Lasioglossum semicaeruleum (Cockerell, 1895) Halictus semicaeruleus Cockerell, 1895; Dialictus semicaeruleus (Cockerell, 1895); Halictus pruinosiformis Crawford, 1906; Halictus glaucovirens Cockerell, 1919; Halictus (Chloralictus) exalbidus Sandhouse 1924; Dialictus pruinosiformis (Crawford, 1906); Lasioglossum (Dialictus) pruinosiforme (Crawford, 1906); Halictus (Chloralictus) actuarius Sandhouse, 1924; Dialictus actuarius (Sandhouse, 1924); Lasioglossum (Dialictus) actuarium (Sandhouse, 1924)
| IDnature guides | Overview |
Retrieved from: Gibbs, J. 2010. Revision of the metallic species of Lasioglossum (Dialictus)in Canada (Hymenoptera, Halictidae, Halictini). Zootaxa; 2591, 298-302
| Halictus semicaeruleus Cockerell, 1895: 66. ♀. Holotype. ♀ USA, New Mexico, Santa F, 20.vi.1894 (Cockerell), [NMNH: 27774]. Examined. Halictus pruinosiformis Crawford, 1906: 284. ♀ ♂. [new synonymy] Holotype. ♀ USA, Texas, Fedor, 8.iii.1902, [NMNH: 12069]. Examined. Halictus glaucovirens Cockerell, 1919: 290. ♀. Holotype. ♀ USA, Colorado, Longs Peak Trail, 20.vii., (Cockerell), [CAS 15607]. Examined. Halictus (Chloralictus) exalbidus Sandhouse, 1924: 24. ♂. Holotype. ♂ USA, New Mexico, Santa Fe, August, (Cockerell), [NMNH: 26420]. Examined. Halictus (Chloralictus) actuarius Sandhouse, 1924: 25. ♂. [new synonymy] Holotype. ♂ USA, Colorado, 31.vii.1908, (S.A. Rohwer), [NMNH: 26421]. Examined. Taxonomy. Sandhouse, 1924: Halictus (Chloralictus) semicoeruleus, p. 2 (lapsus calami) Cockerell, 1937a: Halictus pruniosiformis, p. 114 (lapsus calami); Michener, 1951: Lasioglossum (Chloralictus) actuarium, p. 1111, L. (C.) pruinosiforme, p. 1116, L. (C.) semicaeruleum, p. 1117 (catalogue, synonymy); Hurd, 1979: Dialictus actuarius, p. 1963, D. pruinosiformis, p. 1970, D. semicaeruleus, p. 1971 (catalogue); Moure & Hurd, 1987: Dialictus actuarius, p. 87, D. pruinosiformis, p. 125, D. semicaeruleus, p. 130 (catalogue).
Diagnosis. Females of L. semicaeruleum can be recognized by diagnostic combination of a wide head (length/width ratio = 0.94-0.97), coarse mesoscutal punctures that are moderately dense on central disc (i=1- 2d), coarse mesepisternal punctures (Fig. 207D), hyaline wings with pale venation and pterostigma, strong anastomosing rugae on metapostnotum (Fig. 207E), blue or green metasomal terga with apical margins brownish yellow, strong T1 acarinarial fan, and T3-T4 with abundant white tomentum.
Males of L. semicaeruleum are similar to females but can be further distinguished by the weakly convergent eyes (UOD/LOD ratio = 1.08-1.11), moderately elongate flagellomeres (length/width ratio = 1.50-1.55), bright yellow ventrally, more widely spaced mesoscutal punctures (i=1-2.5d), tarsi brownish yellow, and dense and distinct punctures on apical impressed areas of the metasomal terga. They are similar to L. albohirtum and L. prasinogaster. Male L. albohirtum have fine punctures on the mesosoma and sparse punctures on the apical impressed areas of the metasomal terga. Male L. prasinogaster have the posterior half of the metapostnotum smooth and obscure punctures on the apical impressed areas of the metasomal terga.
Redescription. FEMALE. Length 5.55-6.16 mm; head length 1.51-1.58 mm; head width 1.56-1.63 mm; forewing length 3.60-4.70 mm.
Coloration. Head and mesosoma pale green with golden reflections to greenish blue. Clypeus with apical half blackish brown and basal half, and supraclypeal area golden to brassy. Antenna dark brown, flagellum with ventral surface reddish to brownish yellow. Tegula reddish to pale amber. Wing membrane hyaline, venation and pterostigma pale yellow. Legs brown, medio- and distitarsi reddish brown. Metasomal terga pale green to blue, sterna brown, apical margins translucent brownish yellow.
Pubescence. White. Moderately dense. Head and mesosoma with dense woolly hairs (1-1.5 OD), longest on genal beard, metanotum and mesopleuron (2-2.5 OD). Paraocular area with subappressed tomentum. Gena with dense tomentum, obscuring surface near eye. Propodeum with moderately dense plumose hairs on lateral and posterior surfaces (2-2.5 OD). Metasomal terga with moderately sparse, fine setae. T1 acarinarial fan dense, complete dorsally, reaching upper margin of declivitous surface. T1 dorsolateral portion with sparse tomentum. T2 basolaterally and T3-T5 entirely with tomentum obscuring surface. T2 apicolateral and T3-T4 apical margins with very sparse hair bands.
Surface sculpture. Face polished, weakly imbricate, punctation strong. Clypeus polished, weakly imbricate, (i=1-2d), distal portion virtually impunctate. Supraclypeal area with punctation unevenly spaced (i=1-3d). Lower paraocular area punctation dense (i≤d). Antennocular area punctation moderately dense (i=1- 1.5d). Upper paraocular area and frons punctate-reticulate. Ocellocular area densely, minutely punctate (i≤d). Gena and postgena polished. Mesoscutum polished, imbricate anteromedially, punctation coarse, moderately dense between parapsidal lines (i=1-2d), dense laterad of parapsidal lines (i≤d) and contiguous to reticulate on anterolateral portions. Mesoscutellum similar to mesoscutum, submedial punctation sparse (i=1-3d). Axilla punctate. Metanotum weakly rugulose. Pre-episternum reticulate. Hypoepimeral area reticulate-punctate. Mesepisternum coarsely punctate (i (i=1-2d).
Structure. Head wide (length/width ratio = 0.94-0.97). Eyes weakly convergent below (UOD/LOD ratio = 1.08-1.11). Clypeus below 2/3 suborbital tangent, apicolateral margins strongly convergent. Antennal sockets close (IAD/OAD < 0.5). Frontal line carinate, ending 2 OD below median ocellus. Gena narrower than eye. Inner metatibial spur pectinate with teeth. Metapostnotum elongate (MMR ratio = 1.07-1.08). Propodeum with oblique carina very weak, lateral carina short, not reaching dorsal margin.
MALE. Similar to female except for the usual secondary sexual characters and as follows. Length 4.21-4.64 mm; head length 1.37-1.42 mm; head width 1.34-1.39 mm; forewing length 3.72-3.84 mm.
Coloration. Flagellum with ventral surface bright yellow to brownish yellow. Tegula pale amber. Wing membrane hyaline, venation and pterostigma pale yellow. Tibial bases and apices, and tarsi yellow to brownish yellow.
Pubescence. White. Dense. Clypeus, supraclypeal area, paraocular area, and frons ventral half with dense tomentum, obscuring most of lower face. T2-T4 with sparse, basolateral tomentum. S2-S4 with subappressed
woolly, erect hairs (2-2.5 OD).
Surface sculpture. Mesoscutal punctation moderately sparse between parapsidal lines (i=1-2.5d). Metanotum polished, distinctly punctate (i=1-2d). Pre-episternum reticulate-punctate. Metepisternum reticulate. Propodeum with dorsolateral slope and lateral and posterior surfaces punctate coarse, irregularly spaced (i=0.5-2d).
Structure. Head round (length/width ratio = 0.98-1.02). Eyes convergent below (UOD/LOD ratio = 1.23-1.27). Antennal sockets close (IAD/OAD > 1.0). Pedicel subequal to F1. F2 length 1.7-2.0 time F1. F2-F10 moderately elongate (length/width ratio = 1.50-1.55). Metapostnotum elongate (MMR ratio = 1.04-1.13), posterior margin rounded onto posterior surface.
Terminalia. S7 with median lobe elongate, slender, clavate, apex rounded (Fig. 208E). S8 with apicomedial margin strongly convex (Fig. 208E). Genitalia as in Fig. 208E-F. Gonobase with ventral rim narrowly
separated. Gonostylus large. Retrorse lobe wide, short.
Range. Manitoba south to Arizona and Texas, west to California (Fig. 206).
Additional material examined. CANADA: ALBERTA: 1♀ Writing-On-Stone P.P., 24-20.viii.1990 (M. Klassen); 1♂ Writing-On-Stone P.P., 10-20.ix.1990 (M. Klassen); [PMAE]; MANITOBA: 14♀♀ 10 km W of Morden, N49.19587 W098.2503, 410 m, 12.vi.2007 (Goulet & Boudreault); 1♀ YellowQuill Mxd., Grass Prairie Preserve, near Treesbank, N49 40 51 W099 33 16 , 28.vi.2005 (A.M. Patenaude); 1♀ YellowQuill
Mxd., Grass Prairie Preserve, near Treesbank, N49 40 51 W099 33 16
, 5.ix.2005 (A.M. Patenaude); 1♀ YellowQuill Mxd., Grass Prairie Preserve, near Treesbank, N49 41 28 W099 34 29 , 20.ix.2005 (A.M.
Patenaude); SASKATCHEWAN: 1♀ Rock Glen, 3.vii.1955 (C.D. Miller); [CNC]; USA: ARIZONA: 1♀ Cochise Co., 4 mi E of Wilcox, 1.ix.2004 (L. Packer); 1♂ Cochise Co., San Bernardino NWR, N31 2014 W109 13 52 , 3.v.2001 (R.L. Minckley); 1♀ Portal, viii.2005 (L. Packer); 2♀♀ Willcox, viii.2005 (L. Packer); COLORADO: 1♀ Boulder Co., N40 5 45.8 W105 16 45.9 , 8.vi.2004, (Kearns & Oliveras); 1♀ Boulder Co., N40 4 15.8 W105 17 10.1 , 1.vi.2005, (Kearns & Oliveras); 4♀♀ Jefferson Co., N39.731 W105.244, 21.viii.2001 (S.W. Droege); 52♀♀ Larimer Co., N40.6639 W105.1894, 11-12.v.2004 (S.W. Droege); 1♀ Larimer Co., N40.6833 W105.3975, 11-12.v.2004 (S.W. Droege); MINNESOTA: 1♀ Douglas
Co., N45.86154 W095.6833, 16.vii.2004 (S. Pimm & S. Wagenius); 1♀ Douglas Co., N45.81774 W095.70253, 21.vii.2004 (S. Pimm & S. Wagenius); 1♀ Douglas Co., N45.81774 W095.70253, 26.vii.2004
(S. Pimm & S. Wagenius); NEW MEXICO: 1♀ Hidalgo Co., 16 mi S of Animas, 23.viii.2007 (J.J. Gibbs); 9♂♂ Hidalgo Co., 24.5 mi S of Animas, 23.viii.2007 (J.J. Gibbs); TEXAS: 18♀♀ Denton Co., N33.2043
W097.0816, 27.iv.[2002] (H.W. Ikerd); UTAH: 2♀♀ Washington Co., 0.28 mi NNE Speedlove Kn., 12S N4134716 E313457, 13.vi.2006 (B. Hays & F. Nicklen); 1♀ Washington Co., 0.4 mi NE Speedlove Kn., 12S
N4134751 E313691, 29.v.2006 (B. Hays & F. Nicklen); [PCYU].
Floral records. ASTERACEAE: Helianthus annuus, H. petiolaris, Pectis papposa, BERBERIDACEAE: Odostemon, CACTACEAE: Carnegiea gigantea, CAPPARACEAE: Cleome serrulata, FABACEAE: Dalea candida oligophylla, Parkinsonia microphylla, LOASACEAE: Mentzelia pumila, PAPAVERACEAE:
Argemone pinnatifida, POLEMONIACEAE: Polemonium, SCROPHULARIACEAE: Penstemon linarioides coloradoensis, ZYGOPHYLLACEAE: Larrea tridentata.
Comments. Abundant. This species has usually been referred to as L. pruinosiforme. Comparison of the holotypes clearly supports treating that name as a junior synonym of L. semicaeruleum. Two specimens from
Maryland, possibly mislabeled, have been seen.
Identification |
Extracted from: Cockerell T.D.A. (1919). The Bees of the Rocky Mountain National Park (Hymenop.). Entomological News Vol. 30. | Female. Like H. pruinosiformis Crawf., but head elongated as in H. pruinosus Rob., from which it differs by the darker flagellum, and more strongly and less desnely punctured mesothorax, with a shining sparsely punctured area of each side of the middle. The insect is glqucous green, with pure white pubescence; wings hyaline, stigma pale yellowish, subcostal nervure black. The thorax is not so robust as in pruinosus. Extracted from: Sandhouse G. A. New North American Species of Bees Belonging to the Genus Halictus (Chloralictus). No. 2532 - Proceedings U.S. National Museum. Vol. 65, Art. 19. Lasioglossum semicaeruleum appears as the now synonymized Halictus exalbidus in the first part of this excerpt. Male.—About 5 mm. long; brilliant blue; pubescence pruinose, abundant. Facial quadrangle about as broad as long; face with long plumose hairs; orbits converging below; second and third antennal joints of equal length, flagellum rufotestaceous, paler beneath; front with close, deep punctures above the antennae, more sparse below; supraclypeal area and clypeus largely blue, more delicately punctured; the line between the clypeus and supraclypeal area very faint. Mesothorax shining, coarsely punctured; median and parapsidal grooves distinct, but not deeply impressed; punctation of scutellum similar to that of the mesothorax; metathorax shining, punctate; disk of propodeum small, semicircular, with a polished inclosing rim, shining, with irregularly wrinkled rugae; mesopleurae coarsely punctured; sides of propodeum punctured, the punctures extending up to the edge of the disk; truncation distinct laterally, but not sharply defined; tegulae very clear, honey color, impunctate. Abdomen narrowly ovate, segments punctured to the extreme apical margins, which are testaceous. Wings clear; anterior wing 3.5 mm. long; stigma and nervures honey color, except the subcosta and the costa beyond the stigma, which are testaceous; second submarginal cell higher than broad; first recurrent nervure joining second trans- verso-cubital; third submarginal somewhat broader than high, gently contracted above, about three times as long as second on the marginal. Legs dark, with knees reddened; tarsi testaceous. Differs from albohirtus Crawford}^ the more closely punctured mesothorax; sculpturing of the disk][of propodeum; broader head. From pruinosiformis Crawford by the reddened flagellum; more sparse pubescence; broader head. Lasioglossum Semicaeruleum appears as the now synonymized Halictus Actuarius in the second part of this excerpt.
Male. —About 4.5 mm. long; brilliant blue; pubescence white,
sparse. Facial quadrangle distinctly longer than broad; orbits converging slghtly below; flagellum testaceous, yellow testaceous beneath; second and third joints of antennae of equal length; front
shining, with close, rather delicate punctures above antennae; punctures below and on the supraclypeal area and clypeus delicate, but more scattered; clypeus largely blue; mandibles dark reddish. Mesothorax shining, coarsely punctured, the punctures about twice the
diameter of a puncture apart; punctation of the scutellum similar
to that of the mesothorax; metathorax punctured; disk of propodeum
long, shining, without an inclosing rim, plicate laterally, medially
with irregularly anastomosing rugae; pleurae and sides of propodeum
coarsely punctured; truncation distinct laterally; tegulae honey color, impunctate. Abdomen narrowly ovate, punctured, very sparsely
pubescent; apical margins of segments testaceous; margins of segments 1-2 punctured, of segments 3-5 punctureless. Wings very clear; anterior wing about 3.25 mm. long; stigma and nervures honey
color, except the subcostal nervure which is testaceous; second submarginal cell higher than broad, receiving the first recurrent nervure near the apex; third submarginal practically quadrate, little contracted above, more than twice as long as second on the marginal.
Legs largely black; knees red; tarsi yellow-testaceous.
Names |
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