Reprinted with Permission from: R.J. Oram. 2018. Revision of the Genus Hylaeus Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) in Canada. Master’s Thesis University of Regina
Diagnosis: Females of Hylaeus annulatus are similar to H. verticalis when maculations are reduced. They can be distinguished from H. verticalis by the facial fovea, which is close to the compound eye, and the mesepisternum having deep sparse punctures (i =
1pd) posterior to the mesepisternal groove in H. annulatus, and separated from the compound eye and reaching 1/3 the distance to the lateral ocellus, and the mesepisternum having shallow sparse punctures (i = 1–2pd) in H. verticalis. Males of can be easily identified by the enlarged scape, being twice the width of the flagellum at its apex, which is extensively maculated.
Females: average face width = 1.88mm; average thorax length = 2.26mm; average intertegular width = 1.43mm; average forewing length = 4.63mm. (n=5) Black, except for variable pale yellow maculation on lower paraocular area which may extend from or above the malar area to level of antennal sockets, and clypeus with variable pale yellow maculations which may be completely absent, a small yellow dot on
the apical ridge of the clypeus, multiple large dots on the apical edge of the clypeus, or a large band extending across the apical edge of the clypeus, collar sometimes with small lateral maculations, apical half of pronotal lobes, fore tibia with a small basal dot, hind
tibia on basal 1/3, tegula sometimes with a pale maculation on basal end; wing membranes clear, veins brown
Head: Scape straight, with dense, shallow punctures covering the surface, F1 quadrate,F2–3 broader than long, about half the length of F1, F4–F9 quadrate, subequal in length to F1, F10 slightly longer than broad; clypeus as long as broad, with shallow punctures (i > 3pd), interspaces with deep grooves running vertically from the basal to apical edges; supraclypeal area with shallow punctures dense (i < 1pd ) basally between antennal sockets, becoming sparser apically (i > 1pd); upper paraocular area and frons with coarse punctures (interspaces hardly visible); vertex area slightly elevated, punctures with (interspaces hardly visible), with an impunctate rind (1pd) around lateral ocellus; compound eyes with inner margin weakly converging below; facial fovea short, with lower margin at level of bend of inner eye margin, extending to upper curve of eye, fovea
separated from the compound eye by the width of one fovea; face with sparse, short pale hairs, with long pale hairs at the top of the vertex area and apical edge of the clypeus; mandibles with long pale erect hairs.
Thorax: Pronotal collar rounded anteriorly, width of collar even throughout; mesoscutum with coarse and dense punctures (i < 1 pd), interspaces tesselate; parapsidal lines faint, about the length of the tegula; scutellum with deep uniform punctures (i = 1pd);
metanotum rugosopunctate; mesepisternum with anterior and lateral faces rounded, with deep punctures (i < 1pd) anterior to mesepisternal groove, with punctures becoming sparse (i = 1pd) with interspaces tesselate posterior to mesepisternal groove; metepisternum rugulose; propodeum with basal area heavily rugose, width subequal to
metanotum, separated from posterior surface by a strong carina, posterior surfaces rugose in upper area, becoming smooth below and upper and lower area separated by a strong oblique carina, posterior surface separated from lateral surface by a strong carina, lateral
surface rugulose; fore coxae rounded. Mesoscutum and scutellum with sparse short, flat, white simple hairs intermixed with short, erect white hairs; metanotum with short, white hairs medially, with elongate, white branched hairs laterally; pleuron with short erect
white hairs, intermixed with sparse short erect dark hairs subequal to the hairs on the mesoscutum; propodeum with short, white branched hairs on the posterior and lateral surfaces; foreleg with a mixture of short and long white branched hairs on coxa, mixture of short erect pale simple hairs and long branched white hairs on femur, flattened pale hairs on tibia, long, dense pale hairs hooked apically on tarsi; mid leg with short branched white hairs on coxa, short pale hairs on femur, short, flat pale hairs on tibia, long, sparse pale hairs on tarsi; hind leg with short, semi-erect white hairs on coxa; with short, pale hairs throughout on remaining segments, with erect hairs intermixed on basitarsus.
Abdomen: T1 surface smooth and shiny, with small, widely spaced (i > 3pd) punctures, T2 –T5 smooth and polished, with small pits from which short, fine pale white hairs arise becoming more dense laterally, T6 smooth and polished, with long pale erect hairs
arising from apical edge; S1–S5 smooth, with small pits from which small fine pale white hairs arise, S6 smooth; S4 with sparse, long white hairs apically, S5 a line of sparse black hairs delimiting an apical golden crescent; S6 with long pale hairs restricted to apex.
Males: average face width = 1.72mm; average thorax length = 1.87mm; average intertegular width = 1.43mm; average forewing length = 4.31mm. (n=5) Black, except for mandibles, labrum, clypeus, supraclypeal area (sometimes only basal half), sides of face with maculation covering lower paraocular area extending from malar area wrapping around the antennal sockets, maculation truncate at top, not separate from
the eye, scape maculated, covering the outer half, pale yellow maculations on the pronotal lobes, fore tibia maculated in full dorsally, fore basitarsus white (apical edge black), mid tibia with basal dot, mid basitarsus white (apical edge black), hind tibia with
maculation on basal half, basitarsus white (apical edge black), tegula with a small maculation basally; wing membranes slightly tinted brown and clear, veins brown.
Head<: Scape enlarged, apical edge twice the width of the flagellum, with dense, shallow not separate punctures covering surface, F1 and F2 subequal in length, with the length slightly less than the width, F3–F10 longer than broad, subequal in length, F11 slightly longer than F3–10; clypeus with length equal to width with sparse, extremely shallow punctures (i = 3pd) and interspaces smooth; supraclypeal area long, length subequal to clypeus, impunctate; upper paraocular area and frons with punctures coarse and dense (interspaces hardly visible); vertex area slightly elevated, densely punctured
(interspaces hardly visible); compound eyes with inner margin weakly converging below; facial fovea extremely short, localized at the upper edge of compound eye not diverging; face with sparse, short pale hairs, with long erect pale hairs at the top of the vertex area
and extremely long pale hairs on the apical edge of the clypeus; mandibles with short erect hairs; genal area with short white branched hairs.
Thorax: Pronotal collar rounded anteriorly, width of collar even throughout; mesoscutum with punctures coarse and dense (i < 1 pd), interspaces polished; parapsidal lines faint, long, subequal to the length of the tegula; scutellum with deep, sparse punctures (i =
1pd), with interspaces polished; metanotum with rugosopunctate; mesepisternum with anterior and lateral faces rounded, punctures coarse and close, interspaces hardly evident; metepisternum rugosopunctate, with punctures evident between the rugulae; propodeum
with basal area heavily rugose, sloping gradually, rounding onto posterior surface, posterior surface rugose in upper area, becoming smooth in lower area, upper and lower area separated by an oblique carina, posterior surface separated from lateral surface by a
weak carina, lateral surface rugosopunctate; fore coxa rounded; mesoscutum and scutellum with long, erect, pale simple hairs; metanotum with long, pale white hairs medially, with long, white, branched hairs laterally; pleuron with extremely long, white,
hairs; propodeum with short, white branched hairs at edge of posterior surface, with long, white branched hairs under the wing base on posterior and lateral surfaces; foreleg with long white branched hairs on coxa, short pale erect hairs dorsally and long pale erect hairs ventrally on femur, flattened pale hairs on tibia, long, dense pale hairs on tarsus and basitarsus; mid leg with short simple hairs throughout, with pale erect hairs on the tarsus and basitarsus; hind leg with short, semi-erect branched, white hairs on coxa, with short,
pale hairs throughout on remaining segments, with erect hairs
intermixed on basitarsus.
Abdomen: T1with surface smooth and shiny, with small, widely spaced (i > 3pd) punctures, T2 –T7 with small pits from which short, fine pale white hairs arise causing the surface to look roughened, T7 with short erect dark hairs on apical portion; S1–S6 smooth, with small pits from which small fine pale white hairs arise, S6 with short erect dark hair on apical portion.
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.
FEMALE: Length 5 mm.; black; antennae and tegulae piceous; scape and collar entirely black; wings lightly infuscated, veins and stigma piceous; lateral face marks yellow, narrow, not completely filling space between clypeus and eyes, terminated acutely on eye margin at level of antennae; clypeus often with yellowish apical maculae; tubercles yellow; front and mid tibiae with small, basal, yellowish maculae, basal third of hind tibiae yellowish, legs otherwise dark; face rather narrow; eyes convergent below; facial foveae deep and distinct, linear, separated from eye by a slightly wider space, only very slightly divergent from eye at upper end; 2nd and 3rd segments of flagellum slightly shorter than broad, others, including the 1st, with length and breadth subequal; width of cheeks and eyes subequal in lateral view; front coxae rounded laterally; facial punctures below antennae shallow, obscure and rather sparse, close deep and fine above antennae; thoracic punctures deep and distinct, close but not crowded on scutum, slightly more widely separated on scutellum and pleura; dorsal area of propodeum rather extensive, coarsely striate; basal segment of abdomen shining, sparsely and minutely punctate, following segments dull, somewhat more closely punctate, but punctures very obscure.
MALE: Length 5.0-6.5 mm.; black; antennae and tegulae piceous; scape and tegulae with a yellow spot; collar entirely black; wings slightly dusky apically, veins and stigma brownish-ferruginous; mandibles and labrum black; maculations yellow, as follows: entire face below antennae, supraclypeal mark extending narrowly upward between antennae, lateral face marks broadly truncate at a point just above antennal fossa and slightly divergent from eye margin above, a small spot on each scape, on each tegula and tubercle, outer face of front tibiae, basal spot on mid tibiae, nearly basal half of hind tibiae, mid and hind basitarsi and spurs; front tarsi and apical segments of others reddish; eyes convergent below; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes in lateral view; scape very broadly dilated apically, apical breadth more than half its length; 1st and 2nd segments of flagellum shorter than broad, following segments about as broad as long; front coxae rounded laterally; thoracic punctures deep and distinct, close but not crowded on scutum and pleura, slightly more separated on scutellum; dorsal area of propodeum sloping, coarsely rugose; abdominal punctures fine and rather sparse but quite distinct, somewhat closer on the more apical segments.
DISTRIBUTION: Alaska to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, the New England states, west to Minnesota, southward through the Southern Appalachians to North Carolina and Georgia; May to October.
FLOWER RECORDS: Acer apicatum, Aruncus, Ceanot hue, Chrysanthemum, Houstonia purpurea, Hydrangea, Malus, Oxypohis, Rhus, Rosa, Rubus and Taraxacum.