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Echinostelium elachiston Alexop
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Echinostelium elachiston
© The Eumycetozoan Project, 2006 · 0
Echinostelium elachiston

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Echinostelium elachiston
© The Eumycetozoan Project, 2006 · 0
Echinostelium elachiston
Sporocarps 90-110 µm tall, cream to golden yellow. Stalk 50-80 µm long, somewhat expanded below, often containing granular debris, tapering slightly toward the apex, the apex of the stalk 4-5 µm diam. Sporotheca 30-40 µm diam. Columella a minute conical projection of the stalk or absent. Capillitium rudimentary or absent. Peridium remaining as a distinct membranous collar, 9-20 µm diam., at the base of the sporotheca. Spore-mass cream to yellow. Spores yellow to hyaline, globose to somewhat angular, 6-8 µm diam., minutely roughened.

Links to other sites

  • Alexopoulos,C.J. 1958: Three new species of Myxomycetes from Greece. Mycologia 50: 52-56.
  • Novozhilov,Y.K., Golubeva, O. G. 1986: Epiphytic myxomycetes from the Mongolian Altai and the Gobi desert. [In Russian]. Mikologija i fitopatologija 20(5): 368-374.
  • Pando,F., Oltra, M. 2000: On the spore wall of Echinostelium elachiston (Myxomycetes). Mycotaxon 74(2): 495-498.

The Eumycetozoan Project -- working to understand the ecology, sytematics and evolution of myxomycetes, dictostelids and protostelids -- the true slime molds.

Sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation.

Please send any corrections and comments about this page to John Shadwick
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
email: jshadwi@uark.edu   phone: USA-479-575-7393.

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Aceraceae  Acer negundo @ BPI (1)
Casuarinaceae  Casuarina equisetifolia @ BPI (1)
Cupressaceae  Cupressus sempervirens @ BPI (4)

Juniperus ashei @ BPI (1)

Juniperus phoenicea @ BPI (1)

Juniperus virginiana @ BPI (1)
Fabaceae  Ceratonia siliqua @ BPI (1)

Robinia pseudoacacia @ BPI (1)
Oleaceae  Olea europaea @ BPI (1)
Pinaceae  Pinus halepensis @ BPI (1)
Platanaceae  Platanus orientalis @ BPI (2)
Ulmaceae  Ulmus americana @ BPI (2)

Ulmus sp @ BPI (1)
_  Substrate @ BPI (1)

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