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Andrena haynesi Viereck and Cockerell, 1914
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Callandrena_sensu_lato

Andrena haynesi FEM CFP
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Andrena haynesi FEM CFP

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Andrena haynesi, F, U, back
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Andrena haynesi, F, U, back
Andrena haynesi, F, U, face
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Andrena haynesi, F, U, face

Andrena haynesi, F, U, side
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Andrena haynesi, F, U, side
Andrena haynesi
Adalbert Goertz · 1
Andrena haynesi

Andrena haynesi, face
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 1
Andrena haynesi, face
Andrena haynesi, side
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 1
Andrena haynesi, side

Andrena haynesi, top
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 1
Andrena haynesi, top
Andrena haynesi, wing
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 1
Andrena haynesi, wing
Reprinted with permission of the University of Nebraska State Museum from:
LaBerge, W. E. 1967. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part I. Callandrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 7: 1-316.

Please report text errors to: leah at discoverlife dot org.

This is a huge dark bee of the western Great Plains region. It is similar to species of the verecunda group in that the male clypeus is entirely black. However, it is not closely related to verecunda as is shown by its sculpturing, short maxillary palpus, male terminalia and female propodeal corbicula. It is distinctive in both sexes by the dark ochraceous pile and deeply infumate wings and in the females by the dark brown scopal hairs.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 14-17 mm; width, 3.5-5.0 mm; wing length, M = 5.88 0.144 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.11 0.058; FOVL/FOVW, M = 2.45 0.030.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with apical half dark rufescent in part; flagellar segments 5-10 below dark red; tegulae dark red to piceous; wing membranes deeply infumate, brown, veins dark blackish-brown; tergal apices slightly rufescent; sterna 2-5 with apices translucent, yellow; distitarsi dark rufescent; tibial spurs red to reddish-brown.

STRUCTURE. Antennae of moderate length, scape length equals flagellar segments 1-3; flagellar segment 1 somewhat longer than segments 2 plus 3, shorter than segments 2-4; segment 2, 3 and 4 subequal in length, shorter than segment r), almost as long as broad. Eye about three and three-fourths as long as broad or slightly longer, inner margins parallel. Malar space broader posteriorly, at shortest length about four and one-half times as broad as long. Mandible short, extends beyond middle of labrum by one-fifth its length or less; subgenal coronet well developed; ventrobasal angle not developed. Galea evenly rounded from top to side, lateral portion about half as broad as dorsal; surface opaque, densely and finely tessellate, impunctate. Maxillary palpus slightly shorter than galea when extended, segmental ratio about 1.2:1.2:1.0:0.9:0.9:1.1. Labial palpus long, with first segment straight along outer, curved along inner margin, apically almost twice as broad as near base, segmental ratio about 2.3:1.5:1.0:1.2. Labral process about three times as broad as long, trapezoidal, emarginate medially, bidentate. Clypeus flattened, slightly constricted just before apical margin, produced beyond level of ends of compound eyes by about two-thirds its median length; shiny to moderately shiny, with small round punctures separated by half a puncture width or less except along midline and fine irregular shagreening posteriorly. Supraclypeal area with small contiguous but distinct punctures and extremely fine shagreening. Genal area in profile about one and one-half times as broad as eye, with minute punctures crowded near eye, sparse posteriorly, and coarse tessellation dulling surface. Vertex above lateral ocellus equals slightly more than one ocellar diameter, surface with scattered small round punctures crowded above ocelli, along apex and near upper margins foveae, dulled by coarse reticular shagreening. Face above antennal fossae with irregularly anastomizing longitudinal rugulae almost reaching lateral ocelli, interrugal spaces with scattered large round punctures and coarse tessellation, moderately shiny. Facial fovea long, extends to or below level of lower margin of antennal fossa, lower end relatively broad and rounded, upper end broader, rounded, separated from lateral ocellus by about half an ocellar diameter.

Pronotum normal, with sparse obscure punctures and coarse regular tessellation dulling surface. Mesoscutum with shallow round punctures separated by half to one puncture width, surface and bottoms of punctures dulled by fine regular tessellation; parapsidal line long. Scutellum and metanotum sculptured as in mesoscutum but punctures more crowded. Propodeum with dorsal enclosure coarsely tessellate and surface irregularly roughened medially; posterior and dorsolateral surfaces as in mesoscutum but punctures sparser especially on posterior surface; corbicular surfaces with scattered small punctures and coarse tessellation, moderately shiny. Mesepisternum sculptured like mesoscutum but punctures sparser and many with upper margins elevated slightly above surface so that punctures appear directed ventrad. Metepisternum similar to corbicular area in upper half, becoming shiny in lower half with extremely coarse reticular shagreening. Wings with three submarginal cells; vein 1st m-cu meets second submarginal cell at or before middle of cell; second submarginal cell along posterior margin equals about half of first cell and along dorsal margin distinctly longer than vein r from pterostigma to second cell; pterostigma long, about as broad as from inner margin prestigma to wing margin. Middle basitarsus about as broad medially as hind basitarsus, gently curved outward along anterior margin, anterior apical angle not produced. Claws and tibial spurs normal.

Metasomal terga 1-4 with minute round punctures separated mostly by three to four puncture widths on tergum 1, but two puncture widths on tergum 2 and by one puncture width or less on terga 3 and 4; surfaces dulled by dense, coarse reticular shagreening except apical areas moderately shiny. Pygidial plate V-shaped, as broad basally as long, blunt or rounded apically. Sterna 2-5 with small crowded punctures along apical margins, with small punctures separated by 2 to 4 puncture widths basally, surfaces moderately shiny, with fine dense reticular shagreening.

VESTITURE. Generally extremely dark ochraceous, often slightly reddish on vertex and dorsum of thorax. Tergum 1 without apical pale fascia, tergum 2 with broadly interrupted apical pale fascia; tergum 3 with narrowly interrupted apical fascia; tergum 4 with complete apical pale fascia; terga 5 and 6 with long dark ochraceous to fuscous hairs. Sterna 2-5 with hairs ochraceous, long along apical margins, short and sparse basally. 1ropodeal corbicula without anterior fringe, interior with long, slightly barbed hairs scattered throughout. Trochanteral flocculus complete, weak. Tibial scopal hairs plumose throughout, dark brown. Fore basitarsi with inner surfaces, middle and hind basitarsi with inner and outer surfaces and distitarsi with inner surfaces with brown hairs.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 13-15 mm; width, 3-4 mm; wing length, M = 5.31 0.174 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.13 0.006; FS1/FS2, M = 2.07 0.027.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. As in female except as follows: flagellar segments 4 to 11 red below; wing membranes moderately infumate, yellowish-brown, veins dark reddish-brown to blackish-brown.

STRUCTURE. Antennae short, in repose not reaching back beyond middle of tegulae; scape equal in length to first two and one-halt flagellar segments; flagellar segment 1 equal in length to succeeding two and one-half segments; segments 2 and 3 subequal in length, each shorter than 4 and almost as long as broad. Eye about three and one-third times as long as broad, inner margins parallel. Malar space, mandible and galea as in female. Maxillary palpus as in female but ratio about 1.2:1.2:1.0:0.9:0.9:1.1. Labial palpus as in female but ratio about 2.3:1.5:1.0:1.2. Labrum, clypeus, supraclypeal area, genal area, vertex and face above antennal fossae as in female except as follows: eye about as broad as genal area in profile; face above antennal fossae with longitudinal rugulae weak; narrow, rudimentary facial 1ovea present near upper eye margins.

Thoracic and metasomal sculpturing as in female except as follows: propodeal dorsal enclosure slightly more roughened medially, almost rugulose; metepisternal punctures slightly more crowded; propodeum with lateral surfaces tessellate; terga 1-5 as in female terga 1-4 but punctures on each tergum more distinct and more crowded. Tergum 7 with large triangular pseudopygidial area with low longitudinal ridges marking surface. Wing venation and pterostigma as in female. Claws and tibial spurs normal. Sternum 6 reflexed apically, especially apicolaterally, with broad shallow V-shaped apical emargination.

Genitalia and sterna 7 and 8 (Figs. 194-198) as figured. Note resemblance to senticulosa but with following differences: penis valves longer; volsellae smaller; sternum 7 with apical region much reduced in size; sternum 8 with apex not much expanded but with shallow emargination. 1

VESTITURE. Generally pale to dark ochraceous, usually darker on vertex and thoracic dorsum, paler at sides and below. Terga 2-5 similar to female terga 2-4 in apical fasciae. Sterna 2-5 with short weak ochraceous apical fimbriae; basal area hairs short, erect, sparse. Inner surfaces tarsi reddish-brown.

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype female (USNM No. 18, 139) from War Bonnet Canyon, Sioux County, Nebraska, June 24, 1901, on Helianthus sp., was collected by J. C. Crawford.

DISTRIBUTION. A. haynesi is known to occur from Texas north p. North Dakota and west to Wyoming and Colorado (Fig. 13). It as been collected from June 24th through September 6th, but chiefly in July and August. In addition to the holotype, 94 females and 73 males have been examined from the localities listed below. COLORADO: Fleming; Fort Lupton; Xenia (7.5 miles W.). ANSAS: Elkhart (8 miles N.); Garden City (and 2 miles S.); Hays o.; Hutchinson; Isabel (8 miles N.E.); Lamed; Lawrence; Nickerson; Phillips Co.; Syracuse. NEBRASKA: Alliance (and 10 miles S.); Atkinson (24 miles S. on Lierman Ranch); Ellsworth (1 mile E.); Spring (8 miles S.); Gordon (33 miles S.); Halsey; Holt Co.; Hyannis 5 and 17 miles S.); Mitchell; Monroe Canyon, Sioux Co.; Nenzel (9 piles S.); Scottsbluff; Valentine (25 miles S. on Crowe Ranch); War Bonnet Canyon, Sioux Co.; Whitman (20 miles N.); Whitney. NORTH DAKOTA: Sheldon. TEXAS. Canadian. WYOMING: Riverton; Worland. Canada. ALBERTA: Medicine Hat.

FLORAL RECORDS. A. haynesi is an oligolege of Helianthus. Out of 43 collections (74 females and 61 males) with floral data available to the author, 42 (72 females and 54 males) were from some species of Helianthus, mostly H. petiolaris. The single collection not from Helianthus was made early in the season (June) on Campanula. Stevens (1949) reports this species on a few other species of plants, namely Echinacea pallida and Solidago rigida, in North Dakota.

Scientific source:

Andrena haynesi Viereck and Cockerell, 1914, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 48, p. 26; Cockerell, 1931, American Museum Novitates No. 458, p. 14; Stevens, 1949, Bimonthly Bulletin of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, vol. 12, p. 22.

Andrena (Pterandrena) haynesi: Lanham, 1949, University of California Publications in Entomology, vol. 8, p. 200.

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Chrysothamnus sp @ BBSL__SALTL (1)

Helianthus annuus @ BBSL (5); UCRC_ENT (2)

Helianthus anomalus @ BBSL (14)

Helianthus petiolaris @ I_ADG (1); AMNH_BEE (7)

Helianthus sp @ BBSL (3)
Polygonaceae  Eriogonum sp @ BBSL (1)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (3)

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