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Andrena gardineri Cockerell, 1906
Andrena (Pterandrena) gardineri Cockerell, 1906; Andrena ashmeadi Viereck and Cockerell, 1914; Andrena (Opandrena) lamellicauda Cockerell, 1925; Andrena campbelli Cockerell, 1933

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Callandrena_sensu_lato

Andrena gardineri, -female-back 2012-07-02-1555.26
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Andrena gardineri, -female-back 2012-07-02-1555.26

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    Andrena gardineri – A small, vernal mining bee that specializes on Packera flowers and is most commonly collected in May and June. Female is noted for distinct tergal hair bands on T1 through T4, bidentate labral process, shiny, pitted tergites with hyaline rims, and short antennae. Male has a yellow clypeus, occasionally yellow parocular areas, terga and sterna narrowly hyaline, and S6 apically reflexed.
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Andrena gardineri, -female-face 2012-07-02-1605.20
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Andrena gardineri, -female-face 2012-07-02-1605.20
Andrena gardineri, -female, -back 2012-07-16-15.41.24
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Andrena gardineri, -female, -back 2012-07-16-15.41.24

Andrena gardineri, -female, -face 2012-07-16-15.52.40
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Andrena gardineri, -female, -face 2012-07-16-15.52.40
Andrena gardineri, -female, -side 2012-07-02-16.14.57
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Andrena gardineri, -female, -side 2012-07-02-16.14.57

Andrena gardineri, -female, -side 2012-07-16-16.00.21
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Andrena gardineri, -female, -side 2012-07-16-16.00.21
Andrena gardineri, f on Packera --
Michael Veit · 6
Andrena gardineri, f on Packera --

Andrena gardineri, f on Packera --
Michael Veit · 6
Andrena gardineri, f on Packera --
Andrena gardineri, f on Packera --
Michael Veit · 6
Andrena gardineri, f on Packera --

Andrena gardineri, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Andrena gardineri, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Andrena gardineri, female, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Andrena gardineri, female, face

Andrena gardineri, male, genital armature
© Copyright source/photographer · 1
Andrena gardineri, male, genital armature
Andrena gardineri, male, sternal plates 7 and 8
© Copyright source/photographer · 1
Andrena gardineri, male, sternal plates 7 and 8

Andrena gardineri, face
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 1
Andrena gardineri, face
Andrena gardineri, side
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 1
Andrena gardineri, side
Reprinted with permission of the University of Nebraska State Museum from:
LaBerge, W. E. 1967. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part I. Callandrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 7: 1-316.

Please report text errors to: leah at discoverlife dot org.

Andrena gardineri is a small bee occurring east of the Rocky mountains in the United States. It is the first of a series of species characterized by having a more or less distinct pale apical fascia tergum 1 as well as terga 2-4 in both sexes. In addition the labral process is bidentate, the clypeus and terga are distinctly punctate and usually shiny in both sexes, and the terga have hyaline apical margins. The males have a yellow clypeus and often yellow parocular maculae (rare and small in gardineri), the sixth sternum has the apical margin reflexed, and flagellar segments 2 and 3 are subequal in length to each other and shorter than segment 4 which is broader than long.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N=20; length, 9-11 mm; width, 2.5-3.5 mm; wing length, M = 3.39 0.172 mm; FL/FW, M= 1.07 0.005; FOVL/FOVW, M = 2.77 0.028.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible usually dark rufescent; flagellar segments 4-10 dark reddish-brown below; tegulae testaceous; wing membranes hyaline, only slightly infumate apically, veins red to dark reddish-brown; terga 1-4 with apices narrowly hyaline, colorless to yellowish, often slightly rufescent basad of hyaline areas; sterna 2-5 with apices narrowly hyaline; distitarsi rufescent to orange; hind basitarsi occasionally rufescent, usually piceous; tibial spurs white to pale yellow.

STRUCTURE. Antennae short; scape length equals flagellar segments 1-4 or almost so; flagellar segment 1 as long as succeeding two and one-half segments; segments 2 and 3 equal in length and shorter than 4; segment 4 broader than long, 5 and 6 quadrate, 7-10 longer than broad. Eye about three and three-fourths as long as broad or slightly less, inner margins parallel. Malar space linear. Mandible bidentate; outer mandible when closed extends beyond middle of labrum by less than one-fourth its own length; basoventral lamella well developed but angle rounded; subgenal coronet well developed. Galea with lateral surface almost as broad as dorsal, curved evenly from top to side, surface moderately dulled td opaque, finely and regularly tessellate, punctures minute and sparse Maxillary palpus barely reaching tip of galea when both stretched forward, segmental ratio about 1.0:1.2:0.7:0.7:0.7:0.8. Labial palpus with first segment long, flattened apically, curved along inner mar gin, outer margin almost straight, segmental ratio about 1.0:1.0:0.7:0.7. Labral process short, less than half as long as broad, bidentate. Clypeus evenly rounded horn side to side, protruding beyond lower ends of compound eyes by less than half length of clypeus; with regular round punctures separated mostly by half a puncture width, slightly sparser apicomedially and somewhat smaller peripherally, surface shiny to moderately dulled, with fine reticular shagreening especially peripherally, Supraclypeal area with distinct minute punctures and reticular shagreening at least moderately dulling surface. Genal area about one and one-half times as broad as eye in profile, with minute punctures separated mostly by one puncture width, surface shiny near eye to dull posteriorly, delicately shagreened. Vertex above lateral ocellus equals one ocellar diameter or slightly more; with round punctures crowded above median ocellus, posteriorly and above facial foveae, sparse elsewhere, surface dulled by coarse tessellation. Face above antennal fossae with extremely weak, longitudinal rugulae often not reaching ocelli, with interrugal punctures and fine reticular shagreening moderately dulling surface. Facial fovea short, extends below about to level of upper margin of antennal fossae, narrow below, rounded above and separated from lateral ocellus by one ocellar diameter or slightly more.

Pronotum normal, with small punctures dorsally separated by one to two puncture widths, laterally sparse, surface shiny anteriorly, dulled posteriorly by dense reticular shagreening. Mesoscutum with regular, small, round punctures separated mostly by half to one puncture width or slightly more, surface moderately dulled by fine reticular shagreening; parapsidal line of moderate length, about as long as from its posterior tip to margin of scutum. Tegulae impunctate. Scutellum similar to mesoscutum but shiny (,at least medially. Metanotum with abundant small punctures, surface opaque, tessellate. Propodeum with dorsal enclosure with fine irregularly anastomizing rugulae, often short longitudinal rugulae at base and irregularly transverse rugulae medially, surface finely tessellate; dorsolateral and posterior surfaces with small round punctures separated mostly by one puncture width, surfaces tessellate; corbicular surface moderately shiny, with scattered (punctures and coarsely reticulate shagreening. Mesepisternum with moderately coarse, round punctures separated mostly by half to one puncture width, less posteriorly, surface opaque, tessellate. Metepisternum with lower portion like corbicular surface, upper third tessellate. Middle basitarsus only slightly broadened medially, about equal to hind basitarsus medially; without apical spine. Fore wing usually with three submarginal cells (rarely with two), middle cell slightly narrowed above, along posterior margin equals slightly lore than one-third of first cell, receiving 1st m-cu at or before middle, rarely slightly beyond middle of cell; pterostigma usually lightly narrower than from inner margin prestigma to wing margin, often rather truncate apically; vein M interstitial with or basad of vein cu-v. Claws and tibial spurs normal.

Metasomal terga 1-5 impunctate apically. Tergum 1 with basal area punctures crowded near apical area, medially separated mostly y one and one-hall to two puncture widths, surface shiny, unshagreened or with delicate reticular shagreening especially laterally. Terga 2-4 similar to 1 but punctures progressively more crowded and shagreening progressively more dense and coarse. Pygidial tie V-shaped with narrowly rounded apex, without distinctly delineated internal raised triangle but with a low median ridge near base. Sterna 2-5 impunctate apically, basally with round punctures separated by two to four puncture widths on sternum 2, by one to two puncture widths on sterna 35, surfaces only moderately dulled by delicate reticular shagreening.

VESTITURE. Generally white to pale ochraceous except as follows: vertex of head and thoracic dorsum darker or more yellowish; inner surfaces tarsi pale yellow. Terga 1-4 with distinct, rather narrow, white to pale yellow, apical fasciae, each of about same length medially, on tergum 1 occasionally interrupted medially but probably due to wear; basally with short erect to suberect hairs not hiding surface. Propodeal corbicula incomplete anteriorly, with long, simple or weakly barbed, internal hairs scattered throughout or in upper two-thirds. Trochanteral flocculus complete, weak. Tibial scopal hairs long, plumose throughout scopa.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 8-10 mm; width, 2-3 mm; wing length, M = 3.09 0.152 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.10 0.006; FS1/FS2, M = 2.56 0.030.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with at least apical third to one-half rufescent; clypeus yellow except testaceous to brown apical margin, extreme lateral angles and maculae mesad and below tentorial pits; parocular areas occasionally with very small yellow areas, usually not; flagellar segments 4 or 5 to 11 reddish-brown below; tegulae testaceous to red; wing membranes hyaline, not infumate, veins red to reddish-brown; terga 1-5 with apices narrowly hyaline, colorless to yellow, basally occasionally somewhat rufescent; sterna 2-5 with apices narrowly hyaline, basally moderately rufescent; sternum 6 with apex testaceous; distitarsi rufescent; hind basitarsi occasionally rufescent; tibial spurs white to pale yellow.

STRUCTURE. Antennae short, not surpassing tegulae in repose; scape length equals slightly more than flagellar segments 1-3; flagellar segment 1 longer than segments 2 plus 3; segments 2 and 3 subequal in length, shorter than 4; segments 2-5 broader than long, 6 and 7 quadrate, 8-11 longer than broad. Eye about three an one-half times as long as broad, inner margins converging towards mandibles. Malar space and mandible as in female but basoventral mandibular lamella and subgenal coronet absent. Galea as in female. Maxillary palpus as in female but segmental ratio about 0.9:1.0:0.7:0.7:0.6:0.8. Labial palpus as in female but segmental ratio about 2.3:1.0:0.8:0.6. Labral process bidentate, slightly deflected inward near apex. Clypeus as in female but punctures usual) slightly more crowded. Supraclypeal area, genal area, vertex, and face above antennal fossae as in female. Extremely small but distinct vestige of facial foveae present near inner eye margins.

Thoracic sculpture and structures as in female except as follows: propodeal dorsal enclosure often more coarsely rugulose especially basally; propodeal lateral surface dulled by tessellation. Metasomal terga sculptured as in female but generally punctures are coarser and tergum 5 is like female tergum 4. Pseudopygidial area present, narrow. Sterna 2-5 sculptured as in female. Sternum 6 with apex reflexed, broadly concave so that lateral corners form short apicolateral, reflexed teeth, but middle also at least slightly reflexed.

Genitalia and sterna 7 and 8 (Figs. 262-266) as figured. Note the following structures: penis valves broad near base with well-developed lateral lamellae, thin apically; gonoforceps blunt with abundant hairs; volsellae of moderate size, without minute teeth; Sternum 7 relatively long medially, with shallow V-shaped emargination; sternum 8 with neck region broad basally, extremely narrow just before expanded apical area, margin entire or almost so.

VESTITURE. Generally as in female with the following differences: terga 1-5 with apical pale fasciae; sterna 2-5 with subapical fimbriae of moderately long, pale, slightly curled hairs (often weak on tergum 2).

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype (PHT) female of A. gardineri Cockerell from Boulder, Colorado, was collected June 4, 1905, by M. F. Campbell. The holotype female of A. ashmeadi Viereck and Cockerell, from Colorado, was collected by C. F. Baker (USNM No. 18,156). The holotype (PHT) male of A. lamellicauda Cockerell, (from Boulder, Colorado, was collected May 12, 1925, by C. H. Hicks. The holotype (PHT) male of A. campbelli Cockerell, from Boulder, Colorado, was collected May 21, 1933, by H. W. Campbell.

DISTRIBUTION. A. gardineri is known from Georgia north to Maryland and Ohio and west to Texas, Colorado and South Dakota g. 14). It has been collected from April 7th through August 26th, t chiefly in May and June. In addition to the type material, 190 males and 60 males have been examined from localities listed low.

ARKANSAS: DeValls Bluff; Forest City. COLORADO: Berkley; Boulder; Canon City; Colorado Springs; Denver; Elbert; Fort Collins; Golden (Green Mt.); Larkspur; Limon; Los Pinos; Plainview. GEORGIA: Augusta; Clayton. KANSAS: Sawyer (3 miles S.), Barber Co. LOUISIANA: Mound. MARYLAND: Dawsonville. NORTH CAROLINA: Arcola; Black Mt.; Bryson City; Clayton (2 miles W.); Raleigh; Umstead State Park. OHIO: Hocking Co. SOUTH CAROLINA: Cheraw. SOUTH DAKOTA: Hot Springs. TENNESSEE: Tallahasee. TEXAS: Clarendon; Richmond. VIRGINIA: Barcroft; Falls Church; Fort Lee; Great Falls; South Hill, Mecklenburg Co.; Sperryville; Williamsboro.

FLORAL RECORDS. A. gardineri is an oligolege on plants of the family Compositae which bloom in early summer, especially species of Senecio. Out of 21 collections (101 females and 37 males) with floral data, 15 collections (77 females and 34 males) were from some species of Senecio. A few records are probably incorrect due to misdetermined plants. For instance, the bee was recorded visiting Aster flowers in April in Georgia and from flowers of Geraea in Texas. Flowers from which this bee has been collected ire listed below.

Aster sp., Astragalus striatus, Baileya multiradiata, Crepis runcinata, Geraea sp., Hymenoxys glabra, Lesquerella ovalifolia, Senecio sp., S. aureus, S. pauperculus var. balsamitae, S. smallii, S. multilobatus, S. triangularis.

REMARKS. The distribution of A. gardineri, as now known, is disjunct and suggests that two species might be involved. Two large populations of gardineri apparently occur, one in the foothill region of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and the other in the mid-Atlantic states of Virginia and the Carolinas. Few specimens are known from the intervening region. This may, of course, be simply due to relatively poor collecting in the region between the two large populations. The specimens available from Ohio, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Kansas seem to indicate that populations of gardineri do occur across this area and will doubtlessly be sampled in the future.

The Atlantic states populations of gardineri differ in a number of respects from the Colorado populations. The eastern specimens average slightly smaller in size, have the propodeal dorsal enclosure slightly more coarsely rugulose, and have the vestiture in general somewhat darker in color. All of these characters are of a type that one would expect to vary geographically. Two of these, size and color, generally vary in bees from east to west as they appear to do in gardineri. That is, bees are often smaller and darker in the eastern than in the western parts of the range of a wide-ranging species. It seems likely, then, that the eastern populations of gardineri represent at most a rather distinct geographic race or subspecies. This race is not formally named here because of the lack of information concerning the connecting populations of the species from the midwestern region. Without this information, it remains a possibility that the eastern populations represent a distinct species.

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960. Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE Length 9 mm.; face very slightly longer than broad; clypeus slightly convex, projecting about one-half below suborbital line, rather copiously short pubescent, surface rather dull, finely but rather deeply punctate, punctures well separated medially, becoming close laterally; facial foveae short and narrow, occupying above no more than half of space between eyes and ocelli, covered with ochraceous tomentum; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli subequal to their diameter; cheeks slightly broader than eyes, rounded posteriorly, rather dull, punctures minute and obscure; malar space very short; basal segment somewhat longer than 2nd and 3rd combined; process of labrum subtriangular, apex quite deeply emarginate; mandibles very slightly dilated beneath toward base, forming an obscure, broad angle; pubescence of head, thorax and legs entirely pale ochraceous; thoracic integument dull, punctures of scutum distinct but fine and close, rather shallow, becoming somewhat sparse toward center posteriorly, very fine and close along anterior margin of scutellum, but more scattered and irregular elsewhere, surface somewhat shining; pleura with some shallow, rather coarse but obscure punctures above, otherwise densely tessellate; dorsal area of propodeum nearly vertical, triangle irregularly, finely striate along basal margin; propodeal corbicula rather short, without a distinct anterior fringe, pale ochraceous; trochanteral floccus rather short, whitish; hind tibiae rather slender, apex only slightly broader than basitarsi, scopa quite dense, hairs of moderate length, finely plumose, entirely pale ochraceous; front basitarsi rather narrow, mid basitarsi nearly equaling their tibiae in width; 2nd submarginal cell much shorter than 3rd, receiving 1st recurrent at middle, abdominal terga smooth and shining, deeply and rather closely and coarsely punctate, apical depressed areas quite shallow, occupying medially about one-third length of discs, quite broadly and very distinctly hyaline along rims, discal pubescence short, thin, erect, entirely pale, terga 2-4 with rather dense and conspicuous pale ochraceous or whitish apical fasciae, basal tergum subfasciate toward sides, tergum 5 with a brownish-ochraceous apical fimbria.

MALE Length 8 mm.; clypeus evenly convex, projecting but very slightly below suborbital line, yellow except for a pair of small, dark spots and the blackish apical rim, smooth and shining, deeply and rather coarsely punctate, punctures well separated but not sparse medially, becoming close laterally; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli subequal to their diameter; cheeks slightly broader than eyes, rounded posteriorly, rather dull, punctures obscure; malar space extremely short: basal segment of flagellum subequal to 2nd and 3rd combined; process of labrum broadly subtriangular, quite short, apex rather broadly truncate and slightly emarginate; mandibles of moderate length, with a distinct inner, subapical tooth, overlapping about one-third; pubescence of head, thorax and legs entirely pale ochraceous; thoracic integument dull, finely tessellate, punctures of scutum fine, shallow and rather obscure, quite close anteriorly, becoming rather sparse toward center posteriorly and quite sparse and irregular on scutellum, surface somewhat more shining, pleura somewhat roughened above, obscurely punctate; dorsal area of propodeum narrow, oblique, triangle finely substriate along basal margin; basitarsi slender and elongate, considerably narrower than their respective tibiae; 2nd submarginal cell much shorter than 3rd, receiving 1st recurrent near middle, abdominal terga smooth, shining, deeply and quite closely and coarsely punctate, apical depressed areas shallow, occupying medially about one-third length of discs, quite broadly and distinctly hyaline along rims, discal pubescence entirely pale, short, rather obscure, terga 1-5 with pale ochraceous apical fasciae evident laterally, more or less interrupted medially, especially on the more basal terga; apical portion of sternum 8 gradually narrowed from base to near apex which is somewhat dilated and truncate, with a low submedian ventral protuberance, short pubescent from this to near the apex; penis valves slender and elongate apically, quite strongly dilated toward base, not distinctly excavated, gonocoxites gradually dilated toward the somewhat rounded apex, gonocoxal lobes considerably produced, subtriangular, more or less acute apically.

DISTRIBUTION Colorado to Texas, east to Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia; April to June.

FLOWER RECORDS Senecio. Males have been collected also on Penstemon and Rubus.

Scientific source:

Andrena (Pterandrena) gardineri Cockerell, 1906, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 17, p. 307; Lanham, 1949, Univ. California Pubs. Ent., vol. 8, p. 200; Mitchell, 1960, North Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta., Tech. Bul. No. 141, pp. 146-147.

Andrena gardineri: Viereck and Cockerell, 1914, Proc. United States Nat. Mus., vol. 48, p. 57; Clements and Long, 1923, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 366, p. 249; Brimley, 1938, Insects of North Carolina, p. 453; Lanham, 1941, Ann. Ent. Soc. America, vol. 34, p. 711.

Andrena ashmeadi Viereck and Cockerell, 1914, Proc. United States Nat. Mus., vol. 48, p. 45; Lanham, 1949, Univ. California Pubs. Ent., vol. 8, p. 200; Lanham, 1951, in Muesebeck et al., United States Dept. Agric., Agric. Monogr. No. 2, p. 1066 (synonymy).

Andrena (Opandrena) lamellicauda Cockerell, 1925, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, vol. 16, p. 629; Lanham, 1941, Ann. Ent. Soc. America, vol. 34, p. 711 (synonymy).

Andrena campbelli Cockerell, 1933, Pan-Pac. Ent., vol. 9, p. 153; Lanham, 1941, Ann. Ent. Soc. America, vol. 34, p. 711 (synonymy).

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Asteraceae  Gutierrezia sarothrae @ BBSL (1)

Packera anonyma @ UCRC_ENT (20)

Packera aurea @ UCRC_ENT (28)

Senecio sp @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Senecio tridenticulatus @ BBSL (3)

Senecio @ AMNH_BEE (23)

Tephroseris praticola @ AMNH_BEE (1)
_  Asteraceae sp @ BBSL (2)

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