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Osmia lignaria Say, 1837
Osmia purpurascens Smith, 1849; Ceratosmia lignaria (Say, 1837); Osmia propinqua Cresson, 1864; Osmia lignaria lignariella Cockerell, 1906; Osmia (Osmia) lignaria propinqua Cresson, 1864, valid subspecies

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Osmia
Subgenus: Osmia

Osmia lignaria, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Osmia lignaria, Mid-Atlantic Phenology

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Osmia lignaria FEM CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Osmia lignaria FEM CFP comp
Osmia lignaria MALE comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Osmia lignaria MALE comp

Osmia lignaria Male
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Osmia lignaria Male
Osmia lignaria, f on Rubus --
Michael Veit · 6
Osmia lignaria, f on Rubus --

Osmia lignaria, F, Back, Washington, DC
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Osmia lignaria, F, Back, Washington, DC
Osmia lignaria, F, Side, Washington, DC
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Osmia lignaria, F, Side, Washington, DC

Osmia lignaria, M, Face, VA, Virginia Beach City
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Osmia lignaria, M, Face, VA, Virginia Beach City
Osmia lignaria, F, Face, Washington, DC
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Osmia lignaria, F, Face, Washington, DC

Osmia lignaria
Hartmut Wisch · 1
Osmia lignaria
Osmia lignaria, head
Hartmut Wisch · 1
Osmia lignaria, head

Osmia lignaria, top
Hartmut Wisch · 1
Osmia lignaria, top
Osmia lignaria, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Osmia lignaria, Barcode of Life Data Systems

Osmia lignaria, Derrick Ditchburn
Derrick Ditchburn · 1
Osmia lignaria, Derrick Ditchburn
Osmia lignaria, bbSL193044 female, face copy
© USDA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan Utah · 1
Osmia lignaria, bbSL193044 female, face copy
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

FEMALE: Length 10-11 mm.; dark blue, becoming greenish on vertex, dorsum of thorax and abdominal terga; face only slightly longer than distance between eyes above; eyes subparallel; lateral ocelli somewhat nearer each other than to eyes, and nearer eyes than margin of vertex; apical margin of clypeus somewhat produced, with a broad and deep, subquadrangular, median emargination (fig. 30); median length of labrum somewhat greater than basal width, slightly narrowed and truncate apically, with a sub-basal, transverse brush of hairs; mandibles rather slender and elongate, bi-dentate apically, with a small, inconspicuous, submedian tooth (fig. 32); width of cheeks nearly twice that of eyes; wings very lightly infuscated, 2nd recurrent vein reaching 2nd submarginal cell only slightly nearer apex than 1st does to base; tarsal segments simple and unmodified; front spurs brownish-hyaline, mid and hind spurs piceous; pubescence, including scopa, largely black, but pale with intermixed, rather long and erect fuscous hairs around antennae and on dorsum of thorax, entirely pale on basal abdominal tergum and on tergum 2 except apical margin; punctures deep and distinct in general, fine and quite close over most of head and on dorsum of thorax, becoming somewhat more widely separated but still quite close on scutum posteriorly and on scutellum, pleura and propodeum dull, punctures fine and almost crowded; punctures somewhat finer on abdominal terga medially, distinctly but not widely separated, becoming very fine toward sides, and uniformly close on tergum 5, densely crowded and minute on 6.

MALE: Length 9-10 mm.; dark blue, with greenish tints on face, vertex and dorsum of thorax; face only slightly longer than distance between eyes above; eyes somewhat convergent below; lateral ocelli somewhat nearer margin of vertex than to each other, somewhat more removed from eyes; clypeus rather strongly convex, apical margin considerably produced, nearly straight; median length of labrum nearly equal to basal width; mandible bi-dentate; cheeks considerably broader than eyes; wings very lightly infuscated, recurrent veins reaching 2nd submarginal cell sub- equally distant from base and apex; tarsal segments slender and simple, anterior margin of hind basitarsus with a small but distinct tooth near apical third; front spurs brownish-hyaline, mid and hind spurs piceous; pubescence elongate, largely pale on head and thorax, but with intermixed fuscous hairs on vertex, that on upper part of pleura and propodeum black; pubescence pale on abdominal terga 1 and 2, becoming obscurely darkened at apex of 2, entirely black, rather elongate and conspicuous on 3-6; punctures quite deep and distinct, rather fine and close in general, close but not crowded on vertex, cheeks and scutum, somewhat more widely separated on scutellum; pleura dull, with rather fine and densely crowded punctures; lateral faces of propodeum somewhat smoother, punctures fine and rather shallow, posterior face dull and tessellate, punctures becoming inevident medially, propodeal triangle dull and tessellate but rather smooth; punctures of abdominal terga somewhat finer, more distinctly separated medially on 1-5, becoming slightly closer toward extreme sides, 6 without a median, emarginate area, 7 rather evenly rounded, apex medially with a very shallow emargination; sternum 2 broadly rounded apically, largely covering 3 and to a considerable degree 4, 3 with a very broad, apical, emarginate area, this with a median, restricted, setose area, the setae converging along midline (fig. 33); apical margin of sternum 4 somewhat thickened and grooved (fig. 34), 5-8 entirely retracted, not markedly modified, 8 rather elongate, triangular, apex acute; gonocoxites of genital armature slender and elongate, apex with a subapical, ventral, slender projection (figs. 31 and 35).

DISTRIBUTION: British Columbia to Quebec and the New England states, south to California, Oklahoma and Georgia, March to June.

FLOWER RECORDS: Cercis, Fragaria, Geranium, Lupinus, Malus, Prunus, Rubus, Salix, Taraxacum, Vicia and Viola. Robertson (1929) records lignaria also on Camassia, Cardamine, Chaerophyllurn, Claytonia, Collinsia, Dentaria, Dicentra, Direa, Erigenia, Erythronium, Hydrophyllum, Mertensia, Osmorrhiza, Oxalis, Polymoniurn, Pyrus, Ranunculus, Ribes, Stellaria, Taenidia, Viburnum and Zanthoxylurn. The subspecific designation of lignaria is made necessary by the recognition of another subspecies, propinqua Cresson, that is found in the West.

Scientific source:

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Aceraceae  Acer macrophyllum @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Acer sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); BBSL (2)
Amaryllidaceae  Narcissus @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Anacardiaceae  Rhus ovata @ BBSL (1)

Rhus sp @ BBSL (1)

Rhus trilobata @ BBSL (1)
Apiaceae  Heracleum lanatum @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Asteraceae  Agoseris sp @ BBSL (1)

Balsamorhiza sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Cirsium @ LACM_ENTB (2)

Geraea canescens @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Senecio salignus @ BBSL (3)

Senecio sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); BBSL (2)

Taraxacum campylodes @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Taraxacum officinale @ BBSL__BBSLID (3); BBSL (2); CUIC_ENT (2)

Taraxacum sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (19)

Taraxacum vulgare @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Taraxacum @ CUIC_ENT (4)

Wyethia mollis @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); LACM_ENTB (1)

Wyethia sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)
Berberidaceae  Berberis aquifolium @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Berberis sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (23); BBSL (1)

Berberis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Jeffersonia @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Mahonia aquifolium @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Mahonia dictyota @ LACM_ENTB (4)

Mahonia repens @ BBSL__BBSLID (4)

Mahonia sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (3)
Boraginaceae  Amsinckia douglasiana @ LACM_ENTB (2)

Amsinckia intermedia @ BBSL__BBSLID (11); CUIC_ENT (2)

Amsinckia menziesii @ BBSL__BERK (3); UCRC_ENT (2)

Amsinckia sp @ BBSL__CAS (1); BBSL__BBSLID (19); BBSL__BERK (2)

Amsinckia @ LACM_ENTB (3)

Cryptantha sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (8)

Echium vulgare @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Hackelia patens @ BBSL (1)

Hesperochiron @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Myosotis sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Phacelia distans @ AMNH_BEE (2); LACM_ENTB (4)

Phacelia @ LACM_ENTB (12)

Plagiobothrys lithocaryus @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Brassicaceae  Alliaria officinalis @ BBSL (2)

Barbarea sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); BBSL (1)

Barbarea vulgaris @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Brassica rapa @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Brassica sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (10)

Cardamine bulbosa @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Cardamine concatenata @ CUIC_ENT (3)

Chorispora tenella @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Dentaria @ CUIC_ENT (6)

Lepidium montanum @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Lesquerella sp @ BBSL (1)

Physaria vitulifera @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Raphanus @ LACM_ENTB (2)
Caprifoliaceae  Lonicera sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); BBSL (2)

Lonicera @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Sambucus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Viburnum tinus @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Ericaceae  Andromeda sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (7)

Arctostaphylos pungens @ BBSL (1)

Arctostaphylos sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (20); BBSL (3)

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Arctostaphylos viscida @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Arctostaphylos @ UCRC_ENT (1); LACM_ENTB (1)

Chamaedaphne calyculata @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Kalmia sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Rhododendron @ AMNH_BEE (2); I_JSA (2); LACM_ENTB (1)

Vaccinium atrococcum @ BBSL__BBSLID (4)

Vaccinium corymbosum @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Vaccinium sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Vaccinium @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Fabaceae  Astragalus lentiginosus @ BBSL (1)

Astragalus sinuatus @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Astragalus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (4); BBSL (1)

Caragana @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Cercis canadensis @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); BBSL (1); CUIC_ENT (17)

Cercis occidentalis @ BBSL__BBSLID (16); LACM_ENTB (8)

Cercis sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Cercis @ CUIC_ENT (13)

Lathyrus vestitus @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Lupinus perennis @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Lupinus sp @ BBSL__CAS (2); BBSL__BBSLID (9); BBSL (1)

Lupinus @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Melilotus officinalis @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Melilotus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Trifolium barnebyi @ BBSL (1)

Trifolium hirtum @ BBSL (1)

Trifolium pratense @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Trifolium sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (8)

Vicia villosa @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Vicia @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Fagaceae  Castanea sp @ BBSL (2)

Quercus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (5)

Quercus @ LACM_ENTB (2)
Fumariaceae  Corydalis @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Geraniaceae  Geranium maculatum @ CUIC_ENT (2); UCRC_ENT (1)

Geranium @ CUIC_ENT (6)
Grossulariaceae  Ribes aureum @ BBSL (1)

Ribes cereum @ BBSL__BBSLID (4)

Ribes leptanthum @ CUIC_ENT (4)

Ribes malvaceum @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Ribes menziesii @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Ribes nevadense @ BBSL__KWC (3)

Ribes roezlii @ BBSL__KWC (1)

Ribes sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (20); CUIC_ENT (1)

Ribes viscosissimum @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Ribes @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Hydrophyllaceae  Eriodictyon sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2); BBSL (1)

Hydrophyllum capitatum @ BBSL (4)

Hydrophyllum sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Nemophila menziesii @ BBSL (1)

Nemophila sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (4)

Phacelia cicutaria @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Phacelia distans @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Phacelia hastata @ BBSL (2)

Phacelia heterophylla @ BBSL__BBSLID (13); BBSL (4)

Phacelia sp @ BBSL__KWC (7); BBSL__BBSLID (33); BBSL (31)

Phacelia @ LACM_ENTB (3)

Pholistoma auritum @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
J. rykken  1041 @ JRYB__SHEN (2)

737 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

983 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Lamiaceae  Glechoma hederacea @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Salvia carduacea @ BBSL__BBSLID (7)

Salvia sonomensis @ BBSL__BBSLID (5)

Salvia sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (7)

Stachys sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (3)
Lauraceae  Lindera benzoin @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Liliaceae  Brodiaea sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Camassia sp @ BBSL (1)

Erythronium albidum @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Erythronium americanum @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Erythronium sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)
Limnanthaceae  Limnanthes douglasii @ BBSL (1)
Linyphiidae  Collinsia sp @ BBSL__CAS (1); BBSL__BBSLID (2)
Montiaceae  Claytonia virginica @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Claytonia @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Onagraceae  Clarkia sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Oenothera ovata @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Oenothera tanacetifolia @ BBSL__BBSLID (3)
Papaveraceae  Arctomecon sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Eschscholzia californica @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Sanguinaria canadensis @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Phrymaceae  Mimulus @ LACM_ENTB (1)
Plantaginaceae  Collinsia heterophylla @ LACM_ENTB (3)

Penstemon @ LACM_ENTB (1)
Plumbaginaceae  Armeria sp @ BBSL (3)
Polemoniaceae  Gilia capitata @ BBSL__KWC (2)
Polycitoridae  Salix gracilistyla @ I_JSA (1)

Salix sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (305); BBSL (22); BBSL__BERK (2)
Polygonaceae  Eriogonum sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Portulacaceae  Claytonia lanceolata @ BBSL (1)

Claytonia sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Ranunculaceae  Caltha palustris @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Pulsatilla hirsutissima @ BBSL__BBSLID (3)

Ranunculus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)
Rhamnaceae  Ceanothus integerrimus @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Ceanothus parryi @ BBSL__BBSLID (6)

Ceanothus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (11)

Rhamnus betulifolia @ BBSL (1)

Rhamnus crocea @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Rosaceae  Amelanchier sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); BBSL (1)

Cercocarpus ledifolius @ BBSL__BBSLID (8)

Cercocarpus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); BBSL (1)

Crataegus macracantha @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Fallugia paradoxa @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Fallugia sp @ BBSL (1)

Fallugia @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Fragaria sp @ BBSL (1)

Fragaria @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Horkelia tridentata @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Malus pumila @ BBSL (2)

Malus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2); CUIC_ENT (3)

Malus sylvestris @ BBSL (1)

Malus @ AMNH_BEE (3); CUIC_ENT (28)

Prunus americana @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Prunus armeniaca @ BBSL (1); CUIC_ENT (1)

Prunus avium @ BBSL (1)

Prunus demissa @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Prunus fasciculata @ LACM_ENTB (1)

Prunus ilicifolia @ LACM_ENTB (2)

Prunus persica @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); UCRC_ENT (11)

Prunus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (7); BBSL (2); CUIC_ENT (3)

Prunus subcordata @ BBSL__BBSLID (6)

Prunus virginiana @ BBSL__BBSLID (9); LACM_ENTB (1)

Prunus @ CUIC_ENT (10); LACM_ENTB (3)

Rosa @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Rubus allegheniensis @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Rubus argutus @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Rubus deliciosus @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); AMNH_BEE (3); CUIC_ENT (2)

Rubus discolor @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Rubus flagellaris @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Rubus idaeus @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Rubus parviflorus @ BBSL__BBSLID (3)

Rubus sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (20); BBSL (1)

Rubus ursinus @ BBSL__BBSLID (12); CUIC_ENT (1)

Rubus @ CUIC_ENT (15); LACM_ENTB (1)

Spiraea thunbergii @ LACM_ENTB (1)
Salicaceae  Salix bebbiana @ BBSL__BBSLID (1); CUIC_ENT (3)

Salix brachycarpa @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Salix humilis @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Salix lasiolepis @ BBSL__BBSLID (3)

Salix nigra @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Salix petiolaris @ BBSL__BBSLID (3)

Salix sericea @ BBSL (1); CUIC_ENT (3)

Salix @ AMNH_BEE (2); CUIC_ENT (10); UCRC_ENT (1); LACM_ENTB (7)
Sapindaceae  Acer platanoides @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Saxifragaceae  Grossularia speciosa @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Ribes @ LACM_ENTB (1)
Scrophulariaceae  Collinsia heterophylla @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Orthocarpus purpurascens @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Penstemon caryi @ BBSL (1)

Penstemon confertus @ BBSL__BBSLID (16)

Penstemon humilis @ BBSL (1)

Penstemon sp @ BBSL__BBSLID (2); BBSL (1)

Penstemon virens @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)
Tamaricaceae  Tamarix sp @ BBSL (1)

Tamarix @ LACM_ENTB (1)
Violaceae  Viola @ CUIC_ENT (3)
Vitaceae  Vitis sp @ BBSL (1)
_  Ahjua @ BBSL__BBSLID (1)

Brassicaceae sp @ BBSL (1)

Dentaria laciniata @ BBSL__BBSLID (2)

Stenotopsis linearifolia @ BBSL__BBSLID (4)

Withheld @ BBSL__BBSLID (161); BBSL__YOSE (40); BBSL (755); BBSL__ZION (21); BBSL__PINN (27); BBSL__CAVE (3)

apple @ NLA (28)

blueberry @ NLA (4)

caneberry @ NLA (1)

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