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Nomada utahensis Moalif, 1988
Nomada (Pachynomada) utahensis Moalif, 1988

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Nomada
Subgenus: None

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This species is reported to be close to N. vincta but male with slightly more swollen
Reprinted from Broemling and Moalif, 1988

Nomada (Pachynomada) utahensis Moalif NEW SPECIES Holotype Male, Allotype Female.-Pinned with holotype "Topaz Ut. VIII-12-1949 Geo. E. Bohart, Helian thus annuus. " Type Depository, United States National Museum.

Diagnosis.-3 sub-marginal cells, terga with yellow transverse median bands, sides of propodeum yellow, with long pubescence, antennal scape not globose (widest at apex or just below), yellow mesopleural band if complete (rare) is expanded upwards to pronotal lobe, mesopleural interpunctural spaces below scrobal suture reduced to thin lines. 216 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST

Male.-Length 9.3-12.6 mm, forewjng length 7.3-8.9 mm, hindwing length 5.8-7.8 mm; antennal scape widest at apex, shallowly punctured, IPS smooth and shiny; 000 < 100 < MOOM, MLOD = MOD; labrum produced into a beak apically; acetabular carina elongate, lamellate; pre lobar carina thin, prominent; pronotal ridge rounded apically; scutal punctures with sharply angulate rims; tegulae evenly punctate, IPS polished; scutellum faintly depressed medially; metapleuron with ventral half punctate, shiny; procoxal spine rudiment present; hind tibial apex with 5 light ferruginous bristles; forewing with 3 submarginal cells; COLOR: scape, supraclypeal area, sides of face, clypeus, complete ring around compound eyes, labrum, basal two-thirds of mandibles, pronotal ridge and lobes, tegulae, sides of scutum and two parasagittal stripes (absent in northern specimens), axillae, scutellum, metanotum, sides of propodeum, anterior mesopleuron extending up to subaxillary sclerites, posteriorly attenuated longitudinal band, hypoepimeral prominence, posterior meso- and metasternum, coxae (except basal area), majority of legs, terga (except dark apical bands), sterna (except clear apical impunctate bands and dark brown base of sternum I), bright yellow: remainder of body black.

Female.-Length 9.6-11.5 mm, forewing length 8.0-9.9 mm, hindwing length 6.2-7.6 mm; differs from male in scape not inflated, facial markings frequently ferruginous, dark areas of integument commonly ferruginous, not black as in males, legs somewhat darker than males. Discussion.-This species is very close to vincta. It is possible that it represents a western form of that species, but the authors feel sufficient structural differences justify its specific status. The shape of the antennal scape in male Pachynomada can vary and utahensis with unusually swollen scapes can be difficult to distinguish from vincta with unusually narrow scapes. The females of these two species can be difficult to separate, but the tergal banding and the dark color of the thorax of vincta females makes identification possible.

Paratypes.-UTAH: Cache Co., Cornish, 600, 7-VIII-19784 0 0, 15-VIII-1978, 3 0 0, 1-IX-1978, 7 S? 9, 9-IX-1978, 9-IX-1978, 4 S? S?, 15-IX-1978, Helianthus annuus (A. S. Moalif), 1 0, 27-VIII-1967 (G. F. Knowlton); Logan 1 0, 17-VIII-1950 Helianthus annuus (John V. Bruce); Newton, 1 9, 13-VIII-1958 Helianthus annuus (William P. Nye); Duschene Co., Myton, 2 00, 3-IX-1964 Helianthus annuus (G. E. Bohart); Millard Co., Delta, 2 00, 20-VIII-1963 Helianthus annuus (G. F. Knowlton), 1 0, 15-VIII-1952 Helianthus annuus (G. E. Bohart E. A. Cross); Work Farm, N. of Delta, 2 00, 6-VIII-1947 Helianthus annuus (G. E. Bohart); Topaz, 1 0, 1 S?, 12-VIII-1949 Helianthus annuus (Geo. E. Bohart); IDAHO: Bingham co., Aberdeen, 1 0, 17-VIII-1954 (A. R. Gittins); Franklin Co., Weston, 1 0, 22-VIII-1967 Helianthus annuus (G. F. Knowlton)~ Additional specimens examined.-U.S.A.: ARIZONA: 8.1 km (5 mi) E. Fort Apache, 3 9 S?, 28-VIII-1964 (M. E. Irwin), 2 S? 9, 28-VIII-1964 (P. A. Rauch), 2 9 9, 28-VIII-1964 (E. I. Schlinger); Apache Co., 36.5 km (22.7 mi) S. Sanders, 1 0, 1 9 26-VIII-1986 Helianthus sp. (R. R. Snelling) LACM; 24.2 km (15 mi) N. alpine 2320 m (7600') 1 9,23-VIII-1986 Helianthus sp. (R. R. Snelling) LACM; Coconino Co., Flagstaff, 2 00, 7-9/VIII-1959 (K. V. Krombein) USNM, 1 9, 12-IX-1951 (J. G. Rozen), 2 9 9, 21-VIII-1939 (E. C. VanDyke), 1 0, 4-VIII-1934 (E. L. Bell); Snobowl, 24.2 km (15 mi) NW Flagstaff, 1 9, 12-VIII-1950 (Cohn, Boone, Cazier); COLORADO: 1 0, (C. F. Baker) BBSL; 1 9, (W. H. Ashmead) USNM; 1 9, ANSP; 4.8 km (3 mi) E Cortez, (U. N. Lanham), Helianthus, 6 00, VOLUME 64. NUMBER 3 217 14-VIII-1976,9 s:> S:>, 14-VIII-1976. 5 00. 15-VIII-1976. 2 s:> S:>, 15-VIII-1976; Boulder, 1 2, Heliopsis (W. P. Cockerell), 1 9. 15-VIII-Helianthus coronatus-x (Cockerell) Boul, 1 9, 2-VII-1929 (C. S. Williams) Boul, 1 9, 25-VIII-21 Lepadenia marginata (L. O. Jackson), 1 9, 1650 m (5400') 27-VIII-1979 (Kristi Neff) Boul, 1 0, 3-VIII-1927 (E. C. Nelson), 1 9, 1650 m (5400') 5-IX-1976 Grindelia (P. Robinson) Boul 12:30-13:45 p.m.; Canfield, 2 00, 15-VIII-1922; Denver, 1 2, -VII- 29 Boul, 1 0, -VII-1929; Fort Collins, 1 0, I1-VIII-1974, 1 0, 23-311VIII-1974, 1 S:>, 23-311VIII-1974, 1 9, 23-311VIII-1974 Ft. C, 1 9, 25-VIII-1975 Ft. C, 1 0, 26-VIII-1973 , 1 9, 5-IX-1973 Ft. C (all H. E. Evans), 1 9, 5-VIII-99 USNM, 1 9, 12-VIII-OO USNM; J.Martin Dam, Hasty, 1 9, 22-VIII-1960 (R., K. Dreisbach); Pikes Peak, 2440 m (8000'), 2 00, -VIII-1932 (Lee Jeppson) BYU; Pingree Park, 1 9, (C. Lynn Hayward) BBSL; Pueblo, 1 S:>, 23-VIII-1931 (H. G. Rodeck) BBSL; Rock Creek vic. Colorado Springs, 1 0, 19-VIII-1937; Boulder Co., 2 00, 14-VIII-1925 (chas. H. Hicks) Boul; Fremont Co., 9.7 km (6 mi) NE Florence, 1 9, ll-VIII-1964 (J. G., B. L., K. C. Rozen); Larimer Co., 3.2 km (2 mi) E. Wellington, 2 99, 29-VIII-1976 Helianthus (C. Lanham) Boul; Las Animas Co., Kim 51.7 km (32.1 mi) SW, 1 S:>, 22-VIII-1967 (R. R. Snelling) BBSL; Montezuma Co., 4.8 km (3 mi) W Arriola, 1830 m (6000'), 1 s:> ,-IX-1975 (T. Marquardt) Malaise Trap; Pueblo Co., 16.1 km (10 mi) W. Pueblo, 1 9, ll-VIII-1964 (J. G., B. L., K. C. Rozen); IDAHO: Oneida Co., 6.1 km (3.8 mi.) W. Holbrook Summit, 1 0, 26-VIII-1969 (G. F. Knowlton); Holbrook Summit, 1 0, 2-IX-1969 (G. F. Knowlton), 1 0, 26-VIII-1969 (G. F. Knowlton); Ireland Canyon, 10, 2-IX-1969 (G. F. Knowlton), 1 0,29 9, 26-VIII-1969·(G. F. Knowlton); NEW MEXICO: 20.9 km (13 mi) W. of Chama, 1 0, 24-VIII-1947 (Hugo G. Rodeck); Beulah, 2440 m (8000'), 1 0 (Cockerell), 1 S:>, 17-VIII- (H. Skinner); Cimarron, 1 S:>, 17-22/VIII-1914 (W. R. Walton); Koehler, 1 S:>, 12-VIII-1914 (W. R. Walton); Raton, 1 0, 6-VIII-1952 (R. R. Dreisbach) Mich, 1 S:>, 6-VIII-1952 (R. R. Dreisbach); White Mtns. S. Fk. Eagle Creek, 2440 m (8000'), 1 2,8-16 (Townsend); Mckinley Co., 30.6 km (19 mi) N. Gallup, 1 0, 14-VIII-1972 (J. G. Rozen, R. McGinley); Valencia Co., Cubero, 1 0, 18-VIII-1948 (C&P Vaurie) USNM; San Mateo, 2130 m (7000'),4 9 S:>, 18-VIII-1962 (R&K Dreisbach) Mich, 5 00, 18-VIII-1962 (R&K. Dreisbach); UTAH: Bryce Canyon, 10, (Vasco M. Tanner); Hooper, 1 9, 17-IX-1937 (D. E. Hardy); Sandy, 1 0, 27-VIII-1947 (E. I. Taylor); Zion Pk Junction, 1 9, 9-VIII-1936 (M. B. Jackson) SMEK; Box Elder Co., Collinston, 1 0, 2-IX-1908 (E. S. G. Titus); Curlew Valley, 1 0, l-IX-1970 (G. F. Knowlton,J. H. Judd); Hansel Mtns., 20 0, 28-VIII-1974 (G. F. Knowlton); Snowville, 3 00, 1-IX-1970 (G. F. Knowlton, J. H. Judd), 1 0, 16-VII-1953 (W. G. Firestone), 1 0, 26-VIII-1953 (W. G. Firestone); Cache Co., 6.4 km (4 mi) NW Logan, (D. K. Broemeling), 8 00, IO-VIII-1985 Helianthus annuus, 6 00, IO-VIII-1985, 2 00, 1 9, 22-VIII-1985, 3 00, 22-VIII-1985 Helianthusannuus; Cornish, 40 0, 20-VIII-1970 (G. E. Bohart) 1 0, 24-VIII-1973 (P. F. Torchio), 4 00, 27-VIII-1967 (G. F. Knowlton), 6 00, 7-IX-1968 Helianthus (C. D. Michener) SMEK; Hyrum Dam, (D. K. Broemeling), 1 9, 13-VIII-1985, 1 0, 9-VIII-1985 Helianthus annuus, 1 0, 9-VIII-1985, Helianthus annuus, 1 2, 9-VIII-1985; Logan, 1 0, 1 9, 18-VIII-1949 (G. E. Bohart), 1 0, 30-VIII-1955 (W. J. Hanson) SMEK; Petersboro, 3 00, II-VIII-1947 Helianthus annuus (G. E. Bohart); Duchesne Co., Myton, Helianthus annuus, 1 0, 1 9, 3-IX-1964 (G. E. Bohart), 1 9, 8-VIII-1966 (Bohart, Cross); Emery Co., 0.8 km 218 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST (0.5 mi) e Little Gilson Butte, 1 0' ,1 2, 15-IX-1985 (D. K. Broemeling); 0.8 km (1/2 air mi) NE Little Gilson Bt, 1540 m (5050'), 20' 0', 12-IX-1983 (Parkers/Griswold); 0.8 km (1/2 mi) E Little Gilson Butte, 1550 m (5100'), Helianthus anomalous 1 2, 27-VIII-1985 (T. L. Griswold), 4 0' 0' , 27-VIII-1985 (T. L. Griswold), 3 0' 0' , 2 2 2, 27-VIII-1985 (D. K. Broemeling); 3.2 km (2 air mi) W Little Gilson Butte, 2 0' 0', 1 2, 15/17-IX-1980 (T. Griswold), 1 0', 15/17-IX-1980 (F. Parker), 1 2, 15/17-IX-1980 (D. Veirs); 4.8 km (3 mi) N Little Gilson Butte, 1 2, 29-IX-1984 (D. K. Broemling); 5.2 km (3.2 air mi) NE Little Gilson Bt., 1520 m (5000'), 1 2, 13-IX-1983 (Parkers/Griswold); 4.8 km (3 mi) SSE Temple Mt. SanRafaelDes, 1620 m (5300'), 1 2, 23-IX-1982 (FD/JH Parker); 6.4 km (4 air mi) N Gilson Bt, 1550 m (5100'0,4 0' 0' ,4 2 2, 12/14-IX-1983 (Parkers/Griswold), 1 0' , 16/17-IX-1980 (T. Griswold), 2 0' 0', 1 2, 26-VIII-1985 (D. K. Broemeling), 6 0' 0', 26-VIII-1985 (F. D. Parker), 1 0', 26-VIII-1985 (T. L. Griswold), 1 0', 16/17-IX-1980 (T. Griswold); Gilson Bt. Well, 1550 m (5100'),1 2, 20-1X-1985 Helianthus anomalous (W. P. Nye); Goblin Valley in Sand Dunes, 2 0' 0', 3 2 2, 16-IX-1979 (F. D. Parker/D. Veirs); 6 2 2, 16-IX-1979 (C. Hatley/G. Briggs); Little Gilson Butte E. side, 1590 m (5200'), 3 2 2, 22-IX-1982 (FD/JH Parker); San Rafael Desert nr. Goblin Vly., 1 0', -IX-1980 (G. E. Bohart); WildHorse Cr. N Goblin Vly, 40' 0',1 2, 13-IX-1983 (Parkers/Griswold); Garfield Co., 3.2 km (2 mil NE Henrieville, 1 2, 30-VIII-1985 (F. D. Parker), 1 2, 30-VIII-1985 (D. K. Broemeling); 9.7 km (6 mi) SE Escalante, 1 0', 1 2, 30-VIII-1985 (D. K. Broemeling); Sandy Cr. SSE of Notom, 1590 m (5200'), 1 0' , 16-IX-1983 (FParkerITGriswold), 2 2 2, 16-IX-1983 (FParkerITGriswold), 2 2 2, 16-IX-1983 (J. H. Parker); Millard Co., Delta, 20' 0', 15-VIII-1952 Helianthus annuus (G. E. Bohart, E. A. Cross), 3 0' 0', 1 2, 20-VIII-1963 Helianthus annuus (G. E. Bohart), 2 0' 0', 5-VIII-1948 (G. E. Bohart); Work Farm, N. Delta, 4 0' 0', 6-VIII-1947 Helianthus annuus (G. E. Bohart); Piute Co., Circleville, 1 2, 8-IX-1978 (1. B. Karren); Salt Lake Co., Salt Lake City, 1 0', 11-VIII-1951 (R. B. Selander); San Juan Co., 8.1 km (5 mi) N Blanding, 1 0', 24-VIII-1967 (J. C. Hall) UCR; Uintah Co., Lower Jensen, 4.8 km (3 mil SW Jensen, (Ian L. Bell), 1 0' , 16-VIII-1949, 1 0' , 9-IX-1949; Vernal, 1 0', 16-VIII-1949 (Lynn R. Nielson), 1 0', 18-VI-1936, 1 2, 20-VIII-1949 (Lynn R. Nielson); Utah Co., Provo, 1 0', 16-VIII-1947 (G. F. Knowlton); Washington Co., 1 0', 12-VIII-1959 (G. F. Knowlton); Zion Park, 1 2, 6-VIII-1966 (1. Kefuss); Wayne Co., 6.4 km (4 mi) SE Hanksville, 1 0', 28-IX-1985 Helianthus annuus (D. K. Broemeling); WYOMING: 19.3 km (12mi) E. of Gillette, 1 0', 31-VIII-1962 Helianthus (S. M. Walder); Fremont Co., Baldwin Creek 4.8 km (3 mi) NW of Lander, 1680 m (5500'), 4 0' 0', 10-VIII-1963 Helianthus (W. E. LaBerge);

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Helianthus annuus @ BBSL (39)

Helianthus anomalus @ BBSL (5)

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