Augochlorella aurata (Smith, 1853) Augochlora aurata Smith, 1853; Augochlora striata Provancher, 1888; Augochlora austrina Robertson, 1893; Augochlora matilda Robertson, 1893; Augochlora confusa Robertson, 1897; Augochlora (Augochlora) coloradensis Titus, 1901; Halictus levinasis Vachal, 1911; Halictus purus_homonym Vachal, 1911; Augochlora pseudopurella Strand, 1914, replacement name; Oxystoglossa confusa (Robertson, 1897)
| IDnature guides | Overview |
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141. |
FEMALE Length 5.5 mm.; entire body brilliant green, more or less suffused with coppery or red; mandibles dark, with a small, inner, subapical tooth; clypeus above shining, punctures deep and distinct, rather sparse medially, becoming finer and closer laterally, apical half blackened, where punctures are much more coarse and rather close; supraclypeal area shining, punctures minute and rather sparse; face above antennae densely rugosopunctate and rather dull; cheeks somewhat shining below, microscopically lineolate or tessellate, becoming somewhat more dull and densely tessellate above; pubescence of head and thorax pale yellowish above, very short, becoming whitish below; scutum somewhat shining medially, punctures uniformly fine and very close throughout, except that the lateral, anterior angles become densely rugose; scutellum quite flat, minutely and closely punctate, slightly shining; pleura anteriorly reticulate, otherwise quite densely and rather finely rugose; dorsal area of propodeum considerably broader than metanotum, rather coarsely and uniformly striate, posterior margin somewhat rounded and smooth (in contrast with striata where the posterior margin is subcarinate), lateral faces rather dull, obscurely reticulate anteriorly becoming more tessellate posteriorly and posterior face tessellate; coxae, trochanters and femora largely greenish, tibiae more piceous, tarsi becoming brownish-testaceous apically; tegulae largely yellowish-hyaline, becoming somewhat more brownish-testaceous posteriorly; wings hyaline, veins and stigma pale testaceous; abdominal terga somewhat shining, punctures exceedingly minute and close, almost tessellate even on basal tergum, apical margins only slightly impressed, punctation not greatly different from that of discs, pubescence very short but rather copious, entirely pale.
MALE Length 5 mm.; entire body brilliant green, becoming in some specimens almost entirely coppery red; mandibles and labrum dull testaceous to yellowish; clypeus shining, punctures rather coarse and close, apical margin narrowly yellowish; supraclypeal area somewhat shining below, finely and rather closely punctate above; face above antennae rather dull, densely and very finely rugoso-punctate; cheeks below shining, with a few scattered, exceedingly minute punctures, becoming more dull and finely tessellate or lineolate above; scape black, flagellum brownish-ferruginous beneath, piceous above, the two basal segments very short, 3rd about as long as broad, the following segments successively more elongate, becoming about 2.5 times longer than broad; pubescence of head and thorax short, entirely pale, somewhat tinged with ochraceous above, whitish below; scutum shining, punctures rather well separated medially, very fine but distinct, becoming close, almost crowded laterally, and densely rugose in area of lateral apical angles; scutellum less shining, punctures much more close, minute anteriorly, becoming coarser and closer posteriorly; pleura coarsely rugose anteriorly, otherwise with densely crowded but rather distinct and coarse punctures, those just beneath wing bases very fine, dorsal area of propodeum slightly broader than metanotum, closely and quite distinctly striate, but posterior margin somewhat smooth and rounded, lateral faces dull, finely and irregularly roughened, posterior face irregularly roughened or in part punctate; tegulae yellowish anteriorly, becoming more testaceous posteriorly; wings hyaline, veins and stigma testaceous; coxae, trochanters and femora green, mid and hind tibiae somewhat tinged with green, but otherwise testaceous, front tibiae and all tarsi yellowish-testaceous; apical half of hind basitarsi with elongate hairs, the basal half with short hairs; abdominal terga somewhat shining, basal tergum with minute but rather deep and distinct, very close punctures, those on 2 somewhat more close and obscure, 3 and 4 becoming more tessellate, apical margins rather broadly but shallowly impressed apically, rims faintly blackened, pubescence rather short but copious, entirely pale; apical margin of sternum 4 broadly incurved; gonostyli extremely short, composed of a very short, truncate, outer lobe and a broad, rounded, inner lobe which bears a marginal fringe of setae; cuspis small, the digitus of volsellae broadly rounded; dorsal excavation of penis valves more restricted, with a distinct subcarinate posterior margin, tips considerably exceeding the gonostyli. FLOWER RECORDS Agastache, Althaea, Apocynum, Asclepias, Barbarea, Ceanothus, Cotoneaster, Lotus, Malva, Melilotus, Monarda, Rhus, Salvia, Solidago, Taraxacum and Trifolium. Robertson (1929) records aurata (as Oxystoglossa similis) on the following additional genera: Alisma, Ammannia, Amorpha, Antennaria, Anthemis, Arabis, Asclepias, Asparagus, Aster, Blephilia, Brauneria, Camassia, Capsella, Cardamine, Cassia, Cerastium, Chrysanthemum, Claytonia, Coreopsis, Cornus, Crataegus, Cuphea, Dianthera, Diospyros, Erigeron, Eupatorium, Fragaria, Geranium, Geum, Gnaphalium, Hedeoma, Helianthus, Heuchera, Houstonia, Hypoxis, Krigia, Lepidium, Lespedeza, Lippia, Ludwigia, Lycopus, Nothoscordum, Parthenium, Petalostemon, Plantego, Polemonium, Polytaenia, Potentilla, Prunus, Pycnanthemum, Radicula, Ranunculus, Rubus, Rudbeckia, Sabatia, Sagittaria, Salix, Senecio, Sisymbrium, Sisyrinchium, Smilacina, Smilax, Specularia, Stellaria, Symphoricarpus, Taenidia, Thaspium, Tradescantia, Valerianella, Verbena, Verbesina, Veronica and Zizia.
There is still some question concerning the true identity of Halictus xystris Vachal. The type series has been examined by Padre S. Moure and some notes on the lectotype received from him indicate the probability that it lies within the range of variation of aurata.
Extracted from: Ordway E. (1966). Systematics of the Genus Augochlorella (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) North of Mexico. The University of Kansas Science Bulletin Vol. XLVI, pp. 509-624, No. 16
Description. Female: (1) Body length 7 mm; head width 158 to 1.98 mm, averaging 1.84 mm, width to length ratio variable. (2) Color yellow-green to blue-green; frons without bluish reflections on green specimens, metasoma similar in color to other body regions. (3) Mandible with basal third dark brown, yellow-brown centrally, rufous at tip, rarely with metallic reflection at base. (4) Clypeal width subequal to length; basal part green with large, irregularly spaced punctures; apical fifth or less, brown, brown area not exceeding one-third, slightly beveled; punctures in brown area round, or slightly elongate when brown area exceeds diameter of puncture; surface between punctures usually shiny and smooth. (5) Supraclypeal area variably punctate, surface between punctures shiny and smooth or finely roughened. (6) Paraocular area punctorugose to rugose below antenna, more coarsely rugose above. (7) Antenna dark brown, often slightly lighter below than above; pedicel with length subequal to width, first flagellar segment wider than long. (8) Scutum coarsely punctate; punctures close to contiguous over entire dorsum, similar to frons; anterior margin and anterolateral corners finely rugose to finely areolate. (9) Tegula almost twice as long as wide. (10) Scutellum roughened or shallowly and irregularly punctate. (11) Pleuron finely rugose, becoming areolate anteriorly. (12) Propodeum with disc equal to or slightly longer than metanotum; outline of disc bracket-shaped to semicircular, usually weakly bracket-shaped, forming blunt point medially, profile type 2; posterior edge of disc distinct, abruptly rounded to sharp, gradually rounded laterally; striae fine, close, wavy, usually irregular, ending just before edge or at edge medially, often leaving edge slightly raised, roughened and dull, reaching or crossing edge laterally; posterior vertical surface evenly and finely granular, not rough; posterolateral corners not prominent, usually slightly more roughened than posterior surface; lateral vertical surface weakly rugose. (13) Legs brown, fore and hind coxae, mid and hind trochanters and femora with metallic reflections. (14) First metasomal tergum with anterior surface shiny but not polished, with numerous widely spaced punctures; dorsal punctures minute and close, or large, close and distinct (Texas); first sternum without metallic reflections. (15) Pubescence golden-white on dorsum and legs and ventrally on metasoma; white ventrally on head and thorax; pubescence short and thick but not dense on genal area.
Male: (1) Length 7 mm; head width 1.81 to 1.91 mm, averaging 1.86 mm, width to length ratio variable. (2) Color bright green; often with bluish reflections on frons; metasoma often slightly redder or browner above than on other parts of body. (3) Mandible with dark metallic reflections basally. (4) Clypeus with punctures variable in size and spacing; surface between punctures shiny and smooth. (5) Supraclypeal area variably punctured with surface smooth and shiny or irregularly roughened. (6) Paraocular area finely punctorugose. (7) Flagellum dark brown above, yellowish brown below; scape dark brown; pedicel partially light brown above, dark brown below; last flagellar segment entirely dark brown; pedicel and first flagellar segment each about 1.5 times wider than long. (8) Scutum with punctures distinct but crowded medially, separated by less than their diameters, becoming contiguous at parapsidal lines; anterior margin rugose, becoming areolate laterally. (9) Tegula twice as long as wide. (10) Scutellum shiny, punctate to punctorugose. (11) Pleuron rugose, becoming areolate anteriorly. (12) Propodeum with disc equal to or slightly longer than metanotum; outline of disc weakly bracket-shaped to obtusely V-shaped, posterior edge abruptly rounded; striae fine, wavy and irregular, reaching edge posteriorly, crossing edge laterally; posterior vertical surface and posterolateral corners finely rugose or roughened; lateral vertical surface rugose. (13) Legs brown, with fore and hind coxae, trochanters and femora reflecting green; tibiae reflecting green medially, testaceous at extremities; tarsi testaceous; hind basitarsus with erect hairs uniform in length, up to 1.5 times as long as width of segment, variable among individuals, pale yellow in color; basal tuft distinct. (14) Metasomal terga green; first tergum polished, with widely scattered fine punctures anteriorly, smooth but less shiny dorsally, punctures small and close; sterna brown, pubescence short, fine over entire sterna; first sternum with weak metallic reflections, fourth sternum shallowly emarginate. (15) Pubescence white on head, white to golden dorsally on thorax, golden on metasoma and legs. (16) Genital capsule, seventh and eighth sterna and eighth tergum all of type 1 (similar to Figs. 32, 40, 43).
Comparisons. Very few specimens of aurata have been collected outside of Florida and Texas although nine specimens are available from Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina. The females are most similar in appearance to those of gratiosa and the males to those of striata, the range of variation in Florida overlapping those of both striata A and gratiosa.
The females can usually be distinguished from gratiosa by the slightly longer propodeal disc, the flatter bracket-shape (Figs. 57, 58) and less acutely angulate posterior edge of the disc and the smoother posterior vertical surface of the propodeum. In Texas they can be additionally distinguished by the deep, crowded, distinct punctures on the first and second metasomal terga (Figs. 82, 83). They can be distinguished from striata A in North Carolina and Georgia by the flatter bracket-shaped disc with a less acutely angulate posterior edge and the finer, more irregular striae, and in Florida usually by finer more irregular striae and the less rugose sculpturing on the thorax. There are no striata females in the south with which this species could be confused. The males are similar to striata with short basitarsal hairs of more or less uniform length, shallowly emarginate fourth metasomal sternum and dark tipped antennal flagellum. The range of variation is not known since only five males from Georgia have been positively identified and these were similar to one another. Ten males from Florida are also tentatively included. These look very similar to variants of striata. The males from Georgia differ from all striata males in the flatter, more finely striate, propodeal disc. The difference in scutal punctures will also separate what are believed to be Floridian aurata from Floridian striata.
Variation. There is comparatively little variation in size although particularly large or small individuals may occasionally be found in Florida. The color, usually a yellow-green to bright green, is often blue-green in Floridian specimens although yellow-green individuals may also be found. The clypeus is apically brown, usually for one-sixth to one-fourth its length in females, but is one-third brown in some specimens from Florida and one-half brown in some specimens from Georgia. The face looks long(Fig. 52) in all Texan and some Floridian specimens but round in the rest (Fig. 53). The propodeal disc of the female is usually slightly longer than the metanotum, or it may be equal to the metanotum but is not shorter. The disc is nearly always at least weakly bracket-shaped and bluntly pointed medially (Fig. 57). The edge is usually abruptly rounded and distinct although it may be either sharply angulate or rounded and indistinct in some specimens from Texas and Florida. There is more variability among Floridian specimens in this character than elsewhere in the range; the four specimens from Georgia are all similar to Figure 57. The striae are rarely as straight and well defined as in gratiosa (except for a few from Florida) but are very fine, irregular or vermiform, with no definite spaces between them. The posterior edge is usually minutely roughened when rounded and the striae end gradually in this roughened area. The most striking variation occurs in the metasomal punctures of specimens from Texas. Throughout the rest of the range the punctures are small, close, shallow, and almost inconspicuous as in gratiosa (Fig. 83). In Texas, the punctures, although also close, are slightly larger, much deeper, and more conspicuous (Fig. 82), giving the tergum a coarse or roughened appearance.
Males have been seen only from Georgia and Florida. Those from Georgia have the disc resembling that of the females, widely bracket-shaped, with fine irregular striae ending in a minutely roughened area at the edge. None of the presumed aurata males from Florida have discs similar to this or to that of the females. The shape of the disc in Florida varies from weakly bracket-shaped and narrow to long and roundly V-shaped. The striae are usually rather thin and close, and the posterior edge is usually abruptly rounded; the posterior surface may be weakly roughened as in the Georgian specimens or rugose as in many male striata. These specimens are all different from one another, resembling males of striata s but are unlike the striata A from Florida. There is considerable variation in the characters of the disc of females in Florida; perhaps the variability is as great in males. Due to the uncertainty in identification of the Floridian males, the above description of the male is based solely on the specimens of aurata from Georgia.
Distribution. This species is found from Florida along the Gulf coast into Texas and northward along the east coast as far as North Carolina (Map: Fig. 88).
Portman et al. 2022. A review of the Augochloropsis (Hymenopter, Halictidae) and keys to the shiny green Halictinae of the midwestern United States (in part) https://zookeys.pensoft.net/article/86413/
Augochlorella aurata (Smith) Diagnosis Augochlorella aurata is very similar to Augochlorella persimilis. Female Augochlorella aurata can be recognized by having the striations of the propodeum continuing to the posterior margin (Fig. 13C–E), which often, but not always, is bordered by a carina (e.g., Fig. 13C). In contrast, females of Augochlorella persimilis always have a distinct smooth portion before the margin of the propodeum (Fig. 13F–H). In addition, female Augochlorella aurata are generally larger, have the head slightly longer and the apex of the clypeus is black only on the apical fourth (Fig. 13A). In contrast, Augochlorella persimilis females are generally quite small, have the head slightly broader, and the apex of the clypeus is black on the apical third (Fig. 13B).
Female Augochlorella aurata are also often confused with Augochlora pura, but Augochlorella aurata have the paraocular lobes less protuberant (Fig. 3D, F) than Augochlora pura, and Augochlorella aurata also lack a keel on S1.
Male Augochlorella aurata can be separated from Augochlorella persimilis by the hair on the apical two-thirds of the inner edge of the hind basitarsus, which is short in Augochlorella aurata, with the length of the hairs about equal to the width of the basitarsus (Fig. 13I), whereas Augochlorella persimilis has the hairs distinctly longer than the width of the basitarsus (Fig. 13J). In addition, the striae on the propodeal triangle of Augochlorella aurata reach the posterior margin (as in Fig. 13C–E) whereas male Augochlorella persimilis generally have a smooth portion before the margin.
Male Augochlorella aurata are often confused with Augochlora pura males, but Augochlorella aurata have the margin of S4 concave rather than straight, and they lack distinct punctures on the rear of the propodeum (Fig. 2D), compared to distinctly punctured in Augochlora pura (Fig. 3B).
Comments Augochlorella aurata and Augochlorella persimilis are often confused in collections and some females can intergrade to the degree where they are impossible to differentiate. Males are also frequently confused because the hind basitarsus character is often misinterpreted since both species have the basal third of the basitarsus with distinctly shorter hairs, which can cause confusion in keys that focus on the length of the basal hairs rather than the apical hairs, such as Coelho (2004), or the keys on discoverlife.org that incorrectly state that Augochlorella aurata males have the “hair on rear basitarsus all about the same length”.
Given the high level of variation in Augochlorella aurata, it seems likely that it is a species complex. Supporting this hypothesis are the various forms that Ordway (1966) recognized, one of which was elevated to species rank by Coelho (2004), as well as the high barcode diversity found in the species (Sheffield et al. 2009).
Identification |
Extracted from North-American Bees, and a new homopteron by Cockerell (1903). | Augochlora confusa coloradensis The difference in the color of the legs between this and A. confusa, mentioned by Titus, does not hold good; but coloradensis is uniformly smaller, and seems to be n. valid subspecies. Ilab. Mesilla Park, N. M" at flowers of Aster tenacetifolus, May 20, 1 i (Martl'n D . Cockerell); Roswell, N. M., Aug. 21, at flowers of Euphorba marginata, both sexes (1'. D. A. Cockerell). New to New Mexico. I have confused the Mesilla Valley females with A . neglectula, which is a very much bluer species. The male of neglectula is very easily known from that of coloradensis by the fourth ventral segment of abdomen not being in the least emarginate, the darker and the very long antennae, and the legs black with metallic tints, not in the lest marked with pale yellow. The region between the antennae and the ocelli in male negleduia is a particularly fine deep blue, while the clypeus and supraclypeal area are green. The third and fourth antennal joints (d') are dull black and extremely short, being broader than long, but they have also this shape in coWradensis. Extracted from: Robertson, C. (1897). North American Bees - Description and Synonyms. Transactions of the Academy of Science od St. Louis. Vol. 7. No. 14. .- Resembles female of preceding, but a little smaller, face and mesonotum reticulated on the sides, face narrower, emargination of eyes less acute; process of labrum smaller, more rounded; mandibles darker, rufous at tips; disc of metathorax longer, more coarsely rugose, sometimes bordered by salient rim; truncation very narrow, rounded above; second submarginal cell short; legs more uniformly dark, all the femora, and sometimes tibiae, metallic; abdomen less shining, more pubescent, segments without black edges, venter usually reflecting greenish. J .-Differs from male of preceding in characters common to both sexes, in its clypeus anteriorly and labrum being paler, femora and middle of tibiae darker find more metallic, tarsi, except apical joints, paler, ventral segments not metallic, fourth widely emarginate. Illinois; 52 ~ , 11 J specimens.
Extracted from: Coelho, B. W. T., 2004. A review of the bee genus Augochlorella (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Augochlorini). Systematic Entomology, Vol. 29. 282-323.
Female. Structure. (3) Head wider than long, head length to width ratio 1.04–1.09; (4) elevation of labrum with apex orbicular, protuberant and diameter about 1/3 of upper margin length of labrum; (5) F10 about 2.5 length of F1; (6) preoccipital ridge carinate. Sculpture. (17) Scutum coarsely punctate, punctures close to slightly sparse centrally, occasionally finely rugose medially, becoming more coarsely rugose-punctate laterally, anterior margin roughened at midline, becoming coarsely areolate laterally, surface between punctures smooth or weakly micro-reticulate; (25) anterior surface of T1 with minute punctures, widely to closely, and regularly to irregularly spaced, with scattered coarser hair bases, ground between punctures smooth; (26) dorsal surface of T1 finely and densely punctate throughout or irregularly spaced, surface between punctures smooth. Color. (28) apical 1/8–1/2 of clypeus brown.
Male. Structure. (3) Head slightly wider than long, head length to width ratio 1.02; (5) antenna reaching about to scutellum; scape short, not reaching median ocellus; F1 1.4–1.5X as wide as long and longer than F2; F2 twice as wide as long; F3 longer than F2, approximately as long as F1; F4 longer than F1; F5 longer than F4; F6 about 1.2X length of F5; F7 about 1.2 length of F6; F7 approximately equal to F8, F9 and F10, about 1.6–1.7 as long as wide; F11 almost 4 length of F1; (36m) S4 shallowly emarginate medially, with short hairs on extremities of concavity; (39m) apical margin of S8 with median process, with 1 or without apical setae; (40m) apical margin of S7 with median process, with 1–13 apical setae. Genitalia. (41m) gonobasal dorsal lobes strongly projecting over gonocoxites; (42m) parapenial lobes absent; (43m) basal process of gonostylus absent; (46m) dorsal process of gonostylus sclerotized, lobe divided into two short projections, superior bifurcate and inferior slightly shorter and with wider and round extremity; (47m) penis valve slightly expanded laterally and median dorsal ridge bordering depression on inner side; (48m) volsella with triangular basal area longer than apical. Sculpture. (23) posterior surface of propodeum minutely to coarsely roughened or rugose. Color. (28) clypeus green with creamy distal corners; (29) scape dark with faint metallic highlights, flagellum much lighter below than above, often F11 and sometimes F10 all dark; (30) coxae, trochanters and femora with metallic blue-green highlights, tibiae brown usually with faint metallic highlights, basitarsis creamy to brown-yellowish and tarsi brown, usually darker than basitarsis; (31) sterna blackish to brown, S1 green metallic and occasionally S3–S4 with blue-green highlights.
Names |
| Scientific source: | This species is now considered to be synonymous with Augochlorella striata. Changes to the guide were made on 6/13/2005
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References | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Coelho, B. W. T., 2004. A review of the bee genus Augochlorella (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Augochlorini). Systematic Entomology, Vol. 29. 282-323.
Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.
Portman, Zachary M., Mike Arduser, Ian Lane, & Daniel Cariveau. 2022.
A review of the Augochloropis (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) and keys to
the shiny green Halictinae of the midwestern United States. ZooKeys 1130:103-152. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1130.86413
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