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Juniperus monosperma (Engelm. ) Sarg.
One Seed Juniper

Life   Plantae   Gymnospermae   Cupressaceae   Juniperus

Juniperus monosperma, cone - female - closed
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, cone - female - closed

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Juniperus monosperma, cone - female - closed
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, cone - female - closed
Juniperus monosperma, leaf - showing orientation on twig
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, leaf - showing orientation on twig

Juniperus monosperma, twig - after fallen needles
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, twig - after fallen needles
Juniperus monosperma, bark - of a small tree or small branch
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, bark - of a small tree or small branch

Juniperus monosperma, bark - of a large tree
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, bark - of a large tree
Juniperus monosperma, whole tree - general
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, whole tree - general

Juniperus monosperma, whole tree - general
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, whole tree - general
Juniperus monosperma, seed - general view
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Juniperus monosperma, seed - general view

Associates · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Berytidae  Neoneides muticus @ AMNH_IZC (1)
Coccinellidae  Hyperaspis fastidiosa @ I_LB (1)

Hyperaspis gemma @ I_LB (5)

Hyperaspis @ I_LB (1)
Coniophoraceae  Coniophora arida @ BPI (1)
Hysteriaceae  Hysterium pulicare @ BPI (1)
Issidae  Thionia producta @ UDCC_TCN (1)
Melanommataceae  Aposphaeria fibricola @ BPI (1)
Meruliaceae  Dacryobolus sudans @ BPI (1)
Miridae  Bolteria amicta @ AMNH_ENT (5)

Bolteria atricornis @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Bolteria mexicana @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Brooksetta chelifer @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Dichaetocoris coloradensis @ AMNH_ENT (2)

Dichaetocoris geronimo @ AMNH_PBI (2); AMNH_ENT (20)

Dichaetocoris sp_n_6 @ AMNH_PBI (3)

Dichaetocoris sp_n_8 @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Dichrooscytus angustifrons @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Dichrooscytus brevirostris @ AMNH_PBI (4)

Dichrooscytus flavescens @ AMNH_PBI (2); AMNH_ENT (2)

Dichrooscytus irroratus @ AMNH_PBI (2); AMNH_ENT (4)

Dichrooscytus longirostris @ AMNH_PBI (2); AMNH_ENT (3)

Dichrooscytus repletus @ AMNH_PBI (1); AMNH_ENT (13)

Dichrooscytus sp_n_nr_dentatus @ AMNH_PBI (3)

Dichrooscytus uhleri @ AMNH_PBI (5); AMNH_ENT (68); AMNH_IZC (1)

Dichrooscytus utahensis @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Dichrooscytus vittatus @ AMNH_ENT (16)

Eurychilopterella keltoni @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Hamatophylus guttulosus @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Pilophorus tibialis @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Roburocoris exiguus @ AMNH_PBI (4)
Pleurotaceae  Pleurotus @ BPI (1)
Polyporaceae  Fomes earlei @ BPI (1)

Fomes fraxinophilus @ BPI (1)

Fomes juniperinus @ BPI (3)

Fomes kermes @ BPI (1)

Fomes texanus @ BPI (5)

Polyporus versatilis @ BPI (2)

Poria rimosa @ BPI (6)

Trametes rigida @ BPI (1)

Trametes rubricosa @ BPI (1)
Pucciniaceae  Gymnosporangium gracile @ BPI (1)

Gymnosporangium gracilens @ BPI (1)

Gymnosporangium inconspicuum @ BPI (6)

Gymnosporangium juvenescens @ BPI (2)

Gymnosporangium kernianum @ BPI (4)

Gymnosporangium multiporum @ BPI (13)

Gymnosporangium nelsonii @ BPI (23)

Gymnosporangium nidus-avis @ BPI (1)

Gymnosporangium speciosum @ BPI (46)

Gymnosporangium vauqueliniae @ BPI (2)

Gymnosporangium @ BPI (1)
Sebacinaceae  Sebacina calcea @ BPI (1)
_  Bovistina atrogleba @ BPI (1)

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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 2 | Cupressaceae | Juniperus

11. Juniperus monosperma (Engelmann) Sargent, Silva. 10: 89. 1896.

One-seed juniper, sabina

Juniperus occidentalis Hooker var. monosperma Engelmann, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 590. 1878

Shrubs or trees dioecious, to 7(--12) m, usually branching near base; crown rounded to flattened-globose. Bark gray to brown, exfoliating in thin strips, that of small branchlets (5--10 mm diam.) smooth, that of larger branchlets exfoliating in either flakes or in strips. Branches ascending to erect; branchlets erect, 4--6-sided, ca. 2/3 as wide as length of scalelike leaves. Leaves green to dark green, abaxial glands elongate, fewer than 1/5 of glands (on whip leaves) with an evident white crystalline exudate, margins denticulate (at 20´); whip leaves 4--6 mm, glaucous adaxially; scalelike leaves 1--3 mm, not overlapping, or if so, by less than 1/4 their length, keeled, apex acute to acuminate, spreading. Seed cones maturing in 1 year, of 1 size, with straight peduncles, globose to ovoid, 6--8 mm, reddish blue to brownish blue, glaucous, fleshy and resinous, with 1(--3) seeds. Seeds 4--5 mm.

Dry, rocky soils and slopes; 1000--2300 m; Ariz., Colo., N.Mex., Okla., Tex.

Reports of hybridization with J . pinchotii have been refuted by use of numerous chemical and morphologic characters (R. P. Adams 1975); the two species have nonoverlapping pollination seasons.

Updated: 2024-07-27 05:38:40 gmt
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