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Comatricha laxa Rostaf
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Comatricha laxa
© The Eumycetozoan Project, 2006 · 0
Comatricha laxa

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IDnature guides
Plasmodium translucent white. Sporocarps grouped or scattered, 1-3.5 mm tall, erect. Sporothecae short-cylindrical, ovoid or almost spherical, rounded at the apex and at the base. Stalk 50-66% of the total height. Columella merging into the capillitium just below the apex. Capillitium dark, the primary branches typically horizontal, attenuate outwards but remaining rather stout, often forming a rather open internal net, ± interconnected peripherally and looped and often forming a surface net, with many pointed free ends which, in the typical forms which lack a peripheral net, point outwards. Spores pale grey-brown or lilac-brown, verruculose, without a germination pore, 7-9(-11) µm diam.

Links to other sites

  • Castillo,A., Moreno, G., Illana, C., Lago, J. 1997: A critical study of some Stemonitales. Mycological Research 101(11): 1329-1340.
  • Härkönen,M., Uotila, P. 1983: Turkish myxomycetes developed in moist chamber cultures. Karstenia 23: 1-9.
  • Lado,C. 1994: Myxomycetes from Iberian Nature Reserves. II. Medos National forest reserve, Serra de Arrábida Natural Park and Sado's Estuary Nature Reserve (Portugal).. Revista Biologia 15: 119-129.
  • Moreno,G., Illana, C., Lizárraga, M. 2001: SEM studies of the myxomycetes from the peninsula of Baja Californica (Mexico), III. Additions. Annales botanici Fennici 38: 225-247.
  • Wollman,C., Alexopoulos, C. J. 1964: Spore to spore cultivation in agar culture of three myxomycetes: Comatricha laxa, Perichaena depressa and Licea biforis. Southwestern Naturalist 9: 160-165.

The Eumycetozoan Project -- working to understand the ecology, sytematics and evolution of myxomycetes, dictostelids and protostelids -- the true slime molds.

Sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation.

Please send any corrections and comments about this page to John Shadwick
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
email: jshadwi@uark.edu   phone: USA-479-575-7393.

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Noctuidae  Leucania sp @ BPI (1)
_  Substrate @ BPI (3)

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