost, exact placement uncertain.

Trioxys pallidus (Haliday)
Oreg., Calif.; Palearctic. Introduced into Calif, from France. Host:

Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt.), Eucallipterus tiliae (L.), Myzocallis coryli (Goeze),

Tuberculoides annulatus (Hartig).
Aphidius (Trioxys) pallidus Haliday, 1833. Ent. Mag. 1: 489. ♀.
Aphidius resolutus Nees, 1834. Hym. Ichn. Aff. Monog., v. 1, p. 24. ♀.
Aphidius callipteri Marshall, 1896. In Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. Alg., v. 5, p. 609. ♂.
Trioxys pidcher Gautier and Bonnamour, 1924. Soc. Ent. de France, Bui. 1924: 43. ♀.

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Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 167-171. — Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z. Ent. 11:
115-116, 147. -Mackauer, 1962. Beitr. z. Ent. 12: 652-653. -Hall, et al., 1962. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 55: 566-568.

Biology: Fisher, et al., 1959. Diamond Walnut News 41: 18. —Hall, et al., 1962. Ent. Soc.
Amer., Ann. 55: 566-568. —van den Bosch, et al., 1962. Jour. Econ. Ent. 55: 857-862. —van
den Bosch, et al., 1971. Calif. Agr. 24: 9-10. — Frazer and van den Bosch, 1973. Environ.
Ent. 2: 561-568.

Genus BINODOXYS Mackauer

Trioxys subg. Binodoxys Mackauer, 1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 141.

Type-species: Aphidius (Trioxys) angelicae Haliday. Orig. desig.

Prior to 1961, the species in Binodoxys were considered as part of the genus Trioxys Haliday.
The host range is largely restricted to the aphid subfamily Aphidinae.

Revision: Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 84-98 (No. Amer. spp.). —Mackauer,
1959. Beitr. z. Ent. 9: 144-179 (Eur. spp.). — Stary, 1966. Aphid Parasites of
Czechoslovakia, pp. 72-79, 89-91 (Czech, spp.). — Takada, 1966. Insecta Matsumurana 29:
23-36 (Jap. spp.). —Stary and Schlinger, 1967. Rev. Far East Asian Aphidiidae, pp. 107-128
(East Asian spp.). All these references are to revisions of species as part of the genus
Trioxys Haliday.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 141-148 (subgenera). —Mackauer, 1961. Beitr. z.
Ent. 11: 802 (raised to generic status). —Mackauer, 1965. Canad. Ent. 97: 225-231 (notes on
No. Amer. spp.). —Mackauer, 1968. Hym. Cat., part 3, pp. 75-80 (cat. World spp.).

Biology: Mackauer and Stary, 1967. Index World Aphidiidae, pp. 102-109 (host list).
angelicae mediterraneus (Mackauer). Calif. ?; Middle East. Liberated in Calif, but not known
to be established. Introduced from Israel and Lebanon. Host: Aphis craccivora Koch, A.
fabae Scop., A. gossypii Glover, Toxoptera aurantii (Fonsc).
Trioxys (Binodoxys) angelicae mediterraiieus Mackauer, 1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 142 (in
part). 9, S. According to Mackauer and Stary (1967. Index World Aphidiidae, p. 104)
part of the original type series of this species included angelicae granatensis (Quilis)
which is restricted to the western Mediterranean area.

Binodoxys carolinensis (Smith)
Eastern Canada, Mass., N. C. Host: Aphis oenotherae Oestl., A. pomi
Trioxys (Trioxys) carolinensis Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 89. ♀, ♂.

Binodoxys communis (Gahan)
Calif. ?; Asia. Liberated in Calif, but not known to be established.
Introduced from Taiwan. Host: Aphis gossypii Glover, Rhopalosiphum sp.
Trioxys communis Gahan, 1927. U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 70: 4. ♀, ♂.

Binodoxys coruscanigrans (Gahan)
Colo., Idaho, Utah. Host: Macrosiphoniella coweni (Hunter), M.
jonesi (G. and P.), M. frigidae (Oestl.).
Trioxys coruscanigrans Gahan, 1911. Md. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 152: 195. ♀.

Binodoxys cupressicola (Gahan)
Calif. Host: Siphonatrophia cupressi (Swain), S. gravida (Knowl.).

Trioxys cupressicola Gahan, 1919. U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 55: 116. ♀, ♂.

Binodoxys nearctaphidis Mackauer
N. J. Host: Nearctaphis bakeri (Cowen).

Binodoxys nearctaphidis Mackauer, 1965. Canad. Ent. 97: 229. ♀, ♂.
paimerae (Smith). Colo. Host: Macrosiphum mentzeliae Wilson.

Trioxys (Trioxys) paimerae Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 94. ♀, ♂.

Binodoxys rhagii (Ashmead)
N. J., Ont., Mich. Host: Dactynotus atripes (G. and P.).
Trioxys rhagii Ashmead, 1889 (1888). U. S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 11: 670. ♀.


Trioxys subg. Acayithocaudus Smith 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 96.
Type-species: Trioxys (Acanthocaudus) tissoti Smith. Orig. desig.

The host range of this Nearctic genus is apparently restricted to the aphid genus Dactynotus

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Revision: Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, pp. 96-98.

Taxonomy: Mackauer, 1960. Beitr. z. Ent. 10: 138. — Mackauer, 1961. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk.
20: 586-587.

Acanthocaudus caudacanthus (Smith)
Fla., Wis. Host: Dactynotus erigeronensis (Thomas), D. gravicomis
Trioxys (Acanthocaudus) caudacanthus Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 97. ♀, ♂.

Acanthocaudus schlingeri (Muesebeck)
B. C. Host: Dactynotus ambrosiae (Thomas).

Trioxys (Acanthocaudus) schlingeri Muesebeck, 1958. Ent. News 69: 144. 9,6-

Acanthocaudus tissoti (Smith)
Eastern Canada, Fla. Host: Dactynotus rudbeckiae (Fitch), D. russellae H. R. L.
Trioxys (Acanthocaudus) tissoti Smith, 1944. Aphidiinae of North America, p. 96. ♀, ♂.

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