A Community Science, Technology, and Education Partnership
to Increase Minority Student Participation in the
Study of Natural History in National Parks

A final report to the
Southeastern Regional Office of the National Park Service
and The University of Georgia, Athens

John Pickering & Elizabeth Skillen
Institute of Ecology
Catherine Teare Ketter
Division of Biological Sciences
University of Georgia

December 1, 2000

Table of Contents

Executive Summary3
  • Accomplishments
  • 3
    Evaluation Summary5
    Literature Cited8
  • Statistical Methods and Evaluation Procedures
  • 9
    APPENDIX 217
  • Athens-Clarke County Teacher and Student Training Participants
  • 17
    APPENDIX 318
  • Biodiversity and Web Technology Training Course Summer 1998 Syllabus
  • 18
    APPENDIX 419
  • Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont (GSMIT)
    Summer 1998 Smoky Mountain Adventure
  • 19
    APPENDIX 520
  • 1998-1999 Athens-Clarke County In-Service Activities
  • 20
    APPENDIX 623
  • Assessment Of Teacher Training, Curriculum Development,
    Administrative Support, And Teacher Attitudes Toward The Inclusion Of
    Biodiversity And Web Technology In The Classroom
  • 23
    APPENDIX 733
  • Biodiversity And Web Technology Training Course Task List
  • 33

    Executive Summary

    Discover Life in America is a science and education organization to facilitate the understanding, conservation, and enjoyment of nature. Its primary scientific objective is to conduct a comprehensive study of all the species in Great Smoky Mountains National Park--in other words, an All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) of GSMNP.

    Here we developed a community partnership between Discover Life in America and Athens-Clarke County (ACC), Georgia, (www.discoverlife.org/ed/acc). Our partnership's goals were (1) to enhance elementary and secondary school curricula by incorporating new technologies and scientific protocols, (2) to train school teachers and students so that they can conduct local research on natural history, particularly on those species that occur both locally and in the Great Smokies, and (3) to introduce minority students into the National Park Service.

    Our team of scientists, educators, and resource managers included members of the ACC School District, the National Park Service (NPS), and the University of Georgia, Athens (UGA). We proposed to improve school science capabilities, train teachers, develop curricula, and mentor students. Project participants received hands-on experience with scientific methods and state-of-the-art technology. Students and teachers learned valuable skills such as how to collect, process, and present information in a meaningful way. Access to computers, cameras, and other equipment enabled students to present their findings and photographs on the World Wide Web. Students participated with researchers in scientific studies that contributed natural history information to the GSMNP-ATBI. Thus, they gained a better understanding and appreciation of nature, grew as young scientists, and prepared themselves for the information age.

    The proposed one-year pilot project included: (1) an intensive summer course to train over 20 teachers and minority students from elementary, middle, and high schools, (2) workshops and field trips that familiarized students, teachers, and principals with some of the facilities, needs, and opportunities in the NPS, (3) developed curricula in which scientists, outreach personnel, teachers, and students participated together in biodiversity studies, (4) provided technical expertise and support throughout the school year to help school teachers incorporate and test new technology and lesson plans in their classes, and (5) an evaluation process to judge the success of the project's components (www.discoverlife.org/ed/tt/acc.proposal.1998.html). We hope that this pilot project will serve as a foundation for a wider program.


    This project had 6 objectives:

    Evaluation Summary
    We were interested in exploring the relationship between teacher attitude and the inclusion of science skills and web-based technology in the k-12 classroom. Initially, several expected outcomes were identified for evaluation:
    1. An improvement in web technology utilization and increased natural history content knowledge as a result of teacher and student participation in the summer workshop and program.
    2. Classroom teachers encourage the utilization of web-based technologies for recording and archiving biodiversity data.
    3. The inclusion of biodiversity topics in the science classroom would increase student interest in science and improve science classroom achievement.


    This project could not have been possible without the hard work of many committed people. We thank Brenda Hunt, Habersham County Middle School, Leigh Harvey, Barrow County High School, Letty Fitch, Coile Middle School, Carol Hall, Hilsman Middle School, Stella Guerrero, Cedar Shoals High School, Kim Reynolds-Manglitz Clarke Middle School, Reneé Smith Clarke Central High School, Laurie Tuggle, Burney-Harris-Lyons Middle School, Patricia Wimbush, Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School for participating our program and all of our student participants that made this effort such a joy; Karen Ballentine, Lewis Grooms, Suzette Kimball, Keith Langdon, Francis Peltier, Susan Sachs, and Chris Stein of the National Park Service for technical and financial support on educational programs and curricula; Ken Voorhis and Paul Steiry of the Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont for coordinating our Smoky Mountain Adventure; Carol Young and Charles Worthy of Cedar Shoals High School for hosting planning meetings and supporting our efforts; Jim Affolter, Georgia State Botanical Gardens for participation in public meetings and providing curriculum support; Amy Edwards, Liz McGhee and Betsy Reitz, University of Georgia Natural History Museum for staff time, classroom space, teaching materials and teaching expertise; Tom Hagen and Aurthur Hale Department of Microbiology, University of Georgia for workshop teaching assistance, computer lab space and technical expertise in curriculum development; Mary Lou Walser and Kitty Esco, Office of Special Academic Programs, University of Georgia for donating staff time and assistance with curriculum development; Wyatt Anderson, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, Kirk Bertram and Joe Key, Vice President Office for Research, William F. Prokasy University of Georgia Academic Affairs for matching support in this effort; Gayle Rogers and Norma McNair, Athens-Clarke County School District for granting participation of Clarke County Schools; Jody Flemming, Discover Life in America for assisting with field trip instruction. This project was funded by the National Park Service, the University of Georgia, and the State of Georgia Lottery Funds.

    Literature Cited

    Anatasi, A., and S. Urbina. 1997. Psychological Testing, 7th ed. New York: MacMillan.

    Crocker, L. and J. Algina. 1984. Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory. New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

    Cronbach, L.J. 1984. Essentials of Psychological Testing, 4th ed. New York: Haper & Row.

    Cronbach, L.J. 1982. Designing Evaluations of Educational and Social Programs. San Francisco: Josey-Bass.

    Fraenkel, J.R. and N.E. Wallen. 1996. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

    Gibbons, J.D. 1985. Nonparametric Methods for Quantitative Analysis, 2nd ed. Columbus, Ohio: American Science Press.

    Glass, G.V. and K.D. Hopkins. 1996. Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology, 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.


    Statistical Methods and Evaluation Procedures

    We were interested in exploring the relationship between teacher attitude and the inclusion of science skills and web-based technology in the k-12 classroom. Initially, several expected outcomes were identified for evaluation:

    1. An improvement in web technology utilization and increased natural history content knowledge as a result of teacher and student participation in the summer workshop and program.
    2. Classroom teachers encourage the utilization of web-based technologies for recording and archiving biodiversity data.
    3. The inclusion of biodiversity topics in the science classroom would increase student interest in science and improve science classroom achievement.

    Limitations to the study included lack of access to student data. We were not allowed access to students science scores on teacher-made or standardized tests. Therefore, the results of the study are limited to an exploration of program impact on teacher attitude and curriculum. Program participation was voluntary; teachers were selected by the Athens-Clarke County School Board for inclusion in the program. The teachers and students involved attended a one week workshop at the University of Georgia June 19 - July 1, 1998 at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Teachers participating in the program were drawn from area elementary, middle, and high schools. Teachers had the option of sponsoring students to participate in the workshop as well. Since program participation was voluntary and the number of participating teachers was small (eight), the results of this study are not generalizable to the larger population of science teachers, rather the results provide a description of program outcomes for these eight teachers.

    Participating teachers completed the Assessment of Teacher Training, Curriculum Development, Administrative Support, and Teacher attitudes toward the inclusion of Biodiversity and Web Technology in the Classroom (APPENDIX 6). The first section of the instrument collected demographic information including teaching experience, educational status, plans for additional formal education, the number of science teachers in the school, and the teachers primary content area. The second section of the instrument assessed educational background. Information on the number of science, mathematics, instructional technology, and computer science courses was included with an estimated college grade point average for each content area. The third section of the instrument asked questions pertaining to professional development activities. The respondents listed professional organization affiliations, professional development activities completed, recent college graduate course work, and subscriptions to professional journals and publications. Perceived district support for professional development activities was assessed with a checklist along an ordinal rating scale (zero-- partial -- full financial support). The remaining sections of the instrument evaluated the following sub scale scores:

    Subscale 3, the affective portion of the instrument, utilizes both Likert (Crocker & Algina, 1986; Fraenkel & Wallen, 1996) and Thurstone (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997; Crocker & Algina, 1986) rating scales. Assessment of biodiversity and web technology skills was determined by self-report; teachers were presented with a task list enumerating skills for mastery (APPENDIX 7). Respondents assessed their level of mastery along a four-point ordinal scale (no experience, limited experience, moderate level of experience, and mastery level of experience).

    Data were collected at three points in the program. An initial survey at the beginning of the workshop served as a pre-test providing initial information on teacher attitude regarding the inclusion of biodiversity and web technology in the classroom, science skill inclusion in their classroom curricula, and a self-assessment regarding their current skill level with science and technology tasks (APPENDIX 6). Demographic information which characterized teacher training and professional development was also collected. The attitudinal, science skills, and science and technology task survey instruments were administered at the end of the workshop to provide a post-test measurement of workshop impact (APPENDIX 7). To determine the extent to which the teachers incorporated what they had learned in the workshop into their classroom instruction, the attitudinal, science skills, and science and technology tasks survey instruments were administered to the program teachers through the mail. Teachers completed the questionnaire and returned the forms during the Fall 1999 term. The data were compiled and analyzed to examine the effects of the teacher workshop and the program on science skill inclusion. In some cases, the program participants responses were so highly similar that it was impossible to calculate a valid reliability coefficient because the data variance was essentially zero. Descriptive statistics for the variables of interest are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the outcome measures Subscale 1, Subscale 3, and Science and Web Technology Task List, n=9, by administration ( A. pre-workshop, B. post-workshop, C. academic school year.)

    Standard Deviation
    Minimum Value
    Maximum Value
    Science & Technology Skills
    A 22.555556
    B 10.444444
    C 10.333333
    Attitude toward Basic Sciences
    A 30.666667
    B 31.666667
    C 32.777778
    Science & Web Technology Task
    A 25.666667
    B 31.666667
    C 37.444444

    Inspection of the descriptive statistics and the reliability coefficients for the variables of interests suggests that initially there was a high degree of similarity in teacher attitude toward basic science and web technology and in the amount of science and technology that the program teachers included in their classrooms prior to the workshop. There was a much higher degree of variability in the teachers self-reported level of task mastery for biodiversity and web technology skills. The differences between the maximum and minimum subscale scores and the higher standard deviation suggests that there was a great deal of diversity among the program teachers with respect to task mastery. Teacher attitude subscale scores did not change very much initially; the largest change was seen a full year after the summer program.

    Attitudinal data was directionally recorded (1-least, 5-greatest). Subscale scores for Subscales 1-3 were computed in classroom curricula and science and technology skill as a function of teacher attitude.. Content validity (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997; Cronbach, 1984; Cronbach, 1982) was assessed by Dr. John Pickering (Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia) and Ms. Amy Edwards (Museum of Natural History, University of Georgia). Face validity (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997) was addressed by solicitation of comments from workshop participants. Reliability coefficients were calculated for each subscale to assess internal consistency (Crocker & Algina, 1986; Cronbach, 1984; Cronbach, 1982). Cronbachs alpha ( ) and split-half coefficients are for each subscale are summarized in Tables 2-4 by test administration.

    Table 2. Reliability coefficients for Subscale 1 (Science and Technology Skills in the Current Curriculum), n=9.

    number of items
    not available
    Academic Year
    not available

    Table 3. Reliability coefficients for Subscale 3 (Attitudes about Basic Science and Technology in the Current Curriculum), n=9.

    number of items
    not available
    not available
    not available
    not available
    Academic Year
    not available

    Table 4. Reliability coefficients for Science and Web Technology Task Mastery, n=9.

    number of items
    Academic Year

    Spearman-Brown correlation coefficients were computed for each subscale item with total subscale score (Gibbons, 1985; Glass & Hopkins, 1996). Any individual item which was not highly correlated with the total subscale score for any of the test administration was dropped. It is interesting to note that the relative importance of the individual subscale items with total subscale score changed significantly from one administration to the next. Spearman-Brown rank correlation coefficients for individual subscale items with the total subscale score are listed for each subscale of interest (Science and Web Technology Inclusion, Attitude toward Basic Science and Web Technology, and Biodiversity and Web Technology Task Mastery) by test administration.

    Table 5. Correlation coefficients for subscale items with total subscale score (Science and Technology Skills in the Current Curriculum), n=9. Associated probability values are in parentheses.

    Item 1
    Item 2
    equipment use
    Item 3
    computer use
    Item 4
    Item 5
    Item 6
    expert help
    Academic Year

    Item 1 refers to the use of microscopes in the classroom. Item 2 alludes to the importance of using other types of scientific equipment such as beakers, balances, chemicals, etc. Item 3 refers to the importance of computer usage in the classroom. Item 4 assesses the importance of using the scientific method to solve problems. Item 5 examines the importance of conducting environmentally-based experiments and/or research projects. Item 6 measures the importance of expert help such as visiting scientists, extension personnel, libraries, etc. In all administrations, the use of outside experts was highly correlated with total subscale score. Following the summer workshop, the use of scientific equipment and the scientific method in exploring environmentally-based research projects was also highly correlated with the total subscale score. This suggests workshop participation had a significant impact on teacher inclusion of these science skills/technologies in their classroom curricula. A year following the workshop, expert help and computer usage were significantly correlated with total subscale score. Examination of the raw data suggested that all of the teachers were already using microscopes; it was reasonable to expect the program to have little or no impact on this item. Teachers were still not interpreting the collection of biodiversity data as part of a larger research project a year following the initial summer training. This may account for the low contribution of item 5 to the total subscale score.

    Table 6. Correlation coefficients for subscale items with total subscale score (Attitudes about Basic Science and Web Technology in the Current Curriculum), n=9. Associated probability values are in parentheses.

    Item Number
    Academic Year
    Item 1
    A good understanding of
    science is unimportant in
    adult life.
    Item 2
    A good understanding of
    science concepts is
    important to my students.
    Item 3
    Science such as biology,
    chemistry, geology, and
    physics are too abstract for
    Item 4
    Science with practical
    applications is too difficult
    for students to grasp.
    Item 5
    Theoretical concepts
    derived form ecology and
    environmental science have
    no place in the curriculum.
    Item 6
    Science concepts and
    technology skills should be
    taught in separate courses.
    Item 7
    Computer technology and
    web-based instruction is
    easy to implement in
    Item 8
    The local school budget
    would not support a request
    for increased funding for
    this computer-based
    Item 9
    I have the necessary content
    knowledge to implement
    this curriculum.
    Item 10
    I have the necessary
    instructional technology
    skills to implement this
    Item 11
    Teacher workshops which
    emphasize science &
    technology interface are
    helpful with the curriculum.

    It is not surprising that many items were not strongly correlated with total subscale score. The low degree of variability among teachers responses suggests that every item contributes to total subscale score. Remembering that items were directionally recorded prior to analysis, it is interesting that following the summer workshop teachers attitudinal subscale scores were negatively correlated with item 2 (A good understanding of science concepts is important to the development of my students) and positively correlated with item 4 (Basic science information with obvious practical applications is more difficult for students to grasp.). A year following the workshop, teacher attitudinal subscale scores were positively correlated with item 8 (The local school budget would not support a request for increased equipment/lab supplies/computers for the implementation of an instructional technology component of an environmental sciences enriched curriculum.) and item 11 (Teacher workshops which emphasize the interface between instructional technology and environmental science are useful in assisting with curriculum planning).

    Table 7. Correlation coefficients for subscale items with total subscale score (Science and Web Technology Task List), n=9. Associated probability values are in parentheses.

    Item Number
    Academic Year
    Item 1
    Plant collecting techniques
    Item 2
    Use of pitfall traps for
    Item 3
    Use of nets and baited traps
    for catching insects
    Item 4
    Rearing techniques for
    arthropods & invertebrates
    Item 5
    Use of a plant press
    Item 6
    Insects pinning techniques
    Item 7
    Item 8
    Knowledge of taxonomy
    (classification scheme)
    Item 9
    Use of taxonomic keys
    Item 10
    Use of a digital camera
    Item 11
    Reproduction of images
    with a scanner
    Item 12
    Knowledge of HTML or
    Item 13
    Search engines and
    inofrmation gathering
    Item 14
    Construction of web pages

    Inspection of the results presented in Table 7 suggests that initially, total task mastery scores were most closely associated with skills oriented toward collecting and preserving biological specimens. Following the workshop, teachers felt more comfortable with insect and arthropod rearing techniques. A year out from the project initiation, the teachers collectively had added two technology skills to their list of mastered techniques: the use of a digital camera and the construction of web pages. While the teachers were introduced to these techniques during the summer workshop, it was not until they began using them in their curricula that they reported mastery with these technologies.

    To determine the impact of the two week teacher summer in-service workshop, and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was performed on the variables of interest (Glass & Hopkins, 1996; Kirk, 1995). Science skill inclusion in the curriculum was assessed as a function of survey administration (pre-workshop, post-workshop, academic year) with teacher attitude as a covariate. Teacher biodiversity and web technology task mastery was examined as a function of survey administration (pre-workshop, post-workshop, academic year) with teacher attitude as a covariate. Hartleys F-max test was used to ensure that the assumption of homogeneity of variances was met (Glass & Hopkins, 1996). A full factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was preformed to test for a significant interaction term between the criterion variable and the covariate (Glass & Hopkins, 1995); nonsignificant interaction between the criterion variable and the covariate variable is an assumption of covariate analysis. In both analyses, no statistical significant was found (Science skill inclusion, F=29.75, p=0.0001; Biodiversity and Web technology task mastery, F=3.59, p=0.0291).

    The omnibus F test was statistically significant ( =0.05). The probability associated with the calculated test statistic was less than 0.0001. The R-Square value, 0.747252, suggests that 74.7257% of the total variability in science skill inclusion in the curriculum can be accounted for by the amount of time since the initial survey. Evaluating the main effects of the covariate model, survey (pre-workshop, post-workshop, academic year) was statistically significant ( =0.05). The probability associated with the calculated value of the test statistic was less than 0.0001. The covariate, teacher attitude was nonsignificant. A posteriori comparison the least square means for science skill inclusion subscale score for each of the survey administrations found that no statistically significant differences were observed between least square means for total subscale scores for the post-workshop and academic year survey administrations. To ensure overall protection from Type II errors, the a priori significance value ( =0.05) was divided by the number of post-hoc multiple comparisons (Glass & Hopkins, 1996; Kirk, 1995). Probabilities less than or equal to 0.0125 are considered significant at the 0.05 level. Comparisons of the least square means for science skill inclusion total subscale scores for the pre- and post-workshop survey administrations yielded a statistically significant difference. Remembering that the data were directionally recorded, science skill inclusion in the curriculum was significantly more important to the teachers at the end of the two week workshop. The significant difference was maintained throughout the academic year which followed (comparison of total science skill inclusion subscale scores for pre-workshop and academic year administrations). These findings suggest that the summer teacher in-service workshop had a significant impact on the participating teachers willingness to include science skills in their classrooms.

    While the omnibus test of hypothesis was statistically significant (p
    While these results are not generalizable owing to the nonrandom sample of teachers and the small number of participants, significant findings do imply that the Discover Life in America program increased science skill inclusion in the classrooms of program participants while improving teacher master of biodiversity and web technology skills.


    Athens-Clarke County Teacher and Student Training Participants


    Biodiversity and Web Technology Training Course Summer 1998 Syllabus

    June 18

    9:00 - 9:30- Welcome and Pre-test
    9:30 - 10:30- Introduction--Pickering

  • Develop protocols for school yard biodiversity studies
  • Building web sites
    10:30 - 12:00- WWW--Edwards, Esco, McLucas, Skillen, Hagen
  • Participant home pages

    June 19

    9:00 - 10:00- Home pages--Edwards, Esco, McLucas, Skillen
    10:00 - 12:00- Field trip to Botanical Gardens--Jim Affholter

  • Collect and photograph specimens, record keeping, labeling
    and data management: Who? What? When? Where? Why?

    June 22

    9:00 - 12:00- Museum--Edwards, McGhee

  • Bring tree, herb, and photograph from home or school
  • Photography with a digital camera, scanning
  • Identification

    June 23

    9:00 - 11:00- Herbarium--Mike Moore

  • Preparing plant specimens using a plant press
  • Identification guides
    11:00 - 12:00- Web page building
  • Student species page
  • Assignment: teachers write out lesson plan for use in next
    web building session

    June 24

    9:00 - 12:00- Science and Athens Clarke County Libraries

  • Caterpillar rearing
  • Searching strategies

    June 25

    9:00 - 10:00- ATBI--Langdon and Pickering

  • Taxon assignment
  • Protocols
    10:00 - 12:00- Web page building, Edwards, Hagen

    June 26

    9:00 - 12:00- Cedar Shoals--Edwards, Esco, McGhee, Skillen

  • Catalpa, collecting snails
  • Collecting insects: sweep net, malaise trap, baits, nets

    June 29

    9:00 - 11:00- Extension--Gaasch

  • Caterpillars/beneficials/vegetables
  • Experiments on herbivory, growth and germination rates
    11:00 - 12:00- Web page building

    June 30

    9:00 - 12:00- Sandy Creek--Hunt

  • Catalpa

    July 01

    9:00 - 12:00- Review, Evaluations and Post Test--Pickering, Walser

  • Science fair, Brainstorm and protocols, teacher presentations


    Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont (GSMIT)
    Summer 1998 Smoky Mountain Adventure

  • School Participants Students
    Cedar Shoals High School Stella Guerrero
    Clarke Central High School Renee Smith
    Burney-Harris-Lyons Middle School Laurie Tuggle
    Hillsman Middle School Carol Hall
    Clarke Middle School Kim Reynolds-Manglitz
    Coile Middle School Letty Fitch
    Barrow County High School Leigh Harvey
    Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School Patrica Wimbush
    Habersham County Middle School Brenda Hunt

    Thursday - August 13th
    12:00 P.M. - Athens-Clarke County students arrive and move in
    1:00 P.M. - ATBI-Test Plot at Twin Creeks
    4:00 P.M. - Athens-Clarke County orientation and Cooperation course
    5:00 P.M. - Table captains report
    5:15 P.M. - Everyone to Dining Hall
    5:30 P.M. - Supper
    6:30 P.M. - Predators--Marcella Cranford
    8:00 P.M. - Night Walks: GSMIT Staff
    Friday - August 14th
    7:45 A.M. - Table captain's report
    8:00 A.M. - Breakfast
    Curriculum Development--Teachers
    A. Geology hike to the falls-Steve (GSMIT)
    B. Black bears of the smokies--Dr. Frank Van Mannen, University of Tennessee Black Bear Researcher
    A. Stream Ecology-Jeremy (GSMIT)
    B. Ornithology (Birds of the Area) - Bonnie Fancher
    A. Multi-colored Russia - Masha (GSMIT)
    B. Exotics - Jeremy (GSMIT)
    12:15 P.M. - Table captains report
    2:30 P.M. - Lunch
    Double Sessions--Teachers and Students
    Geology hike to the falls - Jeremy (GSMIT)
    Sessions--Teachers and Students
    A. Plants and their uses-Steve (GSMIT)
    B. Multi-colored Russia-Masha (GSMIT)
    3:15-4:45 - Mini Sessions
    A. Stream Ecology-Sherry Bagwell (Wade Hampton)
    B. Ornithology (Birds of the Area) - Bonnie Francher
    4:45 P.M. - Free time
    5:15 P.M. - Table captains report
    5:30 P.M. - Picnic supper in pavilion
    6:30 P.M. - Snakes--Doris Grove
    8:00 P.M. - Campfire: Songs and Stories
    Saturday August 15th
    8:00 A.M. - Breakfast
    9:00 A.M. - Pack-up and Clean-up
    A. Falls hike - Masha (GSMIT)
    B. Exotics - Jeremy (GSMIT)
    C. Stream Ecology - Steve (GSMIT)
    11:30 A.M. - Closing Circle
    11:45 A.M. - Table captains report
    12:00 P.M. - Lunch and Depart


    1998-1999 Athens-Clarke County In-Service Activities

    August 6, 1998
    Carol Hall
    August 6, 1998
    Kim Reynolds-Manglitz
    August 7, 1998
    Laurie Tuggle
    Planning HTML instruction
    August 10, 1998
    Laurie Tuggle
    HTML instruction
    August 11, 1998
    Leigh Harvey
    Planning and HTML instruction
    August 12, 1998
    Renee Smith
    Planning and HTML instruction
    August 19, 1998
    Stella Guerrero
    Planning and HTML instruction
    September 9, 1998
    Kim Reynolds-Manglitz
    November, 1998
    Carol Hall
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    Brenda Hunt
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    Letty Fitch
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    Stella Guerrero
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    Kim Reynolds-Manglitz
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    Renee Smith
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    Laurie Tuggle
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    Pat Wimbush
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    December, 1998
    Leigh Harvey
    Delivery and installation of iMac
    January 14, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    January 15, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Tree ID and Nature trail
    January 21, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    What is a tree? What is its function?
    January 22, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    January 28, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Trees are important to humans and the environment
    January 29, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Tree game
    February 4, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Tree rings
    Stella Guerrero
    Set up tree monitoring plot
    February 5, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Tree identification keys
    February 12, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Tree box from the Georgia Museum of Natural History
    February 25, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Heartwood, sapwood, cambium, phloem, and bark
    Stella Guerrero
    Finish set up tree monitoring plot
    February 26, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Cones and needles
    Stella Guerrero
    Tree box from the Georgia Museum of Natural History
    March 4, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Bark rubbings
    Stella Guerrero
    Measure trees in tree plot
    March 8, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Intro and Overview
    March 9, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Set up Tree Plot
    March 15, 1999
    Leigh Harvey
    Planning and Computer Set up
    March 12, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Community ecology
    March 18, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Question-Review Game
    March 30, 1999
    Leigh Harvey
    Intro and Overview
    April 5, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    April 8, 1999
    Pat Wimbush
    Scavenger hunt of Trees
    Science Fair
    DLIA Special Awards Judge
    April 12, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Web Search With Students
    April 13, 1999
    Leigh Harvey
    Set up Tree Plot
    April 15, 1999
    Carol Hall 11:30
    Pat Wimbush
    Project Learning Tree Activity
    April 19, 1999
    Leigh Harvey
    Ant lesson Planning
    April 20, 1999
    Laurie Tuggle
    Intro to Class
    April 22, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Planning Meeting
    April 23, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Plant Collecting
    April 26, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    April 27, 1999
    Leigh Harvey
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    April 28, 1999
    Kim Reynolds-Manglitz
    Planning Meeting
    May 3, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    May 4, 1999
    Carol Hall
    Tree Identification
    Renee Smith
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    May 5, 1999
    Carol Hall
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    Laurie Tuggle
    Tree Identification, tree rings
    May 10, 1999
    Kim Reynolds-Manglitz
    Planning Meeting
    Renee Smith
    Tree survey, Press and ID
    May 11, 1999
    Carol Hall
    Tree Survey
    Laurie Tuggle
    Tree Survey
    Pat Wimbush
    Tree identification lesson plan web page
    May 12, 1999
    Carol Hall
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    May 13, 1999
    Leigh Harvey
    Ants and Other Insects
    May 14, 1999
    Kim Reynolds-Manglitz
    May 17, 1999
    Renee Smith
    Computer Lab, WebPage
    May 18, 1999
    Carol Hall
    Tree ID Guide
    Renee Smith
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    Laurie Tuggle
    Tree ID Guid
    May 19, 1999
    Carol Hall
    Tree ID Guid
    Renee Smith
    Computer Lab, WebPages
    May 20, 1999
    Letty Fitch
    Trees and Insects
    May 21, 1999
    Stella Guerrero
    Field trip to GSMNP
    May 25, 1999
    Laurie Tuggle
    Tree Identification, tree rings
    May 27, 1999
    Letty Fitch
    Web Pages and Insects



    Administration:workshop pre-test

    Directions. The purpose of this survey is to determine the effects of inclusion of web-based technology and biodiversity on elementary, middle grades, and secondary science educators. Further, the attitude of the participants toward increased utilization of computer technology and inclusion ecology in their current curriculum will be assessed. Study participants will be asked questions about their college science training, opportunities for continued professional development, and current participation in professional activities. Additional questions will examine the level of local support for innovative programs as reported by participants. The participants in this survey include current of science at the elementary, middle, and secondary school level in the state of Georgia.

    Your participation in this survey is voluntary. All responses are confidential, and will not be released in any individually, identifiable form without your prior consent, unless otherwise required by law. Your responses will be used by the researchers to investigate the effect of this training course on teacher attitude toward curriculum revision which includes increased web-based technology utilization and ecology content. The researchers will not share the results of this survey with school system personnel in any way which might identify individual teacher responses.

    I understand the purpose of this survey and the subsequent study, and I give my consent to the researchers to use this information for the purposes as they have been explained.

    Please sign both copies of this form. Keep one and return one to the investigator.

    Signature of Participant
    Social Security Number
    Dr. John PickeringInstitute of Ecology542-1115
    Dr. Catherine Teare KetterDivision of Biological Sciences542-1681


    General Information. This section asks questions pertaining to your educational background, work experience, and area(s) of interest. Answer the questions as accurately as you can.

    1. Gender:

    A. Female
    B. Male

    2. Ethnic origin:

    A. white (Caucasian).
    B. black (African-American).
    C. hispanic.
    D. asian (Asian-Pacific Islander).
    E. Aleutian, Eskimo, or Native American.

    3. Highest level of education to date:

    A. Bachelor's Degree.
    B. Master's Degree.
    C. Educational Specialist's Degree.
    D. Doctorate (Ed.D, Ph.D.).
    E. Other professional degree (J.D., D.V.M., etc). List the type of professional degree In the space below.


    4. Are you currently working on an advanced degree? (If the answer to question 4 is 'YES', then answer questions 5 and 6; otherwise skip questions 5 and 6 and begin with question 7.) A. No, B. Yes.

    5.I am currently working on a(n):

    A. Master's Degree.
    B. Educational Specialist's Degree.
    C. Doctorate (Ed.D, Ph.D.).
    D. Other professional degree (J.D., D.V.M., etc): List the type of professional degree in the space below.


    6. The area of specialization for my advanced degree is: List the area of the degree in the space below.


    7. Number of years of teaching experience in science, including the current school year:

    8. Number of science teachers in your school, including those teachers who only teach science for part of their day: NOTE: (Early childhood and Elementary educators please skip this question.


    9. My primary area of interest in science is:

    A. anatomy and physiology.
    B. biology.
    C. chemistry.
    D. earth science.
    E. none of the above.

    10. My primary area of interest in science is:

    A. environmental science.
    B. health science.
    C. physical science.
    D. physics.
    E. none of the above.

    11. My school district is best characterized as:

    A. metropolitan Atlanta.
    B. rural.
    C. suburban.
    D. urban (other large town).

    Science Education Background.This section describes your science and mathematics background. If you did not take courses in one or more of the areas listed, leave those questions blank. List how many of college-level courses you completed in the following areas:

    14.EARTH SCIENCE____________________

    To the best of your knowledge, list the grade-point average you earned in each of the sciences listed above. Use the scale A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = O. Round your average to the nearest 0.1.

    19.EARTH SCIENCE____________________

    Instructional Technology Background.This section describes your formal education in instructional technology. If you did not take courses in one or more of the areas listed, leave those questions blank. List how many of college-level courses you completed in the following areas:

    22.COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY____________________
    (COBOL, FORTRAN, C, BASIC, etc.)
    24.INSTRUCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT____________________
    (List the names of the courses in the space below).

    Professional Development. This section asks questions pertaining to your participation in professional development activities. Some questions also relate to the level of administrative support that you receive for professional development. Answer the questions as accurately as you can.

    30. Involvement in Professional Organizations. For each organization listed, place an 'X' in the space next to the organization name and list the number of years of affiliation in the space provided.

    American Federation of Teachers __________ ____________________
    Georgia Education Association __________ ____________________
    Georgia Science Teacher Association __________ ____________________
    Kappa Delta Epsilon __________ ____________________
    Kappa Delta Pi __________ ____________________
    National Association of Biology Teachers __________ ____________________
    National Education Association __________ ____________________
    National Science Teacher Association __________ ____________________
    Phi Delta Kappa __________ ____________________
    Professional Association of Georgia Educators __________ ____________________

    Other (please list any other professional organizations in the spaces provided below.)

    ____________________________________ __________ ____________________
    ____________________________________ __________ ____________________
    ____________________________________ __________ ____________________

    31. Professional Development Activities. Put an 'X' in each space next to the type of professional activities that you have participated in during the past 5 years. Indicate the year(s) in which you completed each of the activities, and the location of each workshop/course.

    Environthon ___________ ________ ________
    Regional or State Science Olympiad ___________ ________ ________
    Regional or State Science Fair Competition ___________ ________ ________
    Continuing Education Workshops -- Please list in the space below and indicate the year(s) in which you participated
    _______________________________ ___________ ________ ________
    _______________________________ ___________ ________ ________
    _______________________________ ___________ ________ ________
    _______________________________ ___________ ________ ________
    _______________________________ ___________ ________ ________

    Graduate courses, For each year, please list the course name(s) and the academic institution at which the course(s) was (were) completed.

    ______________________________ 1991 ____________________
    ______________________________ 1992 ____________________
    ______________________________ 1993 ____________________
    ______________________________ 1994 ____________________
    ______________________________ 1995 ____________________
    ______________________________ 1996 ____________________

    32. List all of the professional/technical journals to which you currently subscribe.


    33. School District Support -- Put an 'X' in the space which most accurately describes your school district's level of financial support for your professional development.

    Inservice Programs __________ __________ __________
    Dues for Professional organizations __________ __________ __________
    Graduate course work __________ __________ __________
    Professional meeting attendance __________ __________ __________
    Professional journal subscriptions __________ __________ __________

    Science and Technology Skills in the Current Curriculum. This sections asks questions about the inclusion of basic science skills in your current instructional program. Please answer the questions as accurately as possible.

    34. My students use a microscope (compound and/or dissecting):

    A. regularly.
    B. occasionally.
    C. seldom.
    D. once.
    E. never.

    35. In science courses at my school, students use scientific laboratory equipment such as a balance, glassware (beakers and test-tubes, etc), bunsen burners, and chemicals:

    A. regularly.
    B. occasionally.
    C. seldom.
    D. once.
    E. never.

    36. Students use a computer during my classes:

    A. regularly.
    B. occasionally.
    C. seldom.
    D. once.
    E. never.

    37. My students use the scientific method to solve science problems:

    A. regularly.
    B. occasionally.
    C. seldom.
    D. once.
    E. never.

    38. In my current program, students conduct environmentally-based experiments and/or research projects outside the classroom:

    A. regularly.
    B. occasionally.
    C. seldom.
    D. once.
    E. never.

    39. Science students attending my school make use of expert help (local scientists, extension personnel, libraries, etc):

    A. regularly.
    B. occasionally.
    C. seldom.
    D. once.
    E. never.

    Importance of Science and Technology Skills in the Current Curriculum. This sections asks you to determine the relative importance of the inclusion of basic science skills in your current instructional program. Please answer the questions as accurately as possible.

    40. The use a microscope (compound and/or dissecting) is:

    A. not important.
    B. of little importance.
    C. of some importance.
    D. of importance.
    E. of great importance.

    41. In science courses at my school, the use scientific laboratory equipment such as a balance, glassware (beakers and test-tubes, etc), bunsen burners, and chemicals is:

    A. not important.
    B. of little importance.
    C. of some importance.
    D. of importance.
    E. of great importance.

    42. The use a computer during my classes is:

    A. not important.
    B. of little importance.
    C. of some importance.
    D. of importance.
    E. of great importance.

    43. The use of the scientific method to solve science problems is:

    A. not important.
    B. of little importance.
    C. of some importance.
    D. of importance.
    E. of great importance.

    44. In my current program, conducting environmentally-based experiments and/or research projects outside the classroom is:

    A. not important.
    B. of little importance.
    C. of some importance.
    D. of importance.
    E. of great importance.

    45. The use of expert help (local scientists, extension personnel, libraries, etc) in my current science program is:

    A. not important.
    B. of little importance.
    C. of some importance.
    D. of importance.
    E. of great importance.

    46. Rate each of the following science skills in terms of relative importance in your curriculum with 1 = the most important and 6 = the least important. Use each answer (rating) once.

    computer use__________
    Expert assistance (scientists, extension agents, libraries)__________
    Inclusion of actual experiments and/or research projects__________
    Microscope use__________
    Use of scientific equipment (balances, pH meters, etc.)__________
    Use of the scientific method in solving science problems__________

    Attitudes about Basic Science and Technology in the Current Curriculum. This sections asks questions about your feelings regarding inclusion of basic science content in your current instructional program. Please answer the questions as accurately as possible.

    47. A good understanding of basic science concepts is not important in adult life.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    48. A good understanding of basic science concepts is important to the development of my students.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    49. Basic sciences such as biology, chemistry, geology, and physics are too abstract in nature to be accessible to students.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    50. Basic science information with obvious practical applications is more difficult for students to grasp.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    51. Theoretical concepts derived from ecology and environmental science have no place in the science curriculum.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    52. Basic science concepts and technology skills should be taught in separate courses.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    53. An increase in use of computer technology included web-based instruction would be easy to implement in the science classroom .

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    54. The local school budget would not support a request for increased equipment/lab supplies/computers for the implementation of an instruction technology component of environmental science enriched curriculum.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    55. I possess the basic science content knowledge necessary to implement an environmentally-enriched science curriculum.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    56. I possess the basic instructional technology skills necessary to implement a strong web-based component to my current science course.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    57. Teacher workshops which emphasize the interface between instructional technology and environmental science are useful in assisting with curriculum planning.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    Support for the Implementation of an Environmental Science/Computer Technology Curriculum Component. This sections asks questions about your feelings regarding the support for a environmental education and instructional technology in your school. Answer each question as accurately as possible.

    58. I have a cooperative and professional relationship with the other science teachers in my school.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    59. 1 am unable to borrow scientific equipment which is not in use from the science teachers in my school.

    A. strongly agree
    B. agree
    C. no opinion
    D. disagree
    E. strongly disagree

    60. Rate each of the following levels of support in terms of relative importance in your curriculum with 1 = the most important and 8 = the least important. Use each answer (rating) once.

    district supervisor__________
    local Board of Education__________
    parents of students__________
    school administrators (such as principal, etc)__________
    school guidance counselors__________
    State Board of Education__________
    students in my classes__________



    In this section, please indicate your level of past experience with each of the tasks and/or skills using the following scale:

    I=no experience, 2=limited experience, 3=moderate level of experience, 4=mastery level of experience

    Skill/TaskLevel of Experience
    Collecting specimens and record keeping
    Plant collection techniques
    (includes collecting specimens such as trees, wild flowers, and vegetables)
    Use of pitfall traps for invertebrates
    Use of nets and baited traps for catching insects
    Rearing techniques for arthropods & invertebrates
    Preparing biological specimens
    Use of a plant press
    Insect pinning techniques
    Curating/cataloging specimens
    Identification of biological specimens
    Knowledge of taxonomy (classification scheme)
    Use of taxonomic keys
    Photographic skills used with biological material
    Use of a digital camera
    Reproduction of images with a scanner
    Instructional technology skills in the classroom
    World-wide Web
    Knowledge of HTML or JAVA
    Search engines and information gathering
    Construction of Web pages

    Technology specific skills. Answer the questions below to the best of your ability. Circle the one best answer.

    22. All world-wide web pages are written in:

    A. ascii
    B. DOS
    C. HTML
    D. http:
    E. don't know

    23. World-wide web page addresses or URLs typically begin with:

    A. FTP
    B. http:
    C. HTML
    D. JAVA
    E. don't know

    24. Which of the following is the fastest connection to the internet?

    A. 56K
    B. 33.6 modem
    C. ISDN
    D. Tl
    E. don't know

    25. Which protocol transfers files over the internet?

    A. FTP
    B. http:
    C. JAVA
    D. telnet
    E. don't know

    26. Which of the following file types are all images?

    A. GIF, JPG
    B. JPG, GIF
    C. JPG, ZIP
    D. don't know

    27. The best way to send personal messages over the internet uses:

    A. e-mail
    B. FTP
    C. HTML
    D. telnet
    E. don't know

    28. Which of the following is a single file containing compressed versions of many files?

    A. GIF
    B. JPG
    C. ZIP
    D. don't know

    29. Which of the following is a valid world-wide web page address?

    A. dawg@uga.edu
    B. http://www.uga.edu
    C. http:/lwww.uga
    D. don't know

    30. Which of the following is a valid email address?

    A. dawg@uga.edu
    B. http://www.uga.edu
    C. http:llwww.uga
    D. don't know
    Discover Life | Teacher Training | Education | Final Report