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Coelioxys erysimi Cockerell, 1912
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Coelioxys
Subgenus: Synocoelioxys

Coelioxys erysimi fem lat comp ps
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Coelioxys erysimi fem lat comp ps

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Coelioxys erysimi male lat comp ps
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Coelioxys erysimi male lat comp ps

IDnature guide
Extracted from J.R. Baker (1975). Taxonomy of Five Nearctic Subgenera of Coelioxys (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 50, No. 12, pp. 649-730.

FEMALE. Agrees with the figures and description of Coelioxys tcxana except as follows: (1) Length 12-14 mm; (2) in-tegument black, sometimes piceous on tibiae; (3) pubescence white, sometimes brownish below antennae, pale brown on apices of tcrgum 6 and sternum 6; (4) ocular hairs of medium length (about 0.08 mm); (5) clypcus with fringe of setae shorter than shown in Figure 11; (6) clypcoantennal distance shorter than lateral margin of clypcus; (7) lateral quarter of paraocular area hidden by setae, erect setae about 03 mm long; (8) rest of face with an indistinct impunctatc median line;(9) interantennal distance slightly greater than clypcoantennal distance which is greater than antennocular distance; (11) interocellar distance slightly greater than occlloccipital distance and less than ocellocular distance; (14) hypostomal area of gena with setae as long or longer than on disc; (15) mandible with apical tooth longer than shown in Figure 11A, more like Figure 11C; (16) fasciae of scutum not as distinct as shown in Figure 10; (17) mesepisternurn with lateral surface closely punctate, many more punctures than minute punctures, pubescence long (about 035 mm) and slender; (18) scutellum with posterior margin of dorsal surface broadly rounded; (19) axilla shorter than shown in Figure 10, longer than shown in Figure 14E; (20) metanotum with small amount of setae appressed medially: (21) front coxal spine with anterior surface 15 times as long as wide, small but conspicuous; (22) terga 1-5 with gradular fasciae inconspicuous; (23) sterna 1-5 with irregular fasciae.

MALE. Agrees with the figures and description of Coelioxys texana except as follows: (24) Length 10-12.5 mm; (25) integument as in female (2 above); (27) ocular hairs as in female (4 above); (28) clypeal maigin as in female (5 above); (29) clypcoantennal distance as in female (6 above); (30) paraocular area hidden by setae about 0.4 mm long: (34) interocellar distance equal to or less than ocellocular distance, less than occlloccipital distance; (38) mandible as in female (15 above); (36) scutal fasciae indistinct or lacking; (40-42) mesepisternurn, scutellum, axilla as in female (17-19 above); (43) metanotum with little or no appressed setae medially; (45) tcrgum 2 with median portion of gradular groove bare, carina of lergum 6 denticulate, apical spine of tergum 7 shorter than shown in Figure 13A; (46) setae filling punctures of sterna 1-4 not squamose.

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Erigeron speciosus @ BBSL (1)

Senecio sp @ BBSL (1)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (1)

Updated: 2024-09-21 01:01:33 gmt
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