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Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

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Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata
Diatrype bullata
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype bullata

Diatrype stigma
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype stigma
Diatrype stigma
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype stigma

Diatrype stigma
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diatrype stigma

IDnature guide

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Aceraceae  Acer rubrum @ BPI (1)

Acer saccharinum @ BPI (1)

Acer sp @ BPI (2)
Aquifoliaceae  Ilex opaca @ BPI (1)
Betulaceae  Alnus sitchensis @ BPI (1)

Alnus sp @ BPI (3)

Betula alba @ BPI (1)

Betula sp @ BPI (2)

Betula utilis @ BPI (1)

Carpinus sp @ BPI (2)
Cornaceae  Cornus stolonifera @ BPI (1)
Ericaceae  Vaccinium sp @ BPI (1)
Fabaceae  Cercis canadensis @ BPI (1)
Fagaceae  Fagus grandifolia @ BPI (2)

Quercus alba @ BPI (1)

Quercus falcata @ BPI (1)

Quercus incana @ BPI (1)

Quercus sp @ BPI (9)
Juglandaceae  Juglans regia @ BPI (1)
Oleaceae  Fraxinus nigra @ BPI (1)

Fraxinus sp @ BPI (1)
Pinaceae  Abies sp @ BPI (1)
Rhamnaceae  Berchemia volubilis @ BPI (1)
Rosaceae  Prinsepia sp @ BPI (1)

Prunus emarginata @ BPI (1)

Prunus sp @ BPI (1)

Pyrus malus @ BPI (1)
Rubiaceae  Canthium sp @ BPI (1)
Salicaceae  Salix fragilis @ BPI (1)
Solanaceae  Lycium europaeum @ BPI (1)
Tachinidae  Eugenia sp @ BPI (1)
Ulmaceae  Ulmus sp @ BPI (1)
Verbenaceae  Lantana camara @ BPI (1)
Vitaceae  Vitis sp @ BPI (1)
_  Meliaceae @ BPI (1)

Substrate @ BPI (27)

Updated: 2024-09-21 01:01:38 gmt
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