Discover Life in America

name - 13 February, 1999

NSF--Committee on Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 17:34:30 -0400
From: (John Pickering)
Subject: NSF--Committee on Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences


After this message, I'm forwarding two others that I have received
regarding NSF.  I'm seeking your help on how we should respond to NSF,
particularly regarding their "Committee on Grand Challenges in
Environmental Sciences."  On first reading, their request is almost too
good to be true.  Are you behind it?

In short, I propose that you and I take the lead on drafting a response to
NSF, outlining the ATBI as a "Grand Challenge."  Please let me know what
you think.  I'm willing to do the first draft if you wish.  Although, it is
only one page, time is short.


Discover Life in America | Great Smokies | NSF_IRC | Pickering - 13 February, 1999