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Monolene maculipinna
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Monolene maculipinna

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Monolene dubiosa
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Monolene dubiosa
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12

Main identification features
  • eyes left side, close-set, smooth crest between
  • lateral linearched
  • pelvic origin behind lower eye
  • adult: pectoral only eye side


Eyes on left side of head, close together, with a crest that between then lacks spines; teeth ~equally developed on jaws on both eye- and blind-sides; dorsal fin without elongated rays; no pectoral on blind side in adults; base of eye-side pelvic slightly longer than base of blind-side fin, with origin behind lower eye; more than 66 scales along lateral line.

A tropical, deep water genus of 10 species, found on both sides of the Atlantic as well as our region, where there are 4 species, 2 of which enter shallow water.

  • Clark, H.W., 1936., The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences.1932. No. 29. New and noteworthy fishes., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4), 4:21(29):383-396.
  • Evseenko, S.A., 1999., Early developmental stages of two flounder species of the genus Monolene - M. dubiosa and M. maculipinna (Bothidae) - from central waters of the Eastern Pacific with notes on taxonomic status of M. asaedai and M. danae., Journal Ichthyology (English translation of Voprosy Ikhtiologie), 39:600-605.
  • Findley, L.T., Hendrickx, M.E., Brusca, R.C., van der Heiden, A.M., Hastings, P.A., Torre, J., 2003., Diversidad de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, Mexico., CD-ROM versión 1.0. Projecto de la Macrofauna del Golfo .  Derechos reservados de los autores y Conservación Internacional.
  • Fischer , W. , Krup , F. , Schneider , W. , Sommer , C. , Carpenter , K. E. and Niem, V. H., 1995., Guia FAO para la Identificacion de Especies de para los fines de la Pesca. Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Volumen II. Vertebrados - Parte 1., FAO2:647-1200.
  • Garman, S., 1899., The Fishes. In: Reports of an exploration off the west coasts of Mexico, Central and South America, and off the Galapagos Islands, ... by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," during 1891. L.C.Z.L. Tannar, U.S.N. commanding XXVI., Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 24:432pp.
  • Jimenez-Prado, P., Béarez, P., 2004., Peces marinos del Ecuador continental / Marine fishes of continental Ecuador., SIMBIOE/NAZCA/IFEA tomo 1 y 2.
  • Lopez , M. I. and Bussing, W. A., 1982., Lista provisional de los peces marinos de la Costa Rica., Revista de Biologia Tropical, 30(1):5-26.
  • Love, M.S., Mecklenburg, C.W., Mecklenburg, T.A., Thorsteinson, L.K., 2005., es of the West Coast and Alaska: a checklist of North Pacific and Artic Ocena species from Baja California to the Alaska-Yukon border., U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, 288pp.
  • Morales-Nin, B., 1994., Growth of demersal fish species in the Mexican Pacific Ocean., Marine Biology, 121:211-217.
  • Norman, J. R., 1934., A systematic monograph of the flatfishes (Heterosomata) Vol. I Psettodidae, Bothidae, Pleuronectidae., Brithish Museum (Natural History):1-459.
  • Perkins, H. C., 1963., Redescription and second known record of the bothid fish, Monolene asaedai Clark., Copeia, 1963:292-295.
  • Van der Heiden , A. M. and Findley, L. T., 1988., Lista de los peces marinos del sur de Sinaloa, México., Anales del Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia de la Universidad Autonoma Nacional de Mexico, 15:209-224.


I thank Ashley MacDonald and John Pickering, University of Georgia, for technical support in building this page.

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