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Ribes aureum Pursh
Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Grossulariaceae   Ribes

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Andrenidae  Andrena angustitarsata @ BBSL (1)

Andrena carlini @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Andrena hallii @ BBSL (2)

Andrena hippotes @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Andrena lawrencei @ BBSL (1)

Andrena porterae @ BBSL (5)

Andrena prunorum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Andrena segregans @ BBSL (6)

Andrena subaustralis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Andrena thaspii @ BBSL (3)
Aphididae  Aphis ( @ CSUC_TCN (1); NCSU_ENT (1)
Apidae  Anthophora affabilis @ BBSL (8)

Anthophora edwardsii @ BBSL (4)

Anthophora pacifica @ BBSL (1)

Anthophora porterae @ BBSL (6)

Anthophora ursina @ BBSL (3)

Bombus huntii @ BBSL (1)

Eucera edwardsii @ BBSL (5)

Habropoda cineraria @ BBSL (3)

Melecta pacifica @ BBSL (8)

Melecta thoracica @ BBSL (1)
Botryosphaeriaceae  Phyllosticta grossulariae @ BPI (2)

Phyllosticta pallidocarpa @ BPI (1)
Coccinellidae  Adalia bipunctata @ I_LB (1)

Coccinella monticola @ I_LB (2)

Coccinella transversoguttata @ I_LB (1)

Harmonia axyridis @ I_LB (1)
Coleosporiaceae  Coleosporium jonesii @ 133062B (1); 133114A (1); 133121A (1); 133144A (1); 134864A (1); 133119B (1); 133190A (1); 133155A (1); 133119A (1); 133117A (1); 133144B (1); 133138B (1); 133117B (1); 133062A (1); 133155B (1); 133095A (1); 133138A (1); 134864B (1); 133127A (1); BPI (122); 133190B (1); 133121B (1); 133118A (1); 133099B (1); 133114B (1); 133127B (1); 133095B (1); 133099A (1); 133118B (1)

Coleosporium ribicola @ 133273A (1); 133273B (1); BPI (8)
Colletidae  Hylaeus annulatus @ BBSL (1)

Hylaeus basalis @ BBSL (1)
Cronartiaceae  Cronartium occidentale @ 034350A (1); 034351B (1); 034395A (1); 034353A (1); 034395B (1); BPI (387); 034350B (1); 034353B (1); 034351A (1)

Cronartium ribicola @ BPI (96)

Cronartium @ BPI (8)
Cucurbitariaceae  Cucurbitaria ribis @ BPI (5)

Cucurbitaria @ BPI (1)
Davidiellaceae  Cladosporium herbarum @ BPI (1)

Cladosporium @ BPI (2)
Dermateaceae  Cylindrosporium ribis @ BPI (2)

Gloeosporium bartholomaei @ 393998B (1); 393998A (1); BPI (1)

Gloeosporium ribis @ BPI (8)

Gloeosporium tubercularioides @ BPI (1)

Pseudopeziza ribis @ BPI (2)
Diaporthaceae  Diaporthe strumella @ BPI (3)
Diatrypaceae  Eutypella brunaudiana @ BPI (1)
Dothideaceae  Dothidea ribesia @ BPI (3)
Erysiphaceae  Phyllactinia corylea @ BPI (3)

Sphaerotheca mors-uvae @ BPI (3)
Fenestellaceae  Fenestella vestita @ BPI (1)
Halictidae  Halictus tripartitus @ BBSL (1)
Helicinidae  Hendersonia foliorum @ BPI (1)
Helotiaceae  Scleroderris ribesia @ BPI (1)
Megachilidae  Osmia atrocyanea @ BBSL (1)

Osmia bruneri @ BBSL__OSMIA (1)

Osmia integra @ BBSL (1)

Osmia inurbana @ BBSL (1)

Osmia lignaria @ BBSL (1)

Osmia nifoata @ BBSL (1)

Osmia pikei @ BBSL (3)

Osmia tristella @ BBSL (1)
Melampsoraceae  Melampsora ribesii-purpureae @ BPI (2)
Melanconidaceae  Pseudovalsa schistostroma @ BPI (1)
Mycosphaerellaceae  Cercospora marginalis @ BPI (2)

Didymella @ BPI (1)

Mycosphaerella aurea @ BPI (2)

Septoria aurea @ BPI (45)

Septoria grossulariae @ BPI (1)

Septoria ribis @ BPI (11)
Nectriaceae  Nectria berolinensis @ 550706A (1); BPI (8)

Nectria cinnabarina @ 550706B (1); BPI (3)
Pleosporaceae  Epicoccum purpurascens @ BPI (1)
Polyporaceae  Fomes rimosus @ BPI (1)
Pucciniaceae  Puccinia caricina @ BPI (1)

Puccinia caricis-grossulariata @ BPI (1)

Puccinia caricis @ BPI (15)

Puccinia micrantha @ BPI (5)
Sclerotiniaceae  Botrytis vulgaris @ BPI (2)

Sclerotinia fuckeliana @ BPI (1)
Uropyxidaceae  Aecidium grossulariae @ BPI (3)
Valsaceae  Cytospora grossulariae @ BPI (1)

Valsa ribicola @ BPI (5)
Xylariaceae  Sphaeria concrescens @ BPI (1)

Sphaeria schistostroma @ BPI (1)
_  Aplosporella ribicola @ BPI (1)

Cercoseptoria ribis @ BPI (2)

Coniothecium ribis @ BPI (1)

Pachybasidiella tubercularioides @ BPI (1)

Uredo ribicola @ BPI (1)

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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 8 | Grossulariaceae | Ribes

4. Ribes aureum Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 1: 164. 1813.

Golden currant, gadellier doré

Plants 1-3 m. Stems erect, glabrous or finely puberulent or villous, glabrescent; spines at nodes absent; prickles on internodes absent. Leaves: petiole (0.4-)1-3(-4.8) cm, margins of young leaves often with slender extensions like multicelled hairs, surfaces finely pubescent, glabrescent; blade broadly deltate-ovate to obovate, 3(-5)-lobed, cleft less than to slightly more than 1/2 to midrib (sometimes proximal leaves again shallowly lobed), (1-)1.6-3.6(-5.7) cm, base broadly cuneate to somewhat cordate, surfaces sometimes with colorless or yellowish, nearly sessile glands, finely pubescent or glabrous, glabrescent, lobes oblong-rounded, margins entire or with 2-5 rounded teeth, apex acute to obtuse. Inflorescences ascending to reflexed, 5-18-flowered racemes, 3-7 cm, axis glabrous, finely pubescent, or densely villous, flowers evenly spaced. Pedicels jointed, 2-8 mm, glabrous or densely villous; bracts broadly deltate to obovate (similar to leaves), 4-9 mm, glabrous or densely villous. Flowers: hypanthium yellow to yellowish green, narrowly tubular, 6-20 mm, glabrous; sepals not overlapping, spreading, usually not reflexed, golden yellow, oblong-elliptic, 3-8 mm; petals connivent, erect, yellow to orange or deep red, oblong-obovate, not conspicuously revolute or inrolled, 2-3(-4) mm; nectary disc not conspicuous; stamens nearly as long as petals; filaments slightly expanded at base, 0.9-1.5(-2.2) mm, glabrous; anthers white, oblong, 1.1-2 mm, apex minutely apiculate; ovary glabrous; styles connate almost to stigmas, (8.5-)9.8-12.5 mm, glabrous. Berries palatable, usually red, orange, brown, or black, rarely yellow, globose, 5.2-10 mm, glabrous. 2 n = 16.

Varieties 3 (3 in the flora): North America.

Ribes aureum was introduced into cultivation in Europe early in the nineteenth century (F. V. Coville 1903). It is a major host of pinyon blister rust in Arizona, Colorado, and Utah, and of pinyon leaf rust in New Mexico (E. P. Van Arsdel and B. W. Geils 2004). Ribes aureum is a variable complex and the varieties may seem to intergrade. In California, var. aureum occurs in sagebrush scrub or coniferous forests at higher elevations (800-2600 m) than var. gracillimum ; the sepals of var. aureum are longer than those of var. gracillimum (5-8 mm versus 3-4 mm), and its hypanthium is noticeably shorter relative to the sepals. Leaves of var. aureum are more highly lobed and are sparsely glandular in the Pacific Northwest and less lobed and more densely glandular in the southwest (H. D. Hammond, pers. comm.). In most of its range, var. villosum is so conspicuously villous as to be unmistakable; in the west some plants with strikingly long hypanthia are scarcely villous.

Updated: 2024-07-27 02:04:01 gmt
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