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Prunus mume Siebold & Zucc.
Japanese apricot

Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Rosaceae   Prunus

Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, plant
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, plant

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Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, branching
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, branching
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf upper
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf upper
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf tip upper
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf tip upper
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf base upper
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf base upper

Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf under
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf under
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf base under
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, leaf base under
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, stem
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, stem
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, fruit
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, fruit

Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, fruit
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, fruit
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, stem
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 1
Prunus mume, Peggy clarke, Japanese apricot, stem
Prunus mume, pollen
© Copyright UDEL Pollen 2014 · 0
Prunus mume, pollen

IDnature guides
Scientific source:
Associates · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Amphisphaeriaceae  Pestalotia adusta @ BPI (1)
Aphelinidae  Marietta carnesi @ UCRC_ENT (3)
Coccidae  Saissetia oleae @ CSCA_TCN (2)
Diaspididae  Mercetaspis halli @ CSCA_TCN (2)
Elsinoaceae  Sphaceloma pruni-domesticae @ BPI (1)
Mycosphaerellaceae  Cercospora circumscissa @ BPI (1)
Polyporaceae  Polyporus ochroleucus @ BPI (1)

Polyporus @ BPI (1)

Poria @ BPI (1)
Sclerotiniaceae  Monilinia mume @ BPI (1)
Uropyxidaceae  Leucotelium pruni-persicae @ BPI (1)

Tranzschelia discolor @ BPI (3)

Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae @ BPI (1)
_  Caeoma makinoi @ BPI (1)
Updated: 2024-09-21 00:55:35 gmt
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