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Lasioglossum sopinci (Crawford, 1932)
Halictus sopinci Crawford, 1932; Evylaeus sopinci (Crawford, 1932)

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Halictidae   Lasioglossum
Subgenus: Hemihalictus

Lasioglossum sopinci, male, back 2012-08-09-16.32.06
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Lasioglossum sopinci, male, back 2012-08-09-16.32.06

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Lasioglossum sopinci, male, face 2012-08-09-16.40.44
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Lasioglossum sopinci, male, face 2012-08-09-16.40.44

Lasioglossum sopinci, male, side 2012-08-09-16.50.59
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Lasioglossum sopinci, male, side 2012-08-09-16.50.59

Lasioglossum sopinci, male, side 2012-08-09-16
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Lasioglossum sopinci, male, side 2012-08-09-16

IDnature guides
Identification Summary: This is a large species -

FEMALE is 7.5-8mm - no or almost no acaranarium hair - cheek quite wide - scutum with several sizes of pits present - ridge running from the tip of the pronotal humeral angle appears unique in shape but difficult to describe - abdomen can be all black or with very strong red overtones, similar to those of Sphecodes.

MALE - Not yet described but clypeus very flat with light yellow or ivory markings extending from the rim up almost to the base of the clypeus, particularly the yellow extending much further in the center than on the sides, pronotal ridge similar to female - F1 not much longer than pedicel - Mesepisturnum shiny and heavily pitted - Striations on the propodeal triangle fall quite short of the rim.

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 7 mm.; black; pubescence whitish, very short and thin; head slightly broader than long; clypeus quite fiat, projecting about one-half below suborbital line; eyes slightly convergent below; cheeks sub- equal to eyes in width; lateral ocelli very slightly nearer margin of vertex than to eyes; face above antennae rather dull, doubly punctate, with rather coarse, sparsely distributed, shallow punctures superimposed upon a very closely and microscopically punctate field; supraclypeal area dull and tessellate, very obscurely but closely punctate, lateral portions of face below shining, becoming quite impunctate along lower inner orbits; clypeus rather dull, with rather fine and close but distinct punctures above, these becoming more coarse and sparse toward apical margin; area between eyes and ocelli shining, microscopically and obscurely punctate, vertex medially shining, with a few obscure, scattered punctures; cheeks shining, microscopically and rather closely punctate above, becoming rather distinctly but very finely and closely striate below; scutum doubly punctate, with rather coarse, scattered shallow punctures superimposed upon a finely and closely but quite distinctly punctate field, these becoming much closer and finer laterally, rather sparse posteriorly; scutellum shining, with obscure and minute punctures and a few scattered, larger punctures; pleura dull, densely tessellate, becoming rather coarsely reticulate anteriorly; dorsal area of propodeum quite regularly and rather coarsely striate on each side, becoming more reticulate medially, posterior face rather coarsely striate, with distinct lateral carinae which are somewhat divergent above; wings subhyaline basally, becoming faintly infuscated apically, veins testaceous, stigma somewhat darker; tegulae somewhat reddened, with piceous blotches, anterior rim hyaline; legs blackish, hind basitibial plate very small and obscure, narrowly rounded; abdominal terga more or less shining, the basal tergum polished, with exceedingly minute, barely evident punctures, these rather close across central portion of disc, tergum 2 minutely but rather closely and distinctly punctate at extreme sides, but these becoming very obscure apically and medially, terga 3 and 4 with hardly evident punctures; terga 2 and 3 with rather narrow but dense, white, basal fasciae which are widely interrupted medially, discal pubescence extremely short and thin, hardly evident except on the apical terga where it is largely whitish.

DISTRIBUTION: New Jersey, North Carolina and Georgia; March to July.

FLOWER RECORDS: There are no host records on any of the specimens seen.

Extracted from: Gibbs, J., Packer, L., Dumesh, S. and Danforth, B. N. 2013. Revision and reclassification of Lasioglossum (Evylaeus), L. (Hemihalictus) and L. (Sphecodogastra) in eastern North America (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae). Zootaxa 3672 (1). Pp 1-116.

Diagnosis. Both sexes of L. sopinci can be recognized by the combination of pronotum with sharply angled dorsolateral ridge; mesoscutum polished, doubly punctate with minute punctures throughout, interspersed with sparse, coarse punctures; and metapostnotum rugose (Fig. 77A).

Female L. sopinci have the frons distinctly doubly punctate and inner metatibial spur pectinate, basal tooth much longer than width of rachis (Fig. 5J). The coarse metapostnotal rugae (Fig. 77A) will distinguish L. sopinci from L. fedorense and L. swenki (Figs. 77B, 77C). Lasioglossum oenotherae are superficially similar to L. sopinci but can be distinguished by the sparse femoral scopa (Fig. 74B), singly punctate mesoscutum and frons, and strong oblique carinae (Fig. 83A).

Male L. sopinci have clypeus yellow, except for brown basolateral patch (Fig. 6J); mandible elongate, extending to opposing mandibular base (Fig. 6J); scape yellow; and gena wider than eye below midlength. Males of L. fedorense are most similar but have the metapostnotum rugulose (similar to Fig. 77B).

Redescription. FEMALE. Length 6.6–7.4 mm. Head length 1.78–1.95 mm. Head width 1.91–2.05 mm. Wing length 5.3–5.8 mm. (n=5)

Color. Head and mesosoma black. Antenna black, except ventral surface of flagellum reddish brown-orange at apex. Tegula dark reddish brown. Legs dark brown, except medio- and distitarsi reddish brown. Wing membrane hyaline, faintly dusky. Pterostigma dark brown. Metasomal terga dark brown, T1–T3 sometimes red.

Structure. Head long (L/W ratio = 0.93–0.98). Clypeus 2/3 below suborbital line. Eyes convergent below (UOD:LOD = 1.07–1.13). Gena narrower than eye. Ocelli normal. Pronotal ridge sharply angled; dorsolateral angle acute. Protibial spur with serrations subequal to width of malus. Inner metatibial spur pectinate, teeth 4, basal teeth longer than width of rachis. Metapostnotum sharply angled onto posterior propodeal surface. Propodeal lateral carina reaching dorsolateral slope, oblique carina absent.

Surface sculpture. Supraclypeal area imbricate; punctures fine, contiguous (i Pubescence. Head and mesosoma with sparse plumose hairs. Paraocular area with sparse tomentum. Metafemoral scopa with dense plumose hairs. Propodeum sparse erect hairs. Metasomal terga with sparse apical fimbriae. T1 with sparse, erect plumose hairs. T2–T4 with basal tomentum. Metasomal sterna with mostly simple scopal hairs.

MALE. Length 7.0 mm. Head length 2.04 mm. Head width 2.11 mm. Wing length 5.3 mm. (n=1)

Color. Head and mesosoma black. Clypeus yellow, except basolateral testaceous-brown patch. Mandible yellow. Labrum yellow. Antenna brown, except scape yellow ventrally and ventral surface of flagellum orange to yellow. Legs dark brown basally, tarsi and tibiae yellow-testaceous, except protibia and metatibia infused with brown, apical portion of meso- and metatibae yellow-testaceous. Wing membrane hyaline, faintly dusky. Pterostigma dark brown. Metasomal terga black-brown, sometimes orange-testaceous, except T4 apically and T5– T6 brown, T1 anterior surface infused with brown.

Structure. Head long (L/W ratio = 0.96). Mandible long, reaching opposing mandibular base. Flagellomeres, except F1, moderately elongate, F2 subequal to F1 and pedicel combined. Eyes convergent below (UOD:LOD = 1.13). Gena subequal to eye in width, widest below midline of eye. Pronotal ridge sharply angled. Metapostnotum posterior-dorsal margin sharply angled onto posterior surface. Propodeal lateral carina nearly reaching dorsal margin.

Surface sculpture. Supraclypeal area imbricate; punctures fine, dense (i≤d). Ocellocular area polished, distinctly punctate. Gena smooth to lineolate, postgena lineolate. Mesoscutum polished; punctures fine, dense laterally (i≤d), clearly separated between parapsidal lines (i=1–2d). Mesepisternum polished, densely punctate below scrobe. Metapostnotum coarsely carinate, anastomosing medially. Propodeum with lateral surface finely rugulose-imbricate, posterior surface rugulose. Metasomal terga polished; punctures close basally (i=1–1.5d), sparser on apical impressed areas.

Pubescence. Head and mesosoma with sparse plumose hairs. Frons and paraocular area with relatively dense tomentum. Posterior margin of pronotal lobe and dorsolateral angle with dense tomentum. Propodeum largely bare, with scattered plumose hairs. Metasomal terga with apical fimbriae sparse, virtually absent. Metasomal sterna with sparse, plumose hairs (1–1.5 OD).

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Updated: 2024-09-21 01:00:07 gmt
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