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Perdita ericameriae Timberlake, 1958
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Perdita

Perdita ericameriae
Hartmut Wisch · 1
Perdita ericameriae

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Perdita ericameriae, female
Hartmut Wisch · 1
Perdita ericameriae, female
Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremont.edu
Nancy Hamlett · 1
Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremont.edu

Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremont.eduba
Nancy Hamlett · 1
Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremont.eduba
Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremont.eduhead
Nancy Hamlett · 1
Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremont.eduhead

Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremontusd.edu
Nancy Hamlett · 1
Perdita ericameriae, Nancy Hamlett www.bfs.claremontusd.edu

IDnature guide
Extracted from: TImberlake P. H., (1958). A Revisional Study of The Bees of the Genus Perdita F. Smith, with Special Reference to the Fauna of the Pacific Coast (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part III. University of Caifornia Press Berkeley and Los Angeles 1958, Volume 14, No. 5, pp. 303-410, plates 4-15.

Female.—Dark olive green, with following parts more or less bright yellow: mandibles, except red tips, labrum, clypeus except usual pair of dots and a black mark on outer ends of lateral extensions (or at least on the dorsal margin), lateral marks and scape of antennae except a brown spot above at apex. Lateral marks about as high as wide, concavely arcuate on inner margin and oblique above, where each intrudes between the fovea and eye margin. Sub-antennal plates and supraclypeal area black, or the latter with a purplish tinge, and the former often narrowly confluent with the dark outer ends of the clypeal extensions. Pronotum yellow, the flanks each with a dark triangular mark in the crease. Abdomen yellow, with five brown bands, including one at base of tergite 1; the other bands even and almost reaching lateral margins, each partly apical and partly on base of following segment, and those on tergites 2 and 3 about equal in width to the yellow intervals between them. Legs yellow, the front coxae and hind tibiae and tarsi brown or fuscous, and the inner side of front and middle tibiae pale brown. Flagellum of antennae fuscous above and brownish beneath but becoming yellow beneath on pedicel and one or two following segments. Tegulae yellow at base and nearly clear hyaline on outer margin. Wings nearly clear hyaline, the nervures and stigma brownish testaceous.

Head somewhat broader than long. Mandibles subdilated on inner margin, the dilation ending in a distinct subapical tooth. Facial foveae well impressed, extending from level of middle of antennal sockets somewhat more than halfway to level of anterior ocellus. Marginal cell of wings with the part beyond the stigma usually a little longer than the part beneath. Stigma large and rather broad, and broadest on the apical half. Pygidial plate broad and ogivally rounded at apex, except for a small median notch. Tarsal claws with a distinct but small inner tooth. Frons and vertex granular tessellate, rather dull, and with fine sparse punctures. Thorax mainly tessellate, the tessellation distinct on base of propodeum and becoming rather faint on the mesonotum; the latter part with fine, moderately sparse setiferous punctures. Pubescence moderately abundant, pale ochreous, or almost whitish in part, with that on mesonotum short, coarse and erect. Length, 5.5-6.8 mm.; anterior wing, 3.9-4.4 mm.

Male.—Head and thorax dark olive green. Mandibles, except red tips, labrum, entire face below level of antennae, scape of antennae, pedicel beneath, and anterior end of cheeks, with orbital extension to middle of eyes, bright yellow. Lateral marks of face oblique above from upper margin of antennal sockets nearly to the beginning of the upper third of inner orbits. Pronotum yellow, with a dark band from flank to flank, which often interrupts the yellow on the hind margin of the disk. Mesosternum with a small yellow mark on each side of anterior end behind the front coxae. Abdomen yellow with base of tergite 1 and a band at junction of tergites 1-2 to 4-5 brownish fuscous (apical margin of tergite 5 also sometimes faintly brownish) ; yellow band on tergite 1 narrow and interrupted medially, but the yellow and dark bands on following segments about equal. Legs, including coxae, yellow, with the hind tibiae, except beneath and at base, and the hind tarsi pale brown. Flagellum of antennae narrowly pale brown above and more or less orange yellow beneath. Tegulae and wings as in the female.

Head distinctly broader than long, the inner orbits of eyes parallel. Mandibles slender, tapering, very acute at apex, and each reaching nearly to base of the other. Facial foveae oval, about twice as long as wide. Flanks of the pronotum rather strongly impressed, but the disk not abbreviated. Tarsal claws cleft nearly to the middle, the inner tooth somewhat shorter than the outer tooth. Sculpture as in female, but with the frons and vertex more opaque and impunctate. Pubescence similar, but whiter, and that of mesonotum a little finer and sparser. Subgenital plate normally protruding from the genital cavity, distinctly spatulate, the expanded apex subquadrate, with the apical corners rounded off. Caulis of aedeagus short and broad, with a large basal orifice on dorsal side; stipital parameres produced in a subacute lobe on ventral aide; sagittae fusiform and slightly tapering to the subacute apex. Length, 4.6-6 mm.; anterior wing, 3.3-4.2 mm.

Scientific source:
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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
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Updated: 2024-10-03 16:05:24 gmt
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