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Lepidium thurberi Woot.
Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Brassicaceae   Lepidium

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  • Flora of North America

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Albuginaceae  Albugo candida @ BPI (1)
Andrenidae  Calliopsis anomoptera @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Perdita confusa @ UCRC_ENT (38)
Aphididae  Essigella ( @ AMNH_PBI (2)
Apidae  Anthophorula compactula @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Anthophorula rufiventris @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Diadasia ochracea @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Exomalopsis solani @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Exomalopsis solidaginis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Nomada gutierreziae @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Paranomada velutina @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Cicadellidae  Balclutha neglecta @ UCR_ENT (21)
Delphacidae  Delphacodes pacifica @ UDCC_TCN (1)
Halictidae  Dufourea pulchricornis @ BBSL (16)

Lasioglossum pectoraloides @ AMNH_BEE (6)
Miridae  Lygus lineolaris @ AMNH_IZC (1)
Peronosporaceae  Peronospora lepidii @ BPI (1)
Pseudococcidae  Scaptococcus californicus @ CSCA_TCN (1)

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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 7 | Brassicaceae | Lepidium

40. Lepidium thurberi Wooton, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 25: 259. 1898.

Annuals; pubescent, (trichomes cylindrical, to 1 mm, and much shorter, clavate ones). Stems often simple from base, erect, branched (several) distally, (0.8)1.2-4.9(-6) dm. Basal leaves (often withered at anthesis); rosulate; petiole 1-3 (-4.5) cm; blade pinnatifid (lobes oblong to ovate or lanceolate), (1.4-)2.2-7(-10) cm, margins (of lobes) dentate-sinuate. Cauline leaves shortly petiolate; 1.5-6 cm × 6-25 mm, base not auriculate, margins (of lobes) entire or dentate. Racemes considerably elongated in fruit; rachis pilose, trichomes straight, cylindrical (to 1 mm) with much smaller, clavate ones, sometimes one type present. Fruiting pedicels divaricate-ascending to horizontal, straight or slightly recurved, (terete), 4-8(-10) × 0.2-0.3 mm, puberulent or pilose adaxially. Flowers: sepals suborbicular to broadly ovate, 1-1.6 × 0.7-1 mm; petals white, broadly obovate to suborbicular, 3-4 × 1.2-2.2 mm, claw 0.7-1.3 mm; stamens 6; filaments (median pairs) 1-1.6 mm, (glabrous); anthers 0.4-0.5 mm. Fruits broadly ovate to orbicular, 2-2.9 × 2-2.8 mm, apically winged, apical notch 0.1-0.2 mm deep; valves thin, smooth, not veined, glabrous; style 0.3-0.8 mm, exserted beyond apical notch. Seeds ovate-oblong, 1.3-1.6 × 0.8-1.1 mm.

Flowering Apr-Aug. Salt flats, mesquite and creosote bush communities, playas, stream banks, sandy deserts, washes, clay bottoms, bluffs, gravelly granitic sand, grasslands, alluvial fans, roadsides, silty terraces, washes, gravelly flats; 600-1800 m; Ariz., Calif., N.Mex.; Mexico (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sonora).

Updated: 2024-07-27 01:36:23 gmt
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