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Megachile centuncularis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Apis centuncularis Linnaeus, 1758; Megachile parvula Lepeletier, 1841; Megachile infragilis Cresson, 1878; Megachile appia Nurse, 1903; Megachile leoni Titus, 1906; Anthemois infragilis (Cresson, 1878); Anthemois centuncularis (Linnaeus, 1758); Megalochila centuncularis (Linnaeus, 1758); Megachile centuncularis nesiotica Mavromoustakis, 1953; Megachile (Megachile) centuncularis sachaensis Davydova and Pesenko, 2002, valid subspecies

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Subgenus: Megachile

Megachile centuncularis, female
© Copyright Celeste Ets-Hokin 2013 · 17
Megachile centuncularis, female

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Megachile centuncularis, male PaDIL
Laurence Packer · 10
Megachile centuncularis, male PaDIL
Megachile centuncularis f
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014 · 8
Megachile centuncularis f

Megachile centuncularis Male
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Megachile centuncularis Male
Megachile centuncularis
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014 · 7
Megachile centuncularis

Megachile centuncularis
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014 · 7
Megachile centuncularis
Megachile centuncularis, leaf-cutter bee
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 6
Megachile centuncularis, leaf-cutter bee

Megachile centuncularis, leaf-cutter bee
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 6
Megachile centuncularis, leaf-cutter bee
Megachile centuncularis
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 6
Megachile centuncularis

Megachile centuncularis
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 6
Megachile centuncularis
Megachile centuncularis, F, Back, NY, Elk Lake
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Megachile centuncularis, F, Back, NY, Elk Lake

Megachile centuncularis, F, Face, NY, Elk Lake
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Megachile centuncularis, F, Face, NY, Elk Lake
Megachile centuncularis, female, S6, light hair basally, apical third of plate is bare, dark apical fringe
Tracy Zarrillo · 4
Megachile centuncularis, female, S6, light hair basally, apical third of plate is bare, dark apical fringe

Megachile centuncularis
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Megachile centuncularis
Megachile centuncularis
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Megachile centuncularis
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

FEMALE: Length 10-11 mm.; entirely black, including tegulae and legs, spurs yellow; eyes very slightly convergent below; clypeus rather strongly convex, apical margin straight, narrowly shining and impunctate medially; mandibles distinctly 5-dentate; lateral ocelli slightly nearer margin of vertex than to eyes; cheeks subequal to eyes in width; punctures rather coarse, but shallow, well separated on vertex laterally, somewhat closer medially, and closely crowded below ocelli, becoming fine, close and obscure on cheeks; punctures rather coarse and well separated on clypeus and supraclypeal area medially, becoming close laterally and along upper margin of clypeus; pubescence quite copious, largely yellowish on head and thorax, but with some darker hairs in region of ocelli and on vertex laterally; pubescence long and copious around antennae and on sides of face below, on clypeus and over most of thorax laterally and posteriorly, dorsum of thorax somewhat more thinly pubescent; punctures of scutum coarse, close and distinct, not very deep, slightly separated only in center of disc, scutellum and axillae with densely crowded punctures; punctures of pleura rather shallow, quite close and coarse, surface rather dull, propodeum somewhat more shining, punctures minute and rather close and obscure; mid and hind basitarsi nearly as broad as their tibiae, but considerably shorter; tegulae shining, with very fine and rather close punctures; wings subhyaline, faintly clouded apically, veins testaceous-piceous; abdominal terga 2-4 with complete, transverse grooves which are submedian near center, somewhat nearer basal margin at extreme sides, punctures fine, rather well separated medially, becoming somewhat closer laterally, those on apical portions of discs somewhat closer than those on basal side of grooves, apical margins not at all depressed medially, somewhat depressed toward extreme sides where there are quite densely yellowish fasciate; tergum 5 not grooved, punctures slightly separated, rather fine and irregular, apical margins slightly depressed, with a complete yellowish fascia; discal pubescence suberect, rather dense, entirely yellow on terga 1 and 2, short, black and erect on 3-5, but with yellowish hairs evident at sides as viewed from above, 6 very slightly concave in profile, with abundant, erect and rather elongate, black hairs evident, surface very finely, closely and deeply punctate across base, these becoming very fine, densely crowded and obscure toward the apex; sternum 6 largely bare and shining, with a subapical fringe of elongate hairs, and a more nearly apical fringe of shorter hairs, apex produced slightly beyond this fringe, yellowish-hyaline; scopa orange-yellow, sternal plates closely, quite uniformly punctate, punctures very fine on the more basal segments, becoming quite coarse and close on the more apical sterna, no sternal fasciae evident.

MALE: Length 8-9 mm.; black including legs, tegulae somewhat more brownish-testaceous, spurs yellow; clypeal margin nearly straight, very slightly and narrowly produced medially, mandibles distinctly 3-dentate, with a triangular, basal, inferior process; apical segment of flagellum slender and elongate; lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and margin of vertex; cheeks about as broad as eyes; punctures deep and distinct, slightly separated on vertex toward each side, rather finely crowded on face medially and below ocelli; cheeks very finely and quite closely punctate, pubescence yellowish, quite dense and elongate around antennae and over face below, rather short but faintly yellowish and quite copious on cheeks below, minutely and densely crowded over lower part of face and clypeus; scutum closely, rather coarsely and distinctly punctate throughout, punctures densely crowded laterally and over scutellum and axillae, very close on pleura; propodeum somewhat shining, smooth, punctures minute and quite close posteriorly; all basitarsi slender and simple, much shorter than their tibiae; middle spurs well developed; tegulae shining, minutely and rather closely punctate; wings subhyaline, veins piceous; basal transverse grooves evident on terga 2 and 3, these together with 1 and 4, quite closely and regularly punctate, apical margins slightly depressed laterally, discal pubescence erect and pale on terga 1 and 2, dark in part on 3-5, base of 5 with a rather large patch of appressed, yellowish tomentum, apical margin depressed, densely yellowish fasciate; tergum 6 shining, with minute and very close punctures and scattered, more or less distinct, well separated nodules, the carina only slightly produced, very shallowly emarginate apically, median teeth of apical margin carinate and broad, lateral teeth very low and subacute; sterna 1-4 exposed, yellowish-hyaline apically, with rather dense fringes of pale yellowish hair, punctures close and rather fine on the more basal terga, becoming somewhat coarser but still close apically; setose area of sternum 5 much restricted, densely setose (fig. 41) setose areas of sternum 6 nearly meeting, apical lobe very small and narrow, barely evident; gonocoxites robust, flexed ventrally, reflexed at tip (fig. 42).

DISTRIBUTION: This is a holarctic species, its range extending from the Pacific to the Atlantic in Canada and the northern half of the United States. In the east it has been recorded from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Virginia, and is in flight from May to September.

FLOWER RECORDS: Melilotus and Trifolium. Medler (1959) records it visiting Epilobium angustifolium and Solidago sp., and states that it is an effective pollinator of alfalfa (Medicago sativa). In the

Revision of Megachile (Mitchell, 1935) the following additional, genera are listed: A. lthaea, Psoralea, Centaurea, Carduus, Grindelia, Helianthus, Inula, Taraxacum and Vernonia. Robertson (1929) lists a number of genera, not previously cited. However, he believed centuncularis and relativa to be synonymous, making his records uncertain.

Extracted from: Sheffield C. S., et al (2011). Leaf cutter and Mason Bees of the Genus Megachile Latreille (Hymenoptera; Megachilidae) in Canada and Alaska. Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification No. 18

Megachile (Megachile) centuncularis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Apis centuncularis Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., Ed. 10: 575 (♀).

Apis rotundata Fabricius, 1787. Mant. Insect. 1: 303 (♂).

Megachile parvula Lepeletier, 1841. Hist. Nat. Insect. Hymen. 2: 340 (♀).

Megachile infragilis Cresson, 1878. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 7: 127 (♂).

Megachile appia Nurse, 1903. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 11: 546.

Megachile leoni Titus, 1906. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 7: 150 (♀).

Perezia maura Ferton, 1914. Ann. Soc. Entomol. France 83: 233 (intersex).

Megachile centuncularis theryi Cockerell, 1931. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 7: 274.

Megachile centuncularis nesiotica Mavromoustakis, 1953. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 6: 779.

Diagnosis. The female of M. centuncularis can be recognized by the combination of 5-dentate mandibles with an incomplete cutting edge between 2nd and 3rd teeth, entirely pale scopa, and T6 with pubescence entirely black. They are most similar to M. lapponica and M. relativa. The female of M. lapponica has black scopal hairs on S6. The female of M. relativa has T6 with conspicuous, erect golden hairs among the black hairs. The male can be recognized by the combination of simple and dark front tarsi, front coxa without spine, 3-dentate mandibles with the teeth equally spaced, clypeus without a prominent median tubercle on apical margin, and the outer tarsal claw much more rounded than the inner claw. They are most similar to M. lapponica and M. relativa. The males of these two species have a prominent median tubercle on apical margin of clypeus, and inner and outer tarsal claws that are equally sharp.

FEMALE: Length 10-11 mm.

Head. 1) compound eyes slightly convergent below; lateral ocelli slightly nearer margin of vertex than eyes (5:6), 2) clypeus rather strongly convex, apical margin straight, narrowly shining and impunctate medially, 3) mandibles distinctly 5-dentate, with an incomplete cutting edge between 2nd and 3rd teeth (Plate 1, Figure M14), 4) gena subequal to compound eye in width, 5) punctures rather coarse, but shallow, becoming slightly separated (< 1 pd) on vertex laterally, somewhat closer medially, and closely crowded on frons, becoming fine, close and obscure on gena; punctures rather coarse and well separated on clypeus and supraclypeal area medially, becoming close laterally and along upper margin of clypeus, 6) pubescence quite elongate around antennae and on lower paraocular area and on clypeus, hardly obscuring surface, largely yellowish, but with some darker hairs in region of ocelli and on vertex laterally, 7) F1 longer than broad (2:1.5), longer than pedicel, slightly longer that F2, subequal in length to remaining flagellomeres, which are slightly longer than broad (2:1.7), apical flagellomere elongate (7:3).

Mesosoma. 1) pubescence largely yellowish, quite copious laterally and posteriorly, , dorsal surface somewhat more sparsely pubescent, 2) punctures of mesoscutum coarse, close and distinct, not very deep, slightly separated only in center of disc, scutellum and axilla with densely crowded punctures; punctures of pleura rather shallow, quite close and coarse, surface rather dull, propodeum somewhat more shining, punctures minute and rather close and obscure, triangle shiny and impunctate, 3) mid and hind basitarsi nearly as broad as their tibiae, but considerably shorter, spurs yellow, 4) tegula shining, with very fine and rather close punctures anteriorly, almost impunctate in posterior half, 5) wings subhyaline, faintly clouded apically, veins brown-black.

Metasoma. 1) T2-T4 with complete, transverse grooves that are submedian near center, somewhat nearer basal margin at sides, punctures fine, rather well separated medially, becoming somewhat closer laterally, those on apical portions of discs somewhat closer than those on basal side of grooves, apical margins not at all depressed medially, somewhat depressed toward sides where there are quite densely white fasciate; T5 not grooved, punctures slightly separated, rather fine and irregular, apical margins slightly depressed, with a complete white fascia; discal pubescence suberect, rather dense, entirely pale on T1 and T2, short, black and erect on T3-T5, but with yellowish hairs evident at sides as viewed from above, T6 very slightly concave in profile, with abundant, erect and rather elongate, black hairs evident, surface very finely, closely and deeply punctate across base, these becoming very fine, densely crowded and obscure toward the apex, 2) S6 largely bare and shining, with a subapical fringe of elongate hairs, and a more nearly apical fringe of shorter hairs, apex produced slightly beyond this fringe, yellowish-hyaline; scopa orange-yellow, sterna closely, quite uniformly punctate, punctures very fine on the more basal segments, becoming quite coarse and close on the more apical sterna.

MALE: Length 8-9 mm.

Head. 1) compound eyes subparallel to slightly converging below; lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and margin of vertex, 2) clypeal margin nearly straight, very slightly and narrowly produced medially, though hardly tuberculate, 3) mandibles distinctly 3-dentate, basal process triangular, subbasal in position, 4) gena subequal to compound eye in width, 5) punctures deep and distinct, slightly separated on vertex toward each side, rather finely crowded on frons; gena very finely and quite closely punctate, minutely and densely crowded over lower part of face and clypeus, 6) pubescence yellowish, quite dense and elongate around antennae and over face below, rather short but faintly yellowish and quite copious on gena below, black on vertex and on gena above, 7) F1 about as long as broad, longer than pedicel, and shorter than remaining flagellomeres, which are longer than broad (5:3), apical flagellomere slender and more elongate, twice as long as broad.

Mesosoma. 1) pubescence largely yellowish laterally and posteriorly, dorsal surface somewhat more sparsely pubescent with intermixtures of black hairs on mesoscutum and scutellum, 2) mesoscutum closely, rather coarsely and distinctly punctate throughout, punctures densely crowded laterally and over scutellum and axilla, very close on pleura; propodeum somewhat shining, smooth, punctures minute and quite close posteriorly, triangle shiny and impunctate, somewhat rugosostriate along basal margin, 3) all basitarsi slender and simple, much shorter than their tibiae; spurs yellow, middle spur well developed, outer tarsal claws much more rounded than the inner ones, which are pointed, 4) tegula somewhat yellowish-brown, shining, minutely and rather closely punctate, 5) wings subhyaline, veins black.

Metasoma. 1) T2 and T3 with basal transverse depressions; T1-T4, quite closely and regularly punctate, apical margins slightly depressed laterally; discal pubescence erect and pale on T1 and T2, dark in part on T3-T5, base of T5 with a rather large patch of appressed, yellowish tomentum, apical margin depressed, densely yellowish fasciate; T6 shining, with minute and very close punctures and scattered, more or less distinct, well separated nodules, the carina only slightly produced, very shallowly emarginate apically, median teeth of apical margin carinate and broad, lateral teeth very low and subacute, 2) S1-S4 exposed, yellowish-hyaline apically, S1-S3 with rather dense fringes of pale yellowish hair, discs sparsely pale pubescent; punctures close and rather fine on the more basal terga, becoming somewhat coarser but still close apically.

Genitalia. Plate 2, Figure G14.

Discussion. Although historically considered holarctic in distribution (which is confirmed by DNA barcoding), the lack of specimens of M. centuncularis from northwestern North America is atypical for a holarctic species (see Map 14). Recent study of an unrelated bee species with a similar range has demonstrated that the North American populations resulted from an introduction (Zayed et al. 2007), the same may be true for M. centuncularis. Further studies to confirm the status of this species in North America are warranted. Megachile centuncularis is a cavity nester, and accepts trap-nests (Table 1), has a second generation in some parts of its range in Canada (C.S. Sheffield, pers. obs. in NS).

Distribution: Widespread in southern Canada from NS-BC (see Map 14).

Extracted from: Mitchell, T. B. 1980. A Generic Revision of the Megachiline Bees of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). North Carolina State University. 1-93.


HEAD: 1. Ratio of median length (clypeal mar¬gin to median ocellus) to maximum width (be¬tween outer margins of eyes) - 29:44. 2. Eyes - Length, 42; lateral width, 8; ratio of upper, to maximum, to lower inter¬spaces - 27:30:26. Very slightly convergent below (A-2); inner margins nearly straight (B-l). 3. Clypeus - Median length, 10; basal width, 12; apical width, 24. Surface strongly convex (A-2); apical margin nearly straight (B-l); obscurely dentate on each side of cen¬ter (C-2); length slightly exceeded by basal width (D-3); apical width twice basal width (E-l); surface closely and finely punctate.

4. Supraclypeal area sligntly convex (A-2); median length less than that of clypeus (3-1). 5. Surface of parocular areas below level of antennae quite flat (A-l); maximum width about two-thirds basal width of clypeus (B-3). 6. Subocellar area - Surface flat (A-l);and densely punctate (B-l).

7. Antennal sockets - Distance to clypeus, 7; to eye, 7; to median ocellus, 10; and to each other, 8. Equidistant from clypeus and eye (A-l); nearer eyes than to each other (B-2); nearer eyes than to median ocellus (C-2); nearer clypeus than to each other (D-2); nearer clypeus than to median ocel¬lus (E-2); and nearer each other than to med¬ian ocellus (F-2).

8. Antennae - Relative lengths of scape,10; pedicel, 2.5; flagellar segment one, 4; two, 3; six, 3; and ten, 4; breadth of six, 2.5. Median segments slightly longer than their breadth (A-2); apical segment much shorter than scape (B-l).

9. Vertex - Surface nearly flat, ocellar triangle not elevated (A-3); margin slightly incurved (B-l) and not carinate (C-2).

10. Lateral ocelli - Distance to eye, 9; to occipital margin, 6; to each other, 6. Ocelli nearer occipital margin than to eye (A-2); equidistant from occipital margin and each other (B-l); and nearer each other than to eyes (C-2).

11. Genae - Maximum width, 12; width of eye in lateral view, 8. Width greater than that of eye in lateral view (A-3); narrowed, both above and below (B-3); occipital margin not carinate (C-2); not protuberant below (D-2); hypostomal area flattened and only normally pubescent (E-l).

12. Labrum - Length, 12; basal width, 12; apical width, 8. Basal width equal to median length (A-l); apical width much exceeded by median length (B-3).

13. Mandibles - Length, 20; dentate margin, 11; inner margin,10. General form short, den¬tate margin about equal to inner margin (A-l) apical margin obscurely 5-dentate (B-4);small bevelled cutting edges in second and third interspaces (D-3); submarginal line distinct, extending from second tooth to inner angle, separating the smooth, dentate margin from the punctate upper surface; inferior sub-marginal line about straight, with a distinct fringe of short hairs; basal processes absent (C-4).

14. Labial palpi - Length of segment one, 12, and segment two, 14. Segment one nearly equal to segment two (A-l). MESOSOMA: 15. Scutum - Median length, 40; breadth at tegulae, 33. Surface evenly con¬vex (A-l); with setiferous punctures (B-3); these contiguous in large part (C-6), some¬what separated in center; median line dis¬tinct but fine (D-l); parapsidal lines dis¬tinct, slightly elevated (E-2).

16. Pronotal lobe - Transverse ridge low and obscure (A-l).\

17. Mesepisterna - Surface finely and closely punctate (A-l).

18. Scutellum - Median length, 10; basal breadth, 12. Posterior margin broadly rounded (A-2); strongly convex at midline, and thus discontinuous with slope of scutum (B-2); sur¬face finely and closely punctate (C-l).

19. Axillae - Upper surface more finely and closely punctate than scutellum (A-2).

20. Metanotum - Lateral extensions posterior to base of hind wing only shallowly depressed beneath carinate margin of scutellar crest (A-3).

21. Metepisterna - Unmodified.

22. Propodeal triangle - Inferior margin nearly horizontal laterally (A-2), but curving apically to a nearly acute apex (B-l); median length much longer than median groove below (C-3).

23. Fore wings - Total length, 100; length of radial cell, 28. Recurrent veins subequally distant from base and apex of second submarg-inal cell (A-l); subhyaline in color (B-2), veins pale brownish (C-2).

24. Tegulae - Minutely and closely punctate (A-l); black or piceous (B-l).

25. Fore legs - Normal (A-l); tarsal claws with small but distinct and acute basal teeth (B-l).

26. Mid legs - Coxae, trochanters, femora and tibiae normal (A-l); latero-apical angles of basitarsi not produced (B-2),and these api¬cal angles of tarsal segments 2 and 3 not pro¬duced (C-2).

27. Hind legs - Coxae, trochanters, femora and tibiae normal (A-l); basitarsi shorter than their tibiae, narrowed apically (B-l).

28. Basal tergum - Margin of concavity (the gradular line) subcarinate (A-2); concavity smooth and shining, punctures minute and ob¬scure (B-l); vertical fold linear (C-l); post-gradular area short and flat medially, becom¬ing broad laterally (D-l).

29-31. Terga 2-4 - Graduli complete and car¬inate (A-l); pregradular area exposed in part (B-2); closely punctate along gradulus, becom¬ing sparse toward base (C-l); postgradular areas slightly convex along midline (D-2); punctures fine and quite close (F-l) ; apical rims narrowly depressed laterally, but not medially; apical fasciae evident laterally, narrowed or interrupted medially; discal pubescence short but erect, visible in pro¬file and along lateral margins in dorsal view.

32. Tergum 5 - Gradulus incomplete or ob¬scure (A-2); pregradular area normally covered by tergum 4 (B-l); closely punctate along gradulus, becoming sparse toward base (C-2); postgradular area very slightly convex along midline (D-2); punctures uniformly close and fine (F-l); apical rim narrowly depressed lat-terally, but not medially.

33. Tergum 6 - Basal width, 30; median length, 13. Basal width much greater than median length, (A-2); very slightly concave toward apex (B-2).

34. Basal sternum - Apical margin expanded apically and laterally, margins of the ven-tro-lateral areas more divergent (A-2); punc¬tures minute and crowded (B-2); apical margin abruptly declivous medially, marking apex of median elevation, surface sloping laterally to a point near or beneath the lateral tergal area (C-l); apical margin not conspicuously fringed (D-2).

35. Sternum 2 - Basal margin deeply in¬curved, nearly reaching gradulus medially (A-l); gradulus linear and subcarinate (B-l); pregradular area nearly impunctate (C-l); postgradular area very finely and densely punctate (D-l), covered in large part by elongate, simple 8copal hairs (E-l).

35. Sternum 2 - Basal margin deeply in¬curved, nearly reaching gradulus medially (A-l); gradulus linear and subcarinate (B-l); pregradular area nearly impunctate (C-l); postgradular area very finely and densely punctate (D-l), covered in large part by elongate, simple 8copal hairs (E-l).

36-38. Sterna 3-5 - Graduli linear and not carinate (A-2); pregradular areas cover¬ed by the preceding sterna (B-l); postgradlar areas closely and finely punctate (C-l); uni¬formly covered with elongate, simple, scopal hairs (D-l); apical margins (rims) narrow, smooth and shining (E-l), and not fasciate (F-l).

39. Sternum 6 - Surface slightly convex (A-2); basal half closely punctate and well covered with scopal hairs (B-l), becoming sparse apically; apex rather narrowly round¬ed (C-2), with a dense fringe of short setae (D-l), and without an apical lip.


HEAD: 41. Ratio of median length (clypeal margin to median ocellus) to maximum width (between outer margins of eyes) - 27:44. 42. Eyes - Length, 29; lateral width, 11; ratio of upper, to maximum, to lower inter¬spaces - 27:27:22. Inner margins slightly convergent below (A-2); inner margins slightly incurved (B-2) 43. Clypeus - Median length, 10; basal width, 10; apical margin, 20. Surface normal¬ly convex (A-3); apical margin very slightly outcurved (B-2); simple (C-l); median length equal to basal width (D-l). 44. Supraclypeal area - Surface nearly or quite flat (A-l); median length less than that of clypeus (B-l). 45. Parocular areas - Maximum width, 6. Surface below level of antennae quite flat (A-l); maximum width about half basal width of clypeus (B-2); carina slightly elevated, not separated from eye (C-2). 46. Subocellar area - Surface flat (A-l); densely sculptured (B-l). 47. Antennal sockets - Distance to clypeus, 5, to eye, 5; to median ocellus, 8; and to each other, 9. Equidistant from eye and cly¬peus (A-l); nearer eyes than to each other (B-2); nearer eyes than to median ocellus, (C-2); nearer clypeus than to each other (D-2); nearer clypeus than to median ocellus (E-2); and slightly nearer median ocellus than to each other (F-3). 48. Antennae - Relative lengths of scape, 7; pedicel, 2; segment one, 2.5; two, 3; six, 3.5; eleven, 5; breadth of six, 2.5. Median flagellar segments longer than their breadth (A-3); apical segment much shorter than scape (B-l). 49. Vertex - Surface broadly, transverse¬ly convex (A-l); occipital margin slightly incurved (B-l); not carinate (C-2). 50. Lateral ocelli - Distance to eye, 7; to occipital margin, 7; to each other, 6. Equidistant from eye and occipital margin (A-l); slightly nearer each other than to oc¬cipital margin (B-3); and slightly nearer each other than to eyes (C-2). 51. Genae - Maximum width, 9, slightly ex¬ceeded by width of eye in lateral view (A-2); narrowed below (B-l); hypostomal area flat¬tened and pubescent (C-5). 52. Labrum - Median length, 13; basal width 10; apical width, 9. Basal width much ex¬ceeded by median length (A-2); apical width much exceeded by median length (B-3), and slightly exceeded by basal width (C-l). 53. Mandibles - 3-dentate (A-l); inferior process basal and narrowly triangular (B-4). Labial palpi - Segments one and two approximately equal (A-l).

MESOSOMA: 55. Scutum - Median length, 26; breadth at tegulae, 30. Surface evenly con¬vex (A-l); punctate, with setiferous pits (B-3); punctures crowded (C-7); median line distinct but fine (D-l); parapsidal lines slightly elevated (E-3).

56. Pronotal lobe - Transverse ridge low and obscure (A-l). 57. Mesepisterna - Surface finely and densely punctate (A-l); spines of tubercles on ventral surface lacking (B-2). 58. Scutellum - Median length, 10; basal breadth, 12. Posterior margin broadly roun¬ded (A-2); strongly convex at mid line, and thus discontinuous with slope of scutum (B-2); surface finely and densely punctate (C-l). 59. Axillae - Upper surface resembling that of scutellum (A-l). 60. Metanotum - Lateral extensions pos¬terior to base of hind wing only shallowly depressed beneath carinate margin of scu-tellar crest (A-3). 61. Metepisterna - Unmodified. 62. Propodeal triangle - Inferior margin nearly horizontal laterally (A-2), but curv¬ing apically to a nearly acute apex (B-l); median length much greater than median groove below (C-3). 63. Fore wings - Total length, 90; length of radial cell, 22. Recurrent veins sub-equally distant from base and apex of second submarginal cell (A-l); subhyaline (B-2), veins pale brownish (C-2).
64. Tegulae - Minutely and closely punc¬tate (A-l); piceous in color (B-l). 65. Front coxae - Surface broadly convex (A-l); closely and minutely punctate (B-5); spines lacking (C-l); bristles lacking (D-l); pubescence elongate and rather copious (E-2); surface entirely black (F-l). 66. Mid coxae - Unmodified (A-l). 67. Hind coxae - Unmodified, anterior surface punctate and pubescent (A-l). 68. Trochanters - Front pair unmodified (A-2), length about equal to apical breadth (B-l); black (C-l); length of mid pair grea¬ter than apical breadth (D-2); black (E-l); length of hind pair no greater than apical breadth (F-l); black (G-l). 69. Front femora - Simple and unmodified (A-l); punctate area of outer face piceous, otherwise chiefly testaceous (B-5). 70. Mid femora - Anterior surface smooth and shining, punctures obscure or lacking (A-l); posterior surface nearly flat, closely and finely punctate (B-l); piceous to dull reddish (C-2). 71. Hind femora - Unmodified (A-l); dark red or piceous, spurs yellow (B-2). 72. Front tibiae - Apex of outer face slightly broader than base, but surface broad¬er medially (A-3); anterior and pouterior faces much broader medially or apically than outer face (B-2); outer face black, otherwise to some degree ferruginous (C-2). 73. Mid tibiae - Outer face nearly parallel-sided, apex very slightly broader than base (A-l); apex normal, with a well developed spur (B-1); ventral ridge normal, spur locat¬ed at its apex (C-l) 74. Hind tibiae normal. 75. Front tarsi - Basitarsi slender, simple and unmodified (A-l); tarsi 2-4 simple and unmodified (B-1); tarsus 5 unmodified (C-l); posterior fringe rudimentary, with rather short pale hairs (D-l). 76. Mid tarsi - Basitarsi slender and par¬allel-sided (A-l); tarsi 2-4 not as broad apically as the median length (B-2); tarsus 5 unmodified (C-l); posterior fringe rudimenta¬ry, with short pale hairs (D-l). 77. Hind tarsi - Basitarsi slender and sim¬ple, nearly parallel-sided (A-l); tarsi 2-4 somewhat elongate, length greater than apical breadth (B-2); tarsus 5 slender and elongate (C-l). Relative lengths (L) of tibiae, basitarsi, tarsi 2-5 and tibial spurs, and breadths (B) of tibiae and basitarsi. 78. Basal tergum - Margin of concavity sub-carinate (A-2); concavity smooth and shining, punctures obscure (B-1); vertical fold linear (C-l); postgradular area short and flat medi¬ally, becoming broad laterally (D-l). 79-81. Terga 2-4 - Graduli distinct and complete, but not carinate (A-l); pregradular areas normally covered by the preceding ter¬gum (B-1); sculpture of pregradular areas hid¬den; postgradular areas deeply, transversely channelled just posterior to the gradular line (D-l); postgradular punctures very fine and close throughout (F-l) ; apical rim shallowly and rather broadly depressed laterally, but not medially (G-l); apical fasciae white, widely interrupted on the more basal terga, becoming complete on the more apical terga basal fasciae, posterior to graduli, nar¬row but entire on terga 3 and 4; discal pubescence more elongate and erect, visi¬ble in profile and along lateral margins in dorsal view (1-2). 82. Tergum 5 - Gradulus distinct and com¬plete, but not carinate (A-l); pregradular area normally covered by tergum 4 (B-1)post¬gradular punctures very fine and closely crowded (F-l); apical rim narrowly and deeply depressed across entire plate, partially cov¬ered by the protuberant disc. 83. Tergum 6 - Gradulus distinct and com¬plete, but not carinate (A-2); pregradular area entirely covered by tergum 5, and impunc-tate (B-1); exposed postgradular area minute¬ly subrugose (C-l); transverse carina forming an angle with surface above, as seen in pro¬file (D-l); margin of carina straight and en¬tire medially (E-5); lower surface of carina transversely elongate, mid line very short (F-2); median teeth of apical margin narrowly rounded, nearer lateral teeth than to each other (G-3). 84. Tergum 7 - Very short medially, its breadth several times greater than median length (A-l). 85. Basal sternum - Expanded apically and laterally, margins of ventro-lateral areas of over-lapping tergum more divergent (A-2)• ap¬ical margin gently declivous, somewhat ex-panded medio-apically (B-4). 86-88. Sterna 2-4 - Postgradular areas norm-ally exposed (A-l); basal margins incurved but not reaching gradulus, which is linear and complete, but not carinate (B-1); pre¬gradular areas covered by preceding sterna • apical margins of sculptured discs thick- ' ened, the rims depressed 89. Sternum 5 - Entirely retracted (A-l)• gradulus well defined (B-1); deeply incurved, becoming closely approximate medially to bas¬al margin (C-l); latero-aplcal pubescence not borne on definitely delimited sclerites (D-2); postgradular area well covered with slender and simple setae that are oriented radially to the center of the apical margin 90. Sternum 6 - Setose areas rather widely separated medially (A-l), composed of trans¬versely elongate lines of short setae (B-2)• setae hair-like and unmodified (C-l); apical lobe obsolescent (D-l). 91. Sternum 7 - Obsolescent (A-l). 92. Sternum 8 - Apical lobe with neither surface nor marginal hairs (A-3). 93. Gonoforceps of genitalia - Slightly protuberant at base (A-l); strongly con¬stricted above base (B-2); strongly com¬pressed medially (C-2); inner surface to some degree hirsute (D-l); apex slender, much narrower than the shaft medially (E-3)

Scientific source:

Supported by

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apiaceae  Apium sp @ BBSL (1)
Apocynaceae  Apocynum cannabinum @ PN- (1)

Asclepias incarnata @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Asparagaceae  Asparagus officinalis @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Asteraceae  Arctium lappa @ MLSB__N16- (4)

Arctium minus @ BBSL (3)

Arctium @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Centaurea cyanus @ AMNH_BEE (1); CUIC_ENT (1); I_HHGA (1)

Centaurea jacea @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Centaurea sp @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Centaurea @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Cichorium intybus @ PN- (3); MLSB__N16- (2)

Cirsium arvense @ MLSB__N16- (1)

Cirsium sp @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Cirsium spp @ PN- (1)

Cirsium undulatum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Cirsium vulgare @ MLSB__N16- (1); CUIC_ENT (4); UCMS_ENT (6)

Erigeron speciosus @ BBSL (1)

Grindelia squarrosa @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Helianthus annuus @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Helianthus maximiliani @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Helianthus @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Hypochaeris radicata @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Rudbeckia @ I_JSA (1)

Silphium integrifolium @ I_AJM (1)

Solidago @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Sonchus arvensis @ AMNH_BEE (1); CUIC_ENT (4)

Sonchus spp @ PN- (2)

Symphyotrichum spp @ PN- (1)

Tanacetum vulgare @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Taraxacum officinale @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Taraxacum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Vernonia fasciculata @ AMNH_BEE (2)
Boraginaceae  Anchusa officinalis @ BBSL (1)
Brassicaceae  Brassica rapa @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Cactaceae  Opuntia humifusa @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Caprifoliaceae  Lonicera arvensis @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Lonicera @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Symphoricarpos @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Caryophyllaceae  Lychnis flos-cuculi @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Convolvulaceae  Convolvulus arvensis @ MLSB__N16- (1)
Fabaceae  Baptisia @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Lathyrus latifolius @ MLSB__N16- (1)

Lotus corniculatus @ PN- (1); BBSL (1); MLSB__N16- (2); CUIC_ENT (1)

Lupinus arboreus @ I_CEH (1)

Medicago sativa @ AMNH_BEE (4); CUIC_ENT (17)

Melilotus officinalis @ AMNH_BEE (7); CUIC_ENT (3)

Melilotus @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Phaseolus vulgaris @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Robinia hispida @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Securigera varia @ MLSB__N16- (4)
Lamiaceae  Caryopteris x @ CUIC_ENT (4)

Salvia farinacea @ CUIC_ENT (2)
Lythraceae  Lythrum salicaria @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Malvaceae  Alcea rosea @ AMNH_BEE (3); UCRC_ENT (1)
Onagraceae  Oenothera villosa @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Oenothera @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Ranunculaceae  Ranunculus acris @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Ranunculus @ CUIC_ENT (3)
Tamaricaceae  Tamarix @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Verbenaceae  Verbena hastata @ MLSB__N16- (1); CUIC_ENT (1)
_  male @ I_JSA (1)

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