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Rhus trilobata Nutt.
Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Anacardiaceae   Rhus

Rhus trilobata, whole tree or vine - general
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Rhus trilobata, whole tree or vine - general

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IDnature guide

  • Associates
  • Missouri Botanical Garden

  • We parsed the following live from the Web into this page. Such content is managed by its original site and not cached on Discover Life. Please send feedback and corrections directly to the source. See original regarding copyrights and terms of use.
  • Virginia Tech Dendrology

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Rhus trilobata, twig - orientation of petioles
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Rhus trilobata, twig - orientation of petioles
Rhus trilobata, bark - of a small tree or small branch
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Rhus trilobata, bark - of a small tree or small branch

Rhus trilobata, leaf - whole upper surface
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Rhus trilobata, leaf - whole upper surface

Associates · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Aleyrodidae  Aleuropleurocelus nigrans @ CSCA_TCN (1)
Andrenidae  Andrena @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Andrena atypica @ UCRC_ENT (29)

Andrena auricoma @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Andrena californiensis @ UCRC_ENT (8)

Andrena candida @ BBSL (1)

Andrena cerasifolii @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Andrena chlorogaster @ UCRC_ENT (1); BMEC_ENT (2)

Andrena chlorura @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (6)

Andrena cyanosoma @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Andrena prunorum @ BBSL (1)

Andrena w-scripta @ BBSL (2)

Panurginus subarmaticeps @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Apidae  Anthophora crotchii @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Anthophora neglecta @ BBSL (3)

Apis mellifera @ BBSL (1)

Bombus melanopygus @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Ceratina acantha @ I_ADG (1)

Habropoda depressa @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Habropoda tristissima @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Nomada edwardsii @ BBSL (1)

Nomada martinella @ I_ADG (1)

Nomada ornithica @ I_ADG (1)
Botryosphaeriaceae  Diplodia resurgens @ BPI (1)
Calophyidae  Calophya nigrella @ CSCA_TCN (1)

Calophya triozomima @ UCR_ENT (16); CSCA_TCN (1)
Cicadellidae  Aphrodes bicinctus @ AMNH_PBI (11)

Exitianus exitiosus @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Helochara communis @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Scaphytopius ( @ AMNH_PBI (25); UKYL_TCN (1)

Texananus ( @ AMNH_PBI (6)
Colletidae  Hylaeus cookii @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Hylaeus polifolii @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Dermateaceae  Cylindrosporium irregulare @ BPI (1)

Cylindrosporium toxicodendri @ BPI (4)
Dictyopharidae  Orgerius concordus @ UCR_ENT (1)
Halictidae  Lasioglossum cinctipes @ AMNH_BEE (4)

Lasioglossum pulveris @ BBSL (1)

Lasioglossum sisymbrii @ BBSL (1)

Lasioglossum zephyrum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Sphecodes sophiae @ I_ADG (1)
Hysteriaceae  Hysterographium incisum @ BPI (1)
Issidae  Thionia producta @ UDCC_TCN (1)
Megachilidae  Ashmeadiella bigeloviae @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Ashmeadiella meliloti @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Chelostoma marginatum @ UCRC_ENT (5)

Hoplitis fulgida @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Osmia brevis @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Osmia clarescens @ UCRC_ENT (6)

Osmia coloradensis @ UCRC_ENT (4)

Osmia glaucum @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Osmia integra @ BBSL (1)

Osmia lignaria @ BBSL (1)

Protosmia rubifloris @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Stelis lateralis @ I_ADG (1)
Membracidae  Campylenchia latipes @ UDCC_TCN (15)

Cyrtolobus pictus @ UDCC_TCN (1)

Stictocephala brevicornis @ UDCC_TCN (1)
Miridae  Aoplonema princeps @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Deraeocoris brevis @ AMNH_ENT (3)

Irbisia sita @ AMNH_IZC (1)

Lopidea dakota @ CSUC_TCN (1)

Lopidea media @ AMNH_PBI (1); AMNH_ENT (7); AMNH_IZC (1)

Lopidea ute @ AMNH_ENT (45); AMNH_IZC (1)

Parthenicus oreades @ AMNH_IZC (1)

Phytocoris inops @ AMNH_ENT (7)

Phytocoris maricopae @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Pilophorus discretus @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Plagiognathus grandis @ AMNH_PBI (5)

Prepops confraternus @ AMNH_ENT (9)

Prepops @ AMNH_ENT (5)
Rhopalidae  Arhyssus lateralis @ UCR_ENT (1)
Serpulidae  Pileolaria patzcuarensis @ BPI (45)
Thyreocoridae  Corimelaena lateralis @ UCR_ENT (1)

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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:55:51 gmt
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