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Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby
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Gutierrezia sarothrae
© Copyright Mel Harte 2010 · 3
Gutierrezia sarothrae

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Gutierrezia sarothrae
© Copyright Mel Harte 2010 · 3
Gutierrezia sarothrae
Gutierrezia sarothrae
© Copyright Mel Harte 2010 · 3
Gutierrezia sarothrae

Gutierrezia sarothrae
© Copyright Jennifer Larson 2012 · 2
Gutierrezia sarothrae
Gutierrezia sarothrae
© Copyright Jennifer Larson 2012 · 2
Gutierrezia sarothrae

IDnature guides
Scientific source:
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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Andrenidae  Andrena ardis @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Andrena aurihirta @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Andrena canadensis @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Andrena gardineri @ BBSL (1)

Andrena isocomae @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Andrena ofella @ BBSL (1)

Andrena pecosana @ BBSL (3); UCRC_ENT (1)

Calliopsis bernardinensis @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Calliopsis helianthi @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Calliopsis philiphunteri @ BBSL (4); UCRC_ENT (2)

Calliopsis rozeni @ BBSL (1)

Calliopsis scutellaris @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Perdita albovittata @ BBSL (2); UCRC_ENT (2)

Perdita amoena @ BBSL (2); UCRC_ENT (4)

Perdita apacheorum @ BBSL (1)

Perdita aridella @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (1)

Perdita austini @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Perdita callicerata @ BBSL (1)

Perdita dubia @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (11)

Perdita ericameriae @ BBSL (1)

Perdita flavifrons @ BBSL (1)

Perdita gutierreziae @ UCRC_ENT (14)

Perdita heterothecae @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (3)

Perdita ignota @ BBSL (8)

Perdita interserta @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Perdita luteola @ BBSL (20); UCRC_ENT (42)

Perdita melanostoma @ UCRC_ENT (28)

Perdita multiflorae @ BBSL (3)

Perdita oregonensis @ BBSL (1)

Perdita phymatae @ UCRC_ENT (11)

Perdita rectangulata @ BBSL (3); UCRC_ENT (4)

Perdita rhodura @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Perdita semicrocea @ UCRC_ENT (9)

Perdita similis @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (6)

Perdita stottleri @ BBSL (3)

Perdita subfasciata @ BBSL (1)

Pseudopanurgus fraterculus @ BBSL (3)
Aphididae  Aphis ( @ NCSU_ENT (1)
Apidae  Anthophora curta @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (25)

Anthophora estebana @ BBSL (1)

Anthophora maculifrons @ BBSL (2)

Anthophora rhodothorax @ BBSL (1)

Anthophorula compactula @ BBSL (2)

Anthophorula torticornis @ BBSL (1)

Apis mellifera @ BBSL (1)

Bombus centralis @ EMEC (4)

Bombus crotchii @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Bombus griseocollis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Bombus pensylvanicus @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Bombus rufocinctus @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Diadasia enavata @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Diadasia nitidifrons @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Exomalopsis solani @ BBSL (2)

Exomalopsis solidaginis @ BBSL (8)

Melissodes appressa @ BBSL (1)

Melissodes confusa @ BBSL (1)

Melissodes lutulenta @ BBSL (9)

Melissodes pallidisignata @ BBSL (3)

Melissodes tessellata @ BBSL (1)

Melissodes tristis @ BBSL (1)

Melissodes verbesinarum @ BBSL (4)

Svastra sabinensis @ BBSL (2)

Triepeolus sarothrinus @ BBSL (2)

Triepeolus timberlakei @ BBSL (1)

Xeromelecta californica @ BBSL (1)
Botryosphaeriaceae  Macrophoma subiculis @ BPI (1)
Colletidae  Colletes mandibularis @ BBSL (2)

Colletes phaceliae @ BBSL (7); AMNH_BEE (1)

Colletes rufocinctus @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Colletes simulans @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Hylaeus polifolii @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Hylaeus wootoni @ BBSL (1)
Coreidae  Merocoris curtatus @ UCR_ENT (17)
Dictyopharidae  Orgerius concordus @ UCR_ENT (3)

Scolops @ UCR_ENT (8)
Eriococcidae  Oregmopyga johnsoni @ CSCA_TCN (7)
Erysiphaceae  Erysiphe cichoracearum @ BPI (5)
Halictidae  Agapostemon angelicus @ BBSL (2)

Halictus farinosus @ BBSL (6)

Halictus ligatus @ BBSL (5)

Halictus tripartitus @ BBSL (1)

Lasioglossum californicum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Lasioglossum lazulis @ BBSL (1)

Lasioglossum quebecense @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Lasioglossum ruidosense @ BBSL (1)

Nomia tetrazonata @ BBSL (1)
Lygaeidae  Lygaeus kalmii @ UCR_ENT (1)
Megachilidae  Anthidiellum notatum @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Anthidium jocosum @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Ashmeadiella bigeloviae @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Ashmeadiella bucconis @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (35)

Ashmeadiella californica @ UCRC_ENT (24)

Ashmeadiella cazieri @ BBSL (1)

Ashmeadiella foveata @ BBSL (1)

Ashmeadiella gillettei @ BBSL (1)

Ashmeadiella meliloti @ BBSL (1)

Ashmeadiella rhodognatha @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Coelioxys edita @ BBSL (1)

Coelioxys grindeliae @ BBSL (1)

Coelioxys octodentata @ BBSL (1)

Coelioxys rufitarsis @ BBSL (2)

Dianthidium parvum @ UCRC_ENT (42)

Dianthidium platyurum @ UCRC_ENT (7)

Dianthidium pudicum @ UCRC_ENT (5)

Dianthidium subparvum @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (1)

Dianthidium ulkei @ BBSL (1)

Megachile brevis @ BBSL (2); UCRC_ENT (103)

Megachile coquilletti @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Megachile frugalis @ BBSL (9)

Megachile gentilis @ UCRC_ENT (15)

Megachile nevadensis @ BBSL (1)

Megachile parallela @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (7)

Megachile perihirta @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (1)

Megachile policaris @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Megachile rotundata @ BBSL (2)

Megachile texana @ UCRC_ENT (5)
Meloidae  Nemognatha nigripennis @ UCIS (1)
Membracidae  Spissistilus festinus @ UCR_ENT (2)
Miridae  Aoplonema rubrum @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Aoplonemella festiva @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Coquillettia luteiclava @ AMNH_PBI (4)

Coquillettia nigrithorax @ AMNH_PBI (96)

Coquillettia venusta @ AMNH_PBI (3)

Coquillettia @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Deraeocoris brevis @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Irbisia californica @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Irbisia solani @ AMNH_IZC (4)

Lopidea picta @ AMNH_ENT (16)

Orthotylus albocostatus @ AMNH_IZC (1)

Phyllopidea montana @ AMNH_IZC (1)

Phytocoris megatuberis @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Phytocoris nigrolineatus @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Phytocoris nr @ AMNH_ENT (19)

Phytocoris rostratus @ AMNH_ENT (3)

Phytocoris sublineatus @ AMNH_ENT (6)

Phytocoris tenuis @ AMNH_ENT (16)

Pilophorus discretus @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Polymerus basalis @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Polymerus diffusus @ AMNH_ENT (52)

Polymerus gracilentus @ AMNH_ENT (3)

Slaterocoris flavipes @ AMNH_PBI (22)

Slaterocoris fuscomarginalis @ AMNH_PBI (3)

Slaterocoris longipennis @ AMNH_PBI (89)

Slaterocoris sheridani @ AMNH_PBI (15)
Nabidae  Nabis americoferus @ UCR_ENT (1)
Pleosporaceae  Macrosporium puccinioides @ BPI (1)
Pseudococcidae  Chorizococcus abortivus @ CSCA_TCN (1)

Spilococcus gutierreziae @ CSCA_TCN (5)
Pucciniaceae  Puccinia grindeliae @ BPI (16)

Puccinia gutierreziae @ BPI (1)

Puccinia stipae @ BPI (4)
Reduviidae  Phymata americana @ UCR_ENT (2)
Rhopalidae  Harmostes reflexulus @ UCR_ENT (2)
_  unknown unknown @ AMNH_PBI (1)
Updated: 2024-10-27 18:37:24 gmt
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